All civilizations legacies in an era of history 3

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There are many resources that gamers will need to keep an eye on Age of history 3. Legacy Points are an example of this, as they are one of the most important resources in the game, and players will need to increase their Legacy Point generation rate if they want their civilization to continue. Players will need to earn Legacy Age of history 3 Various upgrades can be purchased, including legacies, which will grant permanent bonuses to their provinces.

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This guide explains what players need to know about generating Legacy Points Age of history 3 And Legacies go deeper into what gamers can unlock after earning enough points.

How to get more legacy points in age of history 3

Legacy points can be used to reduce battle fatigue, increase taxes and economic efficiency, develop infrastructure, recruit generals and advisors, convert, increase manpower and activate civilization legacies. To increase legacy point generation, players can build certain buildings, such as monuments, or select specific civilization benefits.

Here's how to get more Legacy Points Age of history 3:


A monumental era of history 3

the building

Legacy point generation rate


construction time


0.25 legacy/month

60 gold

365 days


0.35 legacy/month

80 gold

500 days


0.3 legacy/month

100 gold

730 days

Solar farm

0.4 legacy/month

200 days

730 days

royal palace

1.8 Legacy/Month

400 gold

730 days

National Museum

2.3 Legacy/Month

400 gold

730 days

Planting spices

0.1 legacy/month

75 gold

365 days


0.15 legacy/month

75 gold

365 days

diamond mine

0.1 legacy/month

75 gold

365 days

Marble mine

0.15 legacy/month

75 gold

365 days

Paper mill

0.1 legacy/month

75 gold

365 days

Olive Farm

0.05 legacy/month

75 gold

365 days

Advantages of civilization


When players complete research on technology Age of history 3They will receive one benefit point, which they can spend on civilization benefits. having access to Monument technology Allows players to unlock three tiers of monthly Legacy Civilization benefits. Here's how much more Legacy gamers can get per month from the monthly Legacy Civilization benefit Age of history 3:

  • Tier 1: +0.3 Legacy/month
  • Tier 2: +0.35 Legacy/month
  • Tier 3: +0.4 Legacy/month

All civilizations legacies in an era of history 3

Civilization Heritage Age of History 3

in Age of history 3There are four types of civilizational legacies: administrative, economic, military, and diplomatic legacies.

Civilization heritage type



Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Administrative legacy

Effective infrastructure

Construction cost




construction time




Effective tax

Tax efficiency




Increase tax efficiency costs




Integrated Administration

State maintenance




Infrastructure development costs




The highest level of the Supreme Court



Maximum infrastructure level




Centralized command

Manpower recovery speed




Maximum manpower




Battle width




Economic legacy

Innovation hubs





research per month




Agricultural revolution

growth rate




The rate of increase increases the cost




More buildings in the province




Chamber of Commerce

income generation




Production efficiency




Economic boom

Maximum amount of gold




Invest in financial costs




Advisory costs




Military legacy

Experienced generals

General Assault




General defense



Life expectancy of all characters

+3 years

+6 years

+10 years

Maximum level of military academy for generals




Army tradition

unit defense




Max Morale




Maximum level of military academy




military dominance





unit attack








Siege specialization

regiment limit




Siege effectiveness




Recruitment time




Army movement speed




Diplomatic legacy

Diplomatic skills

Improve relationships




Diplomacy points




Loan interest




Maximum number of loans




Maximum level of capital




Tribute system





Income from Vassals




Normal cost




Alliance Expertise

Maximum number of alliances


Maximum consultant skill level




Advisor Pool




crisis resolution

Recovery of manpower from disbanded forces




aggressive expansion




Disease mortality rate




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