#530 New York Times Connections clues and answers for November 22, 2024

Connections is back with another collection of challenging words to try to put in the right places. To win, you have to figure out which word goes where without any clues but the words themselves. You also have a limited number of mistakes you can make before losing.

If you already know how to play Connections, You know how challenging these puzzles can be. For those who want help, you can find all sorts of helpful hints and spoilers in the expandable, cover-up sections below.

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Words in NYT Connect Puzzle #530 for November 22, 2024


The Connections The puzzle for today contains the words: fantasy, team, love, focus, lens, exposure, position, meet, zoom, shutter, press, angle, treasure, coverage, perspective, and late

Clues for the NYT Connect puzzle

If one or two hints are what you need to get through this browser-based puzzle game, check out the sections below. Each includes a helpful hint or two to help you win it.

Some general hints for the whole connection puzzle

Yellow NYT Connections category signals

Yellow connect square answer

Yellow connect square answer and all four words

Green NYT Connections category signals

Green connect square answer

Green connect square answers and all four words

Blue NYT Connections category signals

Blue connection square answer

Blue connect square answers and all four words

Purple NYT Connections category signals

Purple connect square answer

Connect the purple square answer and all four words

Answers for Today's NYT Connections #530 for November 22, 2024

Looking for a complete answer? Within the expandable section below, you can find the full spoiler for today's New York Times games. Connections. Take a peek inside to see all the categories and the words that go into each.

Want to play? Check out the New York Times Sports Connect website, available on almost any device with a browser.



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June 12, 2023

The New York Times Company

The New York Times Company


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