How to beat Elgar'Nan in Dragon Age: Vilguard?

The dire wolf wakes up is the last search for Dragon Age: Vilguard. There is no turning back now. this begins with, and ends Sang, A Major decisionAnd features too A tough boss battle in betweenSo you need to give it everything you have.

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Make sure Talk to Isabella before leavingLike her Selling goods from Antivan Crows or Shadow Dragons (the faction you didn't help), so it lets you stock up on some important items. We also suggest Leads Taash and Emmrich to the final battleLike Elgar'nan is weak to necrotic but resists electricity, and you Fight darkspawn weak to fire along the way. But first, an option.

If Emmrich is not well, take Lucanis. If not healed, swap the card for someone else. If Neve is available, take her instead of Taash.

Who should you send to help the factions?

Send a friend under siege in Dragon Age the Valeguard

it is A relatively easy option Compared to some others, which you may be Check out our ultimate game decision guide here. This is the perfect person for the job Either Harding or Devirin – who made this medium.

As long as Either your friend is a hero of Veilguard or Factions are of good strength (At least Two stars in each A separate from ravens/dragons), this character will be to live Until the end of the game, but will Not available for selection Until then. If you too A selection of previous quests kept all (except one) aliveYou will unlock Those last trophies/achievements At the end of this quest.

How to defeat Algarnan

Aiming for Elgarn in Dragon Age the Velgard

You will need to fight your way through A lot of darkspawn To reach Elgar'nan, but this is nothing new at this stage. whenever, Take out the messengers and blighters firstThen focus on advancing through this linear combat gauntlet. Soon, you will Confront Algarnan.

Algarnan has a large health bar, and moves around or teleports a lot, but he stays on the same field. Using Emmrich/Lucanis for necrotic damage and also triggering the explosion It is important to defeat him. However, there are some Key attacks to watch.

  • Crackling lightning – when The land around Algarnan turns redHe will call down the lightning. surprise and A ranged attack lands From outside the circle.

  • To summon lightning – immediately afterHe will do it Summon bolts in small red circles. Use the abilities here and Keep moving to avoid them.

  • Algarnan's Side – These are the ghosts themselves very weakbut Does great damage. Dash past them and attack them in the air to take them out quickly.

  • Sword Attack – When Elgar'nan floats backHe prepares to swing his sword.Go back again and again.

  • Energy Balls – These ranged attacks can be omittedor Dazzled as the target line flashed. Make your way towards him for a melee attack while playing these strikes.

Also remember to use Final Salvation of Felasan If Morrigan gives you to complete her quests.

Elgar'nan second stage

Elgarnans Phase II in Dragon Age the Velgard

When the second phase of Elgarnan begins, You will not have friends to help you. The You can damage Elgar'nan here it is neglectedInstead of that Dodge his attacks until a cutscene starts. After this, you will fight him again, and you Friends will return.

At this stage, Elgar'nan's fundamental weakness changes. He is now Resists fire and is At risk of cold. He also gets new attacks.

  • Slam Attack – A combination of cracking lightning and his sword attack, Elgar'nan dodges as he jumps up.

  • Ring of Fire – Run to the center and when a melee or heavy attack on Algar'nan Red circles around the arena.

  • Sword Attack – Same as before, except the sword is now made of fire.

  • Fire Balls – Like Summon Lightning, these fireballs now move in a line instead of a random pattern, creating them. Easier to doze but more powerful.

Should you fight or trick Solas?

Trick or Fight Solas in Dragon Age the Wellguard

We said the first choice was relatively easy, but it's even easier – it's simple It doesn't matter. you will do Doesn't actually fight Solas If you choose to fight him, this only changes How the game ends From a more emotional point of view.

If you have the essence of Mythal Either by fighting with him or persuading him after seeing every memory of Fenharel, This is the best ending. Solas will agree to bind himself On the curtain at the happy ending.

If you choose Trick SolasHe will feel too late, and Congratulations on making him the best As he finishes Trapped on the screen. This is a A happier ending than fighting himBut again, nothing material has changed.

If you choose to fight Solasthere is No boss battles. All this Plays in a cutscene and Solas is bound to the veil by force. The end result is the same – the curtain is drawn, the gods are defeated, everyone gets a big party, but. Solas remains angry and his views on the world have not changed.

It remains to be seen how much this choice will affect any of the sequels, as Solas' mentality is very different in all three. However, as far as the here and now goes, whatever you choose Solas loses, Velgard wins, and the rest is for the credits to roll.

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