Asmongold reveals why he's no longer streaming WoW


  • Asmongold is bored with World of Warcraft after spending thousands of hours in the game.

  • He spent over 100 hours on WOW vs. about 1500 streaming “just chatting” in 2024.

  • Asmongold's popularity and finances remain strong despite his reduced WW streams.

Asmongold is not streamed World of Warcraft As much as he did before on Twitch, and now he explains that he is bored with the game. The question came up during a recent Twitch stream, where Esmongold explained his feelings World of Warcraft And gave some insight into the direction of his channel.

Asmongold began to play World of Warcraft Back in 2006, and it arguably changed his life. Three years later, Asmongold would begin releasing videos on YouTube World of WarcraftEventually developing into him, streaming games regularly for years to come. As one can imagine, World of Warcraft Fans who helped push Esmongold on Twitch are curious as to why the streamer hasn't been as active in the game.

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During a recent stream, Asmongold was asked about his absence World of Warcraft Article and the reasoning behind it. Esmongold acknowledged the question, saying he gets asked it daily, and that it makes sense given his history on video platforms. However, he basically doesn't want to stream it these days because the game bores him. Asmongold has spent thousands of hours playing the game World of Warcraft Over the years, and he says he doesn't feel like he has anything left to do in the game that is fulfilling. World of Warcraft “Boring” and “weird” to him. It wasn't the first time he'd said something like that, as Esmongold said he had World of Warcraft Back to 2022.

Will Asmongold Stream be added to World of Warcraft in the future?

In 2024, Asmongold spent only 100 hours playing the game World of WarcraftAbout 1500 Vs in “Just Chatting” category. Asmongold has left the door open for the possibility of a return World of Warcraft. However, he notes that he wants to take it easy on games, and doesn't feel the need to “earn respect by playing video games” through hardcore. World of Warcraft currents. He says that could absolutely change, but for now, Asmongold fans shouldn't hold their breath for him returning to the MMORPG in force for the foreseeable future.

While Asmongold isn't doing as much work as it got him the fame and attention in the first place, it doesn't seem to have had a significant effect on his popularity or finances. Asmongold's second channel was recently monetized, earning him over $90,000 in just a few days with viewers subscribing and donating bits. While it is possible that some of his listeners may fall away now that they know the streamer's current stance World of WarcraftMost have gotten used to the new direction of their channel.

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