How the anime remake will transform the Fishman Island arc

This article contains spoilers from the Egghead arc of One Piece.

Key takeaways

  • The Fishman Island arc would be re-edited to improve art, animation, and pacing, shrinking it to 21 episodes.
  • A piece staff aims to maintain high-quality standards by taking breaks and re-editing arcs like Fishman Island.
  • Other post-timeskip arcs may receive re-versions to ensure consistently high animation and production quality.

In a surprising turn of events, it was recently announced that Fishman Island Ark a pieceKnown to fans as the first proper arc after a 2-year timeskip, it is going to air once again from the end of October. The Fishman Island arc is definitely one of One Piece's most beloved stories. However, in anime, the arc faces many problems, especially those surrounding the art and animation and, of course, most importantly, the pacing.

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Now, the Fishman Island arc is going to air once again, and, as promised by a piece Staff, there will be changes this arc that will dramatically improve the fan experience. Here's how Fishman Island Arc One Piece will be quite different this time around.

Fishman Island Reissue: What is it?

Fishman Island Arch in one piece

  • One piece anime goes on a break
  • Fishman Island reruns air in its place

The Fishman Island remake that is going to start airing from the end of October is basically a rerun of the story's Fishman Island episodes. Naturally, fans might be wondering why and how it will air. The simple answer is Egghead Island Ark a piecewhich is currently being broadcast, is about to be discontinued. Essentially, the One Piece staff currently animating Egghead have delivered such a high-level of quality that now, they're burnt out. At the same time, to maintain the high standard of One Piece anime, they need more time, so a break is absolutely necessary for them. It's also true, given how many staff members who work on anime have mentioned themselves to refresh themselves occasionally.

The anime staff will add more power to their drawings and production to bring the show to life. – Tatsuya Nagamine

Of course, such decisions should not be made by staff members themselves. It needs to involve all stakeholders like Toei, Shueisha and Fuji TV. Thankfully, they have all successfully come to an agreement that the One Piece anime will go on a hiatus, however, One Piece's time slot will not be left free for some other series to take over. The One Piece Fishman Island arc will begin airing again.

Now, many fans will not be interested in this project at first glance. However, the Fishman Island arc that is going to start airing from the end of October will not be the same arc that fans have seen once before. There are going to be big changes to the Fishman Island arc, so it's called a re-version. The purpose of the re-release is to fix all the major issues with the Fishman Island Arc and essentially, make it a better experience for all fans. It will keep fans hooked in one piece; All the while, employees at Egghead Ark will work overtime and at a comfortable pace. Overall, this decision will result in One Piece getting a great re-version of the old arc that it needs, and at the same time, it will ensure that the rest of the Egghead Island arc is top-notch in terms of quality.

How the Fishman Island remake will improve pacing and quality

Fishman Island Arch will be darkened for a better experience

The question of how the Fishman Island re-edition will improve a piece is quite simple to answer. As mentioned above, there are two things which a piece The anime gets a lot of stick, especially after the timeskip, leading up to the Wano Country arc. The first is the art quality and animation, which is incredibly inconsistent after the timeskip. Undoubtedly, Wano was a big step and since then, the art and animation department has done amazing work. But, from Fishman Island to Wano, there are moments where the Forest piece feels incredibly vulnerable. This is especially the case in the early arcs, which have been the worst parts of the entire series, especially when it comes to the anime.

Some episodes of the anime have a 6-minute recap, while others still have frames if not more than a minute. This matter needs to be addressed, so a a piece The re-edition is going to work wonders here. There are several scenes that are going to be improved in terms of art and animation quality, and some others have reportedly been completely overhauled. In what way they are overhauled, fans do not know at this time.

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Art and animation quality aren't the only things that are going to improve in the Fishman Island arc's One Piece remake. It was announced that the pacing of the entire arc is also going to improve. As fans know, the Fishman Island arc spans over 51 episodes in the anime. The pacing is incredibly bad when compared to the manga. The manga for Fishman Island has 51 chapters and the anime covers the same content in 51 episodes. For any anime, the pacing needs to be good if a proper adaptation is to be delivered. 51 episodes is a lot for Fishman Island, and that's one of the reasons why fans love the arc. a piece Incredibly stretchy.

However, now, with Fishman Island Re-Edition, this problem will also be solved. It was recently announced that the Fishman Island arc remaster will see the arc condense to 21 episodes, which is incredibly short. This will basically mean that major changes will be made to the arc to make it a better experience for fans, and hopefully, it will result in an incredible experience that everyone can enjoy.

Will more One Piece arcs get a remake?

Gear 5 Luffy from one piece

The Fishman Island remake arc already looks like it's going to be a huge success, because it's going to fix everything wrong with the arc in the post-timeskip of the story. This makes fans wonder if the other arcs of One Piece will also receive a remake. While there is no confirmation of this, more a piece In the post-timeskip arcs will receive a re-release. This is simply because if Egghead is to maintain the quality it has delivered so far, employees will need more frequent breaks.

Luffy using Gear 4

Now that a break schedule has been established, it can be repeated again at the end of next year. Inevitably, during the next break, the Punk Hazard arc could be aired, and at the same time, a piece The anime may make major preparations for the Elbaf arc to begin. Similarly, next year, the Dressrosa arc may air as a re-release, which will give the staff time to drop movie-level animation quality for whatever arc they're working on at the time.

Above all, Dressrosa, which is arguably the worst arc of a piece in anime, will finally get justice, and hopefully, fans will come to love it for what it truly represents.

The One Piece remake will begin airing on October 27, 2024. Fans can stream it on Crunchyroll as always, in the same timeslot.

A piece-9

Toei Animation

by story
Ichiro Oda

Number of episodes

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