Raid is the newest game mode introduced Fallout 76 With brilliant depth updates. Raids are the most difficult thing a player can do in the game. If you are part of a team, completing the raid is quite a challenge. This mode is geared towards teams of high-level players who are well-armed and well-protected.

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Since it's such a difficult series of missions to complete, the rewards are top notch. Not only will players receive huge amounts of XP, Scrip, and other standard items, but they will also receive some new and unique rewards. This guide goes through everything there is to know about completing raids Fallout 76.
How to start a raid in Fallout 76
For other missions like daily ops and campaigns, there is no special menu for completing raids.. To start the raid, you need to make your way into the glowing depths. Thankfully, this place is easy to reach. Open your map and scroll down. It's hard to miss because it has its own unique triangle icon with a skull. Once you get there, go inside to start the raid.
When you can go straight in, It's best to go as part of a team. There is a new team option that is dedicated to raids. If this is your first raid, it is better to join someone else's team rather than lead it yourself. Raids are incredibly challenging. If you die repeatedly and have to start over, some of your teammates may leave and join another team. To prevent this from happening, it's best to participate as a party member rather than a squad leader until you feel confident enough to lead a group on a raid.
How to complete a raid in Fallout 76
Once you enter the glowing depths, the raid will start automatically. Nothing will happen immediately, because you need to make your way to the first area. Completing a raid from start to finish involves you completing five steps. Each stage is designed to get progressively more challenging. If you die during the raid section, unless your teammates can finish it without you, that part of the mission will fail, and you'll need to try again. To help boost the odds of successfully completing a raid, be sure to bring lots of bullets, and lots of stimpacks, and use your best weapon and armor set. Each of the five sections you need to complete is broken down below.
Step 1 – Defeat the EN06 Guardian
Once the team leader/you press the red button on the first open cell, the EN06 Guardian will activate.. It is a tank robot turret with lots of health and incredibly powerful attacks. Players who don't resist too much damage will die quickly. To increase your odds against this enemy, do whatever you can to boost your damage resistance. Ideally, you should be wearing a full set of quality power armor with good legendary effects.
EN06 Guardian is not easy to beat. A will periodically fill the center of the room Blue electric water source which causes more damage to the player. It is best to stay behind the pillars and use them for cover. However, the EN06 Guardian can damage pillars, and some of its explosive damage can reach you even when you're in cover.
You cannot use melee attacks against an EN06 Guardian, so you need to use a ranged weapon.. To take out the Guardian, you first need to destroy its shield generator. It is attached to its back. Once you destroy it, the EN06 Guardian will be vulnerable to attack for a limited time. After some time, the room itself will be engulfed in flames. Thankfully, one of the three blast doors will open. Once the blast door opens, go through it. From here, fire at the EN06 Guardian.
Try to damage the robot as much as possible. Make sure you are on the outside of the door to avoid being trapped inside when the door closes and the interior is engulfed in flames. After this, repeat the process until the EN06 Guardian is destroyed. This is important to note Each of the three blast doors will open only once, So you'll only be able to destroy its shields and attack three times before the mission fails.

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Step 2 – Fill and protect the drill
The next step is not as dependent on the damage output as the first entry. This step is all about speed and safety. You need to protect the drill from the endless attacks of mole miners. While you are doing this, you need to find fuel canisters and fill the drill up with fuel. However, things are not that simple. The room with the drill is the 'safe room'. While mole miners will enter this room to try to destroy the drill, ultragenetic mole miners cannot gain access.
Ultragenetic Mole Miners cannot be killed. Not only that, but they can kill you in one hit.
- These special mole miners patrol the hallways around the drill room.
- These hallways are where the fuel is located.
- The fuel is spread over a very large area.
- Each player can only carry One fuel canister at a time.
To accomplish this, the team must be divided. Some players must stay in the drill room, fending off mole miners, and the remaining two players must make a run and leave the 'safe room' to find fuel canisters. Be sure to avoid being hit by the Ultragenetic Mole Miners, as they will seek you out as soon as you leave the 'safe zone'.
Over time, the mole miners who can enter the 'safe room' will become more powerful. So, this mission is all about speed. You and your team need to deliver a total of 15 fuel canisters to fill the drill. Once the drill is fully fueled, provided it is not destroyed, you will receive some rewards and move on to the next stage.
Step 3 – Defeat Enclave Squad Epsilon
In the third stage you and your team are playing Enclave Squad Epsilon. This team consists of three powerful super soldiers. Each is equipped with a different type of weapon:
- Bloodhound There is a laser chainsaw
- Lynx Uses a cryogenic grenade launcher
- the vulture Uses a Gauss rifle
They are all incredibly powerful, and they have a lot of health. unfortunately, You can't do any damage to Enclave Squad Epsilon unless you destroy every one of their Ultragenetic Shield Generators. There is a generator in a room behind each soldier's pod. Once you remove the generators, bloodhounds, lynxes, and vultures are vulnerable.
However, to throw even more havoc on the mission, the Eyebots will begin to repair. These robots will attempt to repair the generator. Be sure to keep an eye out for these, and take them out immediately – they can repair a generator incredibly quickly.
The order in which you take down the soldiers does not matter in terms of completing the mission. However, many players try to eliminate Lynx first. This is because Lynx's slow-down effect makes players very vulnerable. Once he's out of the way, the rest of the mission is a little easier. Just kill the remaining two soldiers to move on to the next stage.
Step 4 – Survive the Ultragenetic Horde
The fourth stage takes you and your team to a room full of green crystals. You will be tasked with removing the security lockout. To accomplish this, you need to eliminate the Ultragenetic Horde. An ultragenetic mole minor will spawn. Like the second stage, this mole cannot be damaged by the minor player's weapon. The only way to damage the mole miner is by shooting green crystals. The blasts released from the crystal will hurt the Mole Miner. It will also release a poisonous gas cloud that damages the player, so don't get too close.
Not only does the ultragenetic mole miner spawn, but many other ultragenetic enemies as well. These other enemies cannot kill the player in one shot like the Mole Miner. However, like the Mole Miner, you can only kill them by exploding the crystal when they're nearby. There are many crystals in the area, so use them wisely. Try to get a large group of enemies to get close to the crystal before you shoot it. If you run out of crystals, you won't be able to complete this step.
All crystals in the ground are similar in size. However, there are two very large crystals suspended above the ground. All of these deal a very powerful punch to nearby enemies. Try to use it only when necessary. It's not worth wasting a large crystal on just one or two enemies.

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Step 5 – Kill Ultrasite Terror
The last step is the simplest step. However, it is also incredibly difficult. You and your team will need to kill the ultrasite terror. This giant snake-like creature is strong, fast and a hard kill.
It has two weak points that you can target for extra damage; Its head and eyes. Its eye is the most effective part to hit. There are no places to hide, so you and your team need to act fast to kill the Ultrasite Terror before it kills it. You and your team are stranded on a small island, surrounded by a poisonous lake that will kill you instantly if you accidentally touch it. So, stay on the island.
The ultrasite terror will periodically spit and spray toxic goo. It is very deadly. Try to avoid this goo. If you can't avoid it, keep applying Stimpax until you can get out of the way.
It also has a sonic screech attack that can stun you. Combine this with its head-bashing melee attack, and you'll quickly see why this is the ultimate boss. Once you and your team have taken a good portion of the Ultrasite Terror's health, its tail will pop up. Once its tail comes out, you need to destroy it quickly. The tail hits the island and reduces its size. Shoot the tail non-stop until its health bar runs out.
Once the tail is down, you can go back to shooting ultrasight terrors. Unfortunately, ultrasite terror has more than one tail. So, while you try to take down the Ultrasite Terror's body and head, you need to keep an eye out for its tails and destroy them as quickly as possible. Once you've done all of this, you'll receive your main rewards for completing the raid.
Rewards for completing raids
Completing a raid will net you some pretty decent rewards. While the rewards will vary, there are a lot of great items you can get. You will receive standard reward items such as meds, junk, scrip, caps, and ammo. Each stage you complete gives you a chance to get a 4-star legendary item/mod, one of the new plans, and more.
You'll also receive a trophy crafting plan for each section of the raid you complete. You will get this plan only once. Once you learn the plan, you'll never get it again.
Among the various plans you can get to complete the raid sections, the new Vulcan Power Armor Parts are the most sought after. There are new weapons, skins, backpack mods, and more. Earning every possible reward from the new raid mode will take a lot of grinding.