Anime that had surprisingly dropped in quality

It's natural that some people will be hyped for certain anime series to the moon and back that show their incredible animation, fun storytelling, memorable characters, and everything else along the same lines. These shows make a strong first impression and attract a ton of fans, fans expect bigger things with each successive season and episode.

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So, it can be heartbreaking for viewers to see a sudden drop in the quality of the experience they have invested in the anime that is simply stunning. It's hard to fathom how a series with limitless potential fell flat in such a shameless fashion. A number of factors contribute to this unwanted drop-off, turning what could be a legendary anime series into a warning about how badly the production cycle can turn an anime's hype.

5 The Promised Neverland

Season 2 completely canceled everything the first season did in record time

The Promised Neverland

Release date
January 10, 2019


the creator
Kaiu Shirai

The first season of The Promised Neverland It was one of the funniest hours the audience could enjoy. The mystery of an orphanage where children are being fed to ghosts is a horrifying revelation, as the children come together to escape the orphanage in a thrilling series that is beautiful to watch despite its depressing moments. It's an amazing season that leaves fans clamoring for so much, so a second season is so disappointing.

Instead of taking things at a proper pace, the second season royally dropped the ball and removed any of the tension or mind games that made the original run such a huge hit. Instead of working for the orphans, everything is handed to them on a silver platter. To make things worse, one of the series' best arcs was left out entirely, leading to a rushed ending that felt like an insult to the fans who wanted to see the series.

4 A one-punch man

The JC staff was facing an uphill battle living up to Madhouse standards

A punch man

Release date
October 5, 2015

Madhouse, JCS Staff

the creator

Back when Madhouse was at the top of its game, A one-punch man Its incredible animation and hilarious comedy have amazed fans over time, allowing viewers to enjoy an incredible series that has taken over pop culture. Saitama quickly established himself as one of the most iconic anime heroes of all time, possessing seemingly limitless reserves of power. Despite the long delay, fans expected more of the same from Season 2.

However, while the story was faithfully adapted, one area where this adaptation was a big step up from its predecessor was the animation quality. Madhouse's impressive work set a high standard that the JC staff didn't meet, leaving many of the animations feeling flat. It's a shame, and fans can only hope that Season 3's animation quality levels up. A one-punch man achieved with his first season.

3 Ninja Kamui

The show lost its edge after replacing hand-to-hand action with boring mecha fights

Ninja Kamui

Release date
February 11, 2024

E&H Productions, Sola Entertainment

Sunghoo Park

Ninja Kamui It's a show that has won over fans with its amazing hand-to-hand combat, smooth flowing animation. This was one of the biggest strengths of the series and something to stick with, but the series made the major mistake of integrating CGI that was far from flesh. The move to mecha battles was a death blow to the series' hype, especially when everything from the design to the animation was sub-par at best.

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This led to Ninja Kamui Falling flat after just four episodes, that makes for one of the most sudden and shocking drop-offs in quality for any series. Viewers had a hard time sitting through scenes where flat CGI mechs fought without any style. If Ninja Kamui Sticking to its hand-to-hand fights, it could have at least made a name for itself with its brawls alone, but the series' hype died down completely after fans expressed their displeasure about the dip in quality.

2 Death note

A huge turning point in anime turning one of the best thrillers into an average one at best

Death note

Release date
June 17, 2006

Sousuke Kaneko

Based on
Manga by Tsugumi Ohba

That's not a secret Death note One of the most popular shonen thrillers of all time. His attempt to become God of Light by punishing criminals with heart attacks for sending a message leads to a battle of wits as his insect persona is hunted down by a genius spy named El. The show managed to keep the audience engaged with the dialogue alone. A great achievement for this mystery series.

Until L dies, Death note A must watch shonen anime. It's a shame that the arc that follows it isn't nearly as compelling, presenting bootleg and edgy versions of L that aren't all that compelling. After this point the show turns into a run-of-the-mill mystery anime, a huge step back from the unputdownable nature of the first few episodes that fans can't get enough of to this day.

1 Uzumaki: Spiral into terror

No anime has ever dropped so hard after a single episode

Release date
September 28, 2024

Fugaku, Akatsuki

the creator
Junji Ito

The first episode of Uzumaki There was an outpouring of praise from Junji Ito's fans who were looking for a better adaptation of the horror mangaka's work. Even though the first episode was a bit too fast-paced at times, there's no denying that the animation in this episode was in a class of its own. Fans of the mangaka rejoiced and wondered how the second episode would build on this promise, only to receive a slap in the face a week later.

Instead of the stellar animation that fans loved, the show was filled with lazy frames, laughable scares, and behind-the-scenes drama as creator Jason DeMarco aired his grievances about how he was duped and coerced by a third party. Leave quality to meet deadlines. There's no excuse for a four-episode miniseries to suffer such a drastic drop in quality, and fans admit they'll have to wait a long time before a worthy Junji Ito anime adaptation graces them.


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