Every character returning to Borderlands 4 has been revealed so far


  • Zane Flynt returns as an NPC in Borderlands 4, providing an opportunity for further character development.
  • Claptrap's iconic humor will return, adding a real frontier feel to the game.
  • The Nine-Toes may be making a comeback, hinting at possible callbacks to previous titles in Borderlands 4.

Border 4’s release is getting closer, which means fans will likely continue to look for more information about the revealed game. The latest revelations for Border 4 2024 took place at the Game Awards, where the gameplay trailer showcased many of the game's biggest features — such as its Vault Hunters, open world, new vehicle system, weapons, grappling hook and more. That trailer also includes several “confirmations” of the beloved border area Characters who will obviously return in the next game.

The border area The series has never shied away from seeing its best characters return, so this makes sense Border 4 There will be no difference. So far, some of the most memorable characters from the series are making a comeback Border 4Which suggests that even higher returns are possible.

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Borderlands 4 has already featured several returning characters

Jane Flynt returns from the frontier 3

one Border 4Returning characters are Jane Flynt, who makes her debut Border 3 As one of its playable Vault Hunters. Unfortunately, Jane was arguably the worst Vault Hunter Border 3Not because of her lovable and charming personality, but simply because of her gameplay. compared to Border 3Unlike other Vault Hunters, Zane has a much higher skill ceiling, as his more viable builds are as complex as his backstory. Ultimately, before Gearbox released a balance update that favored him it initially outputted much less damage than other playable characters.

Now he is going back inside Border 4 As an NPC, however, Jane has a chance to rise to a notable position that she missed. Border 3. Because Zane will be an NPC rather than a playable Vault Hunter Border 4There are more opportunities for the game to develop his character, which is especially beneficial for him, considering his relationship with Notorious. border area Villain, Baron and Captain Flynt.

Claptrap is confirmed to make an appearance

of course, Border 4 a will not border area A game without jokes and sarcasm, with Claptrap, the lovable robotic mascot appearing in every mainline. border area game and several spin-offs. It is currently unclear what Claptrap's role will be Border 4But his iconic humor and quirky personality will help make it feel real. border area experience, where its story goes or what its world looks like.

Nine fingers appear to be turned back from the border

A character featured in the latest gameplay trailer Border 4 But not explicitly confirmed to reappear is Nine-Toes, a bandit boss and the first major boss encountered in the original. border area the game His presence is expected Border 4 It raises many questions about the game's story, especially when it comes to its potential to explore time manipulation, since Nine-Toes was defeated in the first game. However, his inclusion indicates that Border 4 May feature callbacks to previous titles, potentially reintroducing familiar characters and stories.

Gaige may be returning from Borderlands 2

Another character that seems to be coming back in Border 4 Gaige, from Mechromancer Border 2. An important part of this theory comes Border 4's official teaser trailer, which shows Gage's psycho mask-like mechanical arm. At first, it is believed to be the hand of Border 4The antithesis of, but the hand of the timekeeper in the new gameplay trailer Border 4 The hand doesn't match the one shown in the teaser trailer, providing further evidence of Gaige's return.

As anticipation for Border 4 As the build continues, the potential return of beloved characters like Zane Flynt, Claptrap, Nine-Toes, and possibly Gaige only adds to that anticipation. These familiar faces should help connect veterans border area Fans with older entries and potentially deeper storytelling, especially for characters like Zane. Whether through heartfelt reunions or surprising twists, fans can expect Border 4 Celebrate what makes border area special


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