After completing the first major dungeon in Zelda: Echoes of WisdomYou must choose whether to go west to the Gerudo Desert or northeast to the Zabul Waters. If you choose to go to the desert region, home of the powerful Gerudo women, it will start one of the main questlines. An echo of wisdom: A rift in the Gerudo desert. Continue reading to find out how to clear the entire mission including: Gerudo sacred place the dungeon
When you first enter the Gerudo Desert, stay at the bottom of the path, and you'll run into a trio of Gerudo women standing near some trees. For the exact location, check the images above. They will mention that the Gerudo Sanctuary has been pulled into one of the rifts, making it inaccessible.
If you look at a map of the desert, you can see a large crack on the west side. But if you have yet to explore the entire area, check out the map below where the rift is. To trigger the next part of the quest, you must go to the area south of the rift to start a dialogue with Tri. That red pin in our screenshot is where you need to get to.
After Tri stops talking, go ahead and Talk to the guard on the left who is blocking the entrance to the cave. The conversation will end soon, a young woman will need help from Zelda.
Summon your best Echo to defeat the monsters, and Exploit will thank you. See her again Gerudo Palace in Gerudo Town towards the north. You'll meet Chief Sera and Fawcett, who need proof that Zelda can mend the rifts.
Once you're dismissed from the meeting, the guard outside will tell you to head east to the oasis. Just use one of the fast travel waypoints to get there. If you haven't visited it yet, just head east, and it'll be an area that's easy to get to.
Dohna will stand by the lake with two others. She tells Zelda that there are three small rifts that need to be fixed that are scattered around the desert. They are on Southern Oasis Ruins, Ancestor's resting cave, and the Southern Gerudo Desert.
Three locations will be marked on your map. One is slightly south of Gerudo Town, another is south of Oasis, and another is northeast of Town. To make things easier, let's go south of the oasis and find two soldiers fighting on the ground near the rift.
Southern Oasis Ruins Rift Walkthrough – Echoes of Wisdom
It seems that the Gerudo duo is at their limit and cannot fight the hordes of monsters that appear from the great rift. Use your best Echoes and Swordfighter forms to get the best of the enemies.
The guards will thank you after dealing with the baddies. Unfortunately, Tri couldn't make the Rift entrance here, but at least Zelda was around to save the day.
Cave of the Ancestors Rest Rift Walkthrough – Echoes of Wisdom
Now, go to the point marked on your map northeast of Gerudo Town. You will see a beautiful entrance to the cave with two burning flames on the side.

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The blue outfit is my favorite Echoes of Wisdom Zelda outfit because it stands out so well against the environment, and I love its color palette. I don't like wearing two of Link's outfits, and I don't particularly like the Royal Travel Attire – although it's a good chance from the costume. The two cat costumes are also really cute, but I only equip them when I want to talk to the cat.
When you go in, go right left and use your Bind power to move the block, revealing a secret room.
In the next room, defeat the enemies, learn Holmil Echo, and then move the boulder to find a hidden staircase. Scroll down to enter the 2D section.
As soon as you step on the sand, Use molehill echo to dig the hole in the first place. This will take you to a treasure nearby the chest with a golden egg.
Make your way to the right of the section to find several stairs leading back to the main room. Two torches (use Brazier or Ignizol Echo), and the Gerudo will thank their ancestors for honoring them.
Southern Gerudo Desert Rift Walkthrough – Echoes of Wisdom
Now, head south of the Gerudo Town waypoint to find a group of warriors near another rift. Dohna wants to go to Zelda Smoothie Shop in Oasis to get Cactus Smoothie. He will also give you two pieces of Chili Cactus.
Bring the smoothie back to the guards and the sub quest will be completed. Now, you must Check back with the chief At the Gerudo Palace.
A Crack in the Gerudo Desert Cont.
Next, go to the crack northeast of the oasis. You'll find a bunch of people there, including Chief, Facette, and Dohna.
Once the initial conversation is over, walk a few steps north towards the edge of the rift and press the A button at a suspicious location with several bells.
Stable Desert Temple Ruins Walkthrough – Echoes of Wisdom
Entering the Rift leads to Zelda Static desert temple ruins. Luckily, we have a complete guide on how to find the ruins and all of Tri's friends. So you can click here to jump to that walkthrough.
Cryptic Cave and Gerudo Sanctum Walkthrough – Echoes of Wisdom
Once Tri's friends are rescued from the Rift, you can head south to Gerudo Town and Enter the cave stopped by the guard. It is to the left of the “entrance” to the Gerudo Sanctuary.
We have a full walkthrough for Cryptic Cave here. Once you finish the mini-dungeon, you can finally enter Gerudo sacred placeFor which we also have a guide.
By going through the dungeon and beating the boss, Zelda will gain access to the Swordfighter Form Bow, a full heart container, additional tri rod summoning power, and might crystals.
It will conclude'A rift in the Gerudo desertThe main search in ' Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.