Chapter 6 Season 1 debuts a completely unique map Fortnite Battle Royale, and players who are just getting off the Battle Bus for the first time, or looking for a brand new location, can find the perfect landing spots for them, full of cover, loot, and a few secrets. They may not know.
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Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 has a lot of secrets, a lot of chests, and a lot of ways to get the Dab, so knowing the best landing spots will get them off to the best possible start, and don't be shy. Returning to the lobby as the first team is killed.
8 The Great Turtle
Essential loot for single players
The Great Turtle is one of the best places that players can visit Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, since it's a living landmark, a place where players can go down to visit a turtle that doesn't seem to care about the battle royale game they're witnessing, and is instead happy to graze and bathe. the swamp Players can also find an abundance of loot on the turtle's back.
The Great Turtle is an unknown location that is worth visiting, but teams of players can struggle here, so it's best to visit this place solo or in a duo, there are several chests on top of the turtle shell that set up the endgame from their first drop from the Battle Bus. Easily see the players you've played.
7 Demon's Dojo
A deserted snowy area with a boss fight
Daemon's Dojo is a cold and isolated place on the right side of the map, and its secluded snowy mountain holds some dangers that players don't want to face alone. This is a good place for teams as the Night Rose boss fight can summon shades of Night Rose to attack players here. The boss fight itself is fun and somewhat difficult with its mechanics, but defeating him has many rewards as his loot pool is much sought after.
Demon's Dojo doesn't just have a good loot pool from boss fights, as the many wooden buildings located around the central dojo will have plenty of chests and ammo crates so players get the start they need.
6 The isolation of the Shogun
A lonely island out of reach for lots of loot
In the bottom left corner of the map is Shogun's Solitude, a POI that easily earns its name for how far away it is from the others. It's not difficult to get to or leave, but most players may overlook this location because of how it's located slightly further from other central locations, making it a great location for those who need a quiet start.
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Red trees and shogun statues make for a scenic view, and huge and small buildings make for great arenas to compete in the arena and battle with fighters for the top spot and gather all the loot that can be uncovered here.
5 Magical Moss
A quiet location with a secret loot
Magical Moses doesn't look like anything special, but looks can certainly be deceiving. Magic Moses is located near the jungle, meaning that it will be common to find an elemental sprite nearby like a water sprite or an air sprite, making for a great way to access free health/shield or escape.
While the buildings of Magical Moses are low ground for similar combat, the location also has a secret cave system nearby that allows for a vast display of secret loot that will reward players with epic items and perhaps even a Typhoon Blade for their troubles.
4 Canyon Crossing
Divided by the Loot Haven Bridge
Canyon Crossing is just east of Shogun's Solitude, and it's also a great spot for smaller teams hoping for a more laid-back approach to their battle royale maps. Many go to Canyon Crossing because of its size, but it's a POI that shouldn't be judged, as players can still find plenty of chests and floor loot.
What makes Canyon Crossing a great location is how there are so many clustered buildings to loot, and the area is divided by a long bridge that must be crossed. This makes for an exciting engagement of competition and territory control with opposing teams needing to cross a bridge or jump into a river below.
3 Nightshift One
A secret vault and a dense forest aids players
Nightshift Forest is cursed with eternal darkness, which can be to the advantage of players who want to try and move undetected by other players. The abundance of trees makes for good cover to avoid gunfire, and there is plenty of loot within the central buildings of Nightshift Forest.
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There's also a way to turn a nightshift forest into day with a sprite and a bushranger, and the reward for doing so is a vault key that can help players grab a bundle of rare chests so they can start their game with a boon or boon. Two
2 Flooded frogs
The lack of cover makes for exciting gunfights
Flooded Frogs has everything players need at the start of their game: plenty of loot and combat potential. Inside Flooded Frogs, players can take a dip in a beautiful moss-dried stone frog waterfall, and enjoy the tranquility of red oak Japanese architecture, as well as chests scattered around.
Most of the buildings in Flooded Frogs are also easily accessible and at the same level, so players don't have to worry about flanking opponents at high altitudes. With everyone on a level playing field, Flooded Frog can be highly competitive among opponents.
1 Warrior's watch
A central building to hold high ground
A Warrior's Watch will surely separate the warriors from the scavengers, as those heading to this POI will have to defend themselves from surprise players who risk taking home the victory royale. Warrior's Watch has some of the best loot buildings, as well as a large area advantage due to its height from the central building.
Those who control the upper floors of this main building and venture onto its roof will be able to conquer all below them as the lack of projectile-based weapons means that with the hitscan gun they can shoot down players from below or from afar without taking compensation. for the drop.