Battlefield 6 Returning Map Wish List

Although each battlefield The entry brings something new to the table, Battlefield 2042's addition took the formula of the franchise in a direction that fans weren't too happy about. following 2042A departure from the norm, many fans are looking to return to the roots of the series, and that's exactly what it is Battlefield 6 It is said to have proposed.

In a September 2024 IGN interview, Vince Zampella, head of Respawn and group GM for the EA Studios organization, stated that EA was trying to “go back to the core of what Battlefield is” for the next entry in the franchise. While Battlefield 6 While the launch should ensure that there is plenty of new content, nothing feels more like a return to form than the addition of a handful of remastered maps taken from the series' best entries.

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Return to Battlefield 6 map

Wake Island on the battlefield

A main of battlefield Since its debut in 2002, the franchise, Wake Island, has appeared in a total of six mainlines. battlefield Entries. Wake Island is themed as a WW2-era map, a futuristic 2142 setting, a modern-day battlefield, and a Vietnam War-era map. Cement is not an easy solution Battlefield 6The roots of the franchise's history rather than include a new version of Wake Island.

Battlefield 3's Caspian Frontier

Battlefield 3 is home to some great maps battlefield history, and the Caspian border is widely considered one of its finest. Undoubtedly the pinnacle of the classic large scale battlefield Action, the Caspian border offers a wide playground that includes several sniper spots, close-quarters arenas, and airspace for dogfights. Although appearing in Battlefield 2042Portal mode, it deserves another chance in the spotlight, and it will be an easy way Battlefield 6 To evoke nostalgia.

Battlefield 3's Operation Metro

At the opposite end of the spectrum of the Caspian border, Battlefield 3Operation Metro is considered the pinnacle of the series' close quarter gameplay. Operation Metro's underground tunnels are renowned for their chaotic firefights, with large teams forced to duke it out in tight, narrow spaces.

Battlefield 1's St. Quentin Scar

Some great maps on battlefield History has struck an impossible balance between all game styles, providing enough close-quarters spaces for intense infantry firefights, large spaces for long-range sniper duels, and enough space on the ground and in the air for vehicular combat. Battlefield 1The Co Saint Quentin Scar strikes that balance perfectly. 2008 remake of St. Quentin Scar Battlefield 6 Fans also have the opportunity to propose something completely new, as it requires a transformation from WW1-era theming.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2's Erica Harbour

Another map was included Battlefield 2042portal mode, Battlefield: Bad Company 2Erica Harbor deserves another remake, its Portal version lacks the rush objective layout that made it so popular to begin with.

Zavod of Battlefield 4

I like it a lot Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4 Also has a bevy of great maps that are worth remaking or remastering. One of the most unique options would be Zavod, an abandoned Cold War-era tank factory surrounded by dense forests. Battlefield 6 Could also go above and beyond and add Zavod's Graveyard Shift variation, a nighttime version of the map that encouraged players to use night vision goggles and play more stealthily.

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