Borderlands 4 looks to pull the trigger on the franchise's Chekov's gun

Border 4 The game made a big splash at Awards 2024 with its revealing new trailer. The first teaser for the next installment in the premier looter shooter series hit several different notes: a look at the new Vault Hunters. Border 4Updates on fan-favorite characters, and of course, lots of new guns. But perhaps more interesting than anything else was the first look at some of the fourth game's story beats, including a first look at another villain trying to take over Pandora.

story in Border 3 This was something of a weak point for the title, with many fans citing Calypso Twins as inferior to its beautiful predecessor, as the threequel did not reach the same heights as previous installments. A key moment in the trailer may indicate that Border 4's story intends to take the series to the next level by addressing one of the most mysterious hanging plot threads of one of the series' most underrated entries.

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One Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Feature should come alive in new shapes in BL4

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel had a lot of unique ideas, and one of them deserves to be brought back in Borderlands 4.

Borderlands 4 looks set to finally deliver on Watcher's 'Vault Hunter Battle'

A plot thread ten years in the making

Although it is sometimes overlooked, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel may have set up a plot for Border 4 A full decade ago, in 2014. The game ends with the Watcher, a mysterious alien entity that makes itself known at the Sanctuary and needs all the Vault Hunters they can get before ominously warning the characters of an impending war. The subsequent Holodome DLC revealed that Axton and Gage were trying to recruit Arelia, but after that the “war” became an afterthought.

Border 3 It largely ignores this plot thread in favor of focusing on Calypso and the Children of the Vault Cult, but looks like a first. Border 4 Gearbox could indicate that the long-predicted Battle of the Watchers is dusting off. Border 4The reveal trailer shows the game's four new Vault Hunters running into hordes and hordes of enemies standing in their way.

It's more “war-like” imagery than the series has already explored and is a possible sign of Gearbox that it's finally going to live up to its promise of war. Pre-sequel. The new villain Border 4The Timekeeper, as of now, is something of a mystery. There's no telling their exact motivations, but whatever they are, they seem willing to bring in an army to help advance their goals.

As exciting as Vault Hunter War is, it's good that the series is moving on to new stories.

The Watcher was a mysterious player The pre-sequelAppeared onscreen only twice during the game's runtime. Almost nothing is known about it except for the fact that it is certainly Eridian in origin. This war, and maybe even the Timekeeper, can trace their origins border area The most mysterious faction of the series. This would certainly explain why the Watcher was so quickly clued into the imminent threat. The battle may result in a resurgence of the Aridian presence in the galaxy, as many long-time fans of the series will agree that they are not entirely convinced that every Aridian is extinct.

The precise details of the conflict do not matter Border 4It has the distinct possibility that Vault Hunter Wars players have been waiting for since 2014. If so, it's good that Gearbox is finally delivering on it, because it's been a long time coming. border area An unaddressed and unresolved plot thread. Closing the book on Watchers War will keep the series moving forward with new ideas and concepts, and give some long overdue resolution to one of the most underrated games in the series.


Border 4

See if you have what it takes to go down in history as a legendary Vault Hunter as you search for secret alien treasures, blasting everything in sight.

Loot shooter





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