While the Pokemon TCG Packed with valuable expansion sets to collect, certain promo releases are also desirable, such as the Southern Isles set. This special promo set originally coincided with the release of the second Pokemon movie (Pokemon 2000 akaThe Power of One) in Japanese. This edition includes two promo folders with nine cards per set.

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The English version was released with all 18 cards in the set in a single folder and added three booster packs and postcards to the bundle. These gorgeous promo cards all have similar rarities, although some have a reverse hollow pattern, while others are more like regular rare cards. These adorable Cantonese Pokemon headline the most valuable cards in the Southern Isles.
Cards are ordered according to their TCGPlayer
market price,
What you can pay on average for a copy of the cards below.
Given the age and rarity of these cards,
those with one
Established market value on TCGplayer
are included.
Selling prices vary depending on the condition of the card,
So this market value is only a rough idea of the value of the card.
8 Jigglypuff – $21.74
A sweet puff ball
Jigglypuff is one of the most valuable cards you'll find in the Southern Isles promo set, even though it's one of the simpler designs. Does not show flashing reverse holo pattern. Despite this key visual difference, Jigglypuff's popularity bolsters its value.
Despite the steady drop in price from $25 to under $22, Jigglypuff remains one of the most sought-after cards from the promo set. played heavily (HP) Cards start at $11.67, with moderate play (MP) Copies for $13.75, lightly played (LP) For about $17. Near Mint (NM) Copies carry a small premium and can hit high $24.99 in perfect condition.
7 Vileplume (Reverse Hollow) – $22.04
A brilliant couple
Southern Isles is best known for featuring multiple Pokémon in each card's art, giving us a wonderful depiction of the lives of these two Vileplume-like twins.
Damaged copies start at under five dollars, then MP cards jump to $7.50 and LPs jump into the $12 range. Surprisingly, the NM Copies are rare and At its peak it could command up to $25.69.
6 Lapras – $22.38
Shines on its own
Lapras doesn't need a spectacular Reverse Hollow format to beat Vileplume as one of the most valuable cards from the Southern Isles. Lapras' immense popularity has played a large role in its high price. While missing out on the reverse hollow hurts its value, the flawless Dratini in the background helps compensate.

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This card can fetch about ten dollars even in damaged condition, as HP cards will only fetch about 25 cents, MP cards will fetch just over $14. LP copies are still close to MP, only getting as high as $17, while NM A big jump is on the cards $25 range, getting as high as $26.
5 Wartortle – $22.97
Friends playing in the water
Warturtles rarely get their time in the spotlight, as Squirtles and Blastoises are featured more often than their mid-development. Despite Wartortle's awkward position as the middle child, Wartortle finds a friend in Horsea, who helps create a sweet moment between the two.
Hersia's presence is essential to help the Wartortle claim a spot in the top five, as it barely edges ahead of its friend, the Lapras. The range of this card is a little wider than Lapras, as damaged copies start at less than seven dollars, but NM copies can go towards $30.
4 Marill (reverse hollow) – $30.95
A sunny day with Magicarp
Marill puts the Reverse Hollow pattern back on the menu, as this little blue Water-type Pokemon appears alongside Magicarp in this gorgeous view of the sun. Marill flies in the air with joy as it jumps in excitement, while Magikarp mimics Marill's mood.
Marill opens a healthy lead on Wartortle, taking us into the $30 range NM copies sometimes reach as high as $35. However, if you want to own the card in any case, this card is very cheap, you can usually buy it. Damaged copies for less than seven dollars.
3 Sloking (Reverse Hollow) – $37.32
Get in line
Slwoking stands tall as one of the three most expensive cards in the Southern Isles, as this fantastic illustration of Slowpoke's evolution combines with Bellsprout and Psyduck to form an adorable goofy trio.
The purple reverse hollow pattern is the perfect complement to the bright visuals of this card.

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This card is experiencing small growth over time, like this one Ended at around $35 in 2023 Before finding its footing in 2024 and rising to the $37 range. While this jump may not seem surprising, the Continuous positive price movement is indicative of high demand for this card.
2 Togepi (reverse hollow) – $45.78
More than just an egg
Togepi takes the spotlight away from Sloking and its friends, as this colorful egg Pokémon enjoys a peaceful stroll through the southern islands.
Togepi looks on with a smile on his face
Its friends Bulbasaur and Pikachu play in the background,
However both Pokemon are partially cut out of the frame.
Togepi has seen more momentum build for it than Sloking, as this Pokemon once sat below the $39 mark, but continues to rise. Now sits north of $45. NM sales can exceed this price, bringing as much as $50 in some cases, although you can find LP copies for as low as $22 if you want a clean card, but you don't need perfection.
1 Mew (Reverse Hollow) – $128.45
A bright day under the rainbow
Mew claims its title as the most valuable card in the Southern Isles promo set and also earns a spot as one of the most valuable Mew cards. This scene includes sections of Pidgeot and Charizard included in the scene, although the focus is primarily on Mew.
Mew is following the same price trend as Sloking and Togepi, as it continues to gain in value, jumping off the $100 plateau at the end of 2023 and is now above the $128 mark, illustrating. A huge gain of about 28 percent in less than a year. This card has a bright future ahead of it.

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