All Unreleased Pokemon Seen in Huge Leak Explained

Key takeaways

  • 'Teraleak' Reveals Scrapped Pokemon Critters, Prototypes, and Future Releases
  • Over 2,000 pieces of Game Freak employee information were also unfortunately leaked.
  • Uncover Gen 3 Pokemon like Monorabi and Warabitto with unique backstories.

A huge leak has hit Game Freak, revealing a vast amount of information about it Pokemon suffrage Nicknamed 'Teraleak', this explosion of information has unveiled, among other things, a smorgasbord of details related to the scrap. Pokemon critters.

The Pokemon Major leaks in the series have produced a nearly endless well of development information for past and upcoming games, details of unreleased Pokémon, future releases, prototypes, and scrapped character bios. Belonging to the last category, a scrapped story about Typhloon is particularly blown away – its content is similar to horror pasta about Hypno or Drifloon. Game Freak released a statement about the leak, saying that, in addition to franchise information, 2,000 pieces of personnel information were unfortunately released to the public. Game Freak apologized for the oversight, and said it would contact affected employees where possible.

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All of the scrapped Pokemon were revealed via Game Freak's Terralek

In addition to upcoming and prototype Pokemon being leaked, a good number of scrapped Pokemon have also been found. These unused Pokemon were collected by u/vagrantwade in the r/PokeLeaks Beta Leaks Megathread. In this post, a 'Gen 3 Prototype' spreadsheet document can be found (originally compiled by The Cutting Room Floor), which shows all missing Pokemon that have been discovered. Most fall into two broad categories: orange (which may have been scrapped before February 2002) and pink (which may have been scrapped after March 2002). Exact dates are extremely vague, so these benchmarks should not be taken as gospel.

Orange-class Pokemon

  • BoyattoBii
  • Toroica
  • Nobinobi
  • Monorabi
  • Stumbu
  • Rikugin
  • Arey
  • Carmelo
  • Puchi
  • Kujata
  • Penpin
  • Libra
  • Hakkeyou
  • big
  • Ninfu
  • Kajito
  • cry
  • Berumuuusu
  • the hippo
  • Charmin
  • listen to
  • Bonbongo
  • Shiomagune
  • Turchin
  • Ponku
  • Tanpu
  • Poutsu
  • Suiba
  • Soap
  • Panpamu
  • Hakogame
  • Togepyon
  • Juruju
  • Adog
  • weather
  • Tinky
  • Snorora
  • of Yakko
  • Itoton
  • Happy
  • Supanku
  • Kurumi
  • sansan
  • Jaza
  • Gugu

Orange is definitely the biggest class of unreleased Pokemon found in the leak. Many of these creatures have names that haven't undergone the changes that most Pokémon receive, mainly because each name rarely deviates from the original Japanese. An example of this in these leaks is the Pokemon Velmar, which was once named 'Hoeruko'.

As with other Pokemon leaks, the small details are blown away just as easily as the big ones. Many of the Pokemon listed contain developer notes, most of which are evidence of why these Pokemon were eventually left behind. The bug-like Bii, reportedly replaced by Wingull, notes 'I change colors' – which lines up with Wingull, another flying Pokemon but with a switch to a different color scheme. Some Pokemon, such as Sudoudo and Keromelo, were considered too similar to other Pokemon, while others received more lukewarm comments, such as Rikugin's 'I like the idea, but…'.

Monorabi, a Pokemon that looks like Eevee's fire-type, received one of the least flattering criticisms, a simple note that read 'looks deformed'. Like other orange-category Pokémon, all of which must have been decommissioned before February 2002, Monorabbit's bio has very little detail – while some pink-category Pokémon have short stories attached.


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Warabitto, the scrapped starter Pokemon

Starter Pokémon are the most iconic of their respective generations, but some are left behind. One example shown in the document is the Pokemon Warabbitto, a rabbit-like creature wearing a life preserver that was once slated to be a Gen 3 starter.

Based on the concept art originally depicting Warabitto, fans have been able to piece together that the rabbit was once going to be a water-type starter. This meant that Warabitto was replaced by the beloved Pokemon Mudkip, although many fans seem to dislike Warabitto making a comeback, the aquatic rabbit quickly gaining its share of fanart.

Pink-class Pokemon

  • Tota
  • Maize
  • Biscal
  • Kanbok
  • virginity
  • Kodoman
  • Seasonal
  • Shakokaku
  • Furaputo
  • in the car
  • Purun
  • Evolotto
  • Ullon
  • Archaeon
  • Yo-ooo

Pink-class critters received more than other Pokemon in the leak, but are unlikely to ever see the light of day. However, the fact that these Pokemon get a little more than the Pokemon in Orange means that they have more stories to their name. For example, Archaeon has several 'uncertain' notes about its traits, namely 'its scales are formed into wings' and 'its form has not changed since the age of the dinosaurs'. In fact, other notes in its spreadsheet section call it a 'living fossil', with feathers strong enough to cut iron.

Uulon is another Pokemon with full knowledge, with many details of its nomadic nature. Purun is the same, with a good amount of detail surrounding its diet and love of flight. Evolotto is an odd case with this, as much of the lore surrounding this canceled Pokémon relates to its ability to evolve into any Pokémon – a trait similar to Ditto's main abilities. However, its 'unconfirmed' section of the notes suggests that it evolves through 'transformation' and into 'different' different Pokémon, making the true nature of its concept even more elusive.

Still, like other parts of these Pokemon leaks, there are criticisms attached to some of the scrapped Pokemon in the Pink category. Some of these, again, are criticisms related to Pokémon that look too much like their peers, such as Otoma's note 'I wish it was less similar to Poliwag'. Even more ridiculous is Kodomon, which is labeled with the note 'Looks like Dragon Quest', which may refer to its smiling face and wide eyes, which actually resemble the famous Slim from Dragon Quest.

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