7 games where saving everyone comes at a cost

Key takeaways

  • Life Is Strange forces players to choose between Chloe and Arcadia Bay
  • The Last Of U presents a difficult choice where Joel defends Ellie over humanity
  • Mass Effect puts players in a situation where they can lose more lives when saving the council

The best video games out there are known for offering players a great experience and difficult choices that will always haunt them. In many situations, players will be forced to choose between their character's friends or family and the rest of the world, which is a terrifying scenario, albeit a fantasy.

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More often than not, they will be chosen for. However, there are other instances where it will be up to them to decide if the world is worth their loved ones, or if they want to make a selfless choice and suffer for it for years to come. Here are some The best game where everyone comes in saving costs.

This article contains major spoilers about the games covered, so please proceed with caution.

7 Life is strange

Is Arcadia Bay really worth it?

January 30, 2015

  • Players must choose between Chloe and Arcadia Bay
  • A wonderful storytelling approach

Life is strange One of the best games to feature multiple options and an episodic adventure storytelling approach. The title focuses on Max, an 18-year-old photographer who discovers that he has the power to rewind time to change many events. When Max is reunited with his old friend Chloe, they will embark on an adventure to discover the many secrets behind Arcadia Bay.

At one point in this story, players will face a very difficult decision – save Chloe or the city of Arcadia Bay. At first glance, the decision may seem simple. Sacrifice a dear friend to save dozens or hundreds of lives. However, there is much more to this decision than meets the eye and players should give it a lot of thought.

The Life is Strange franchise features six different playable charactersSo players will have plenty of options as they try out the various titles available.

6 The Last of Us Part 1

Saving Ellie costs millions of lives

September 2, 2022

  • Joel makes a choice that many would consider selfish
  • Players are not given a choice, but many ethical questions are raised

With the recent release of The last of us TV show, many players who had never experienced video game titles were given the chance to discover what was available This interesting post-apocalyptic universe. at the end of The Last of Us Part 1Joel is faced with a stark choice — let Ellie die and be studied by fireflies to give humanity a fighting chance, or destroy the entire species with the love of his newly adopted daughter.


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Yes, the players aren't really given a choice when it comes to the situation, and Joel will always save Ellie from the fireflies. However, even when this is the case, the story presents a very interesting moral dilemma. If given the chance, will the players make the same choices as Joel, or will they sacrifice their loved ones for the good of the entire human species?

Many players on the internet claim that maybe it was possible to study Eli without being killed, which is debatable, but it raises some interesting questions.

5 Mass Effect

Save the council or let it die?

November 20, 2007

  • Saving the council results in an even worse scenario, as more lives are lost
  • Players' choices will affect events in the sequel

Mass Effect One of the best deep space-oriented RPGs of the past two decades. This title not only presents players with a unique and interesting story with multiple paths and dialogue options, but it forces them to make many difficult choices along the way.

When players reach the end of the game, they will be forced to decide between saving the Citadel Council or ignoring their pleas for help and focusing on their efforts to destroy the mighty Sovereign ship.

Any choice will result in casualties, so there is no ideal scenario, and there is no way to save everyone. But, letting the council die Seems like a dark choiceIt could be argued that saving them would result in more lives being lost, which ultimately renders that scenario a worse option in many ways. Depending on what the players choose, there will be different outcomes for the ending Mass Effect and its sequels.

4 Undertale

Players can choose a pacifist approach, but it won't be easy

September 15, 2015

Toby Fox

  • Players can choose against violence while exploring the underground
  • Keeping monsters alive is great, but it makes the game harder

Undertale Not only presents players with a very interesting story, but allows them to choose how they want to behave and the path they want to take. The story begins with players controlling a child, who is known as the Underground, a mysterious and isolated area beneath the surface of the earth, separated from the rest of the world by a magical barrier.

As they progress through the game, players will encounter many monsters that are threatening and have malicious intentions. If players are hell-bent on saving everyone, they can choose the pacifist path, which allows them to choose against killing any monsters. And while this decision is very noble, it also means that they will face more challenges than if they chose to kill everything they encounter. Yes, it is A very bad approachBut this is, arguably, the easiest way to finish the game.

3 The Witcher 3

Different options affect many people

  • Players can choose between saving the tree soul or killing it
  • The game has many options that keep players in place

The Witcher 3 One of the best (if not the best) medieval RPGs of the last 10 years, as it has everything players need to enjoy it. This title features amazing voice acting, a fascinating story, many different combat approaches, and many main and side quests that will give players hundreds of hours of unmatched enjoyment.

One of the hardest choices players have to make is at the beginning of the story. When Geralt meets the Crones of Cronback Bog in Valen, he must choose between freeing the Tree Spirit or killing it. What players choose and how they deal with this situation, there will be different outcomes. If the players choose to save the tree spirit, the children captured by the crones will be freed, but the other characters will be in danger and the entire village will suffer for it. On the other hand, if the tree spirit is killed, the crones will be satisfied, resulting in the village being safe, but the children will be destroyed, as many players see. Very bad decision.

In any case, the Whispering Hillock Quest is a perfect example of how it's impossible to save everyone.

2 BioShock Infinite

A mind-blowing story that ends with a bang

  • The concept of multiverse is explored in depth
  • Booker realizes that losing his life could save thousands

Few games have left more players scratching their heads BioShock Infinite. While the franchise has always been known for presenting players with a predictable plot and then revealing a shocking twist near the end of each game, BioShock Infinite Takes things a step further and plays with the concept of multiplicity and fate.

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Instead of facing a stark moral choice to save or destroy a large group of people, the game decides to reveal to players that they are the cause of most of the world's suffering. When Booker DeWitt realizes that he is Father Comstock and Elizabeth's full powers are unleashed, she reveals a grave truth to him. Columbia City, Rapture, and any other utopia that exists in the universe comes from his mind and the endless cycle of humans seeking righteousness and transforming a corrupt society.

Ultimately, both Booker and Elizabeth recognize that the only way to stop the suffering these utopias represent is to destroy the man behind them before they are created. Drowning in his youth, Booker changes every timeline, saving thousands of innocent lives. And while that's not great news for Booker, it does mean that his sacrifice was made for a greater good.

overall, BioShock Infinite One of those games that needs to be played more than once to get the full picture — and even then, Some things still don't make sense.

1 Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur makes the ultimate selfless sacrifice

October 26, 2018

  • Arthur Morgan has a wonderful character arc
  • John Marston and his family get to live another day thanks to his sacrifice

Red Dead Redemption 2 The best western story ever told in a video game. The title also features amazing mechanics and combat, exploration and NPC interactions. Not to mention that environments are carefully crafted, meaning cities feel alive, and open rural settings convey an unparalleled sense of inner peace.

Players who have finished the game, or at least progressed through the story until the final chapter, know that Arthur's fate is sealed due to tuberculosis. This not only gives him a new perspective on life but also inspires him to make the ultimate sacrifice to help John Marston and his family avoid certain death. Although he is unfortunately unable to save other members of the party such as Lenny or Shawn as they are killed earlier in the story, his ultimate sacrifice allows the others to live and gives this title a wonderful ending.


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