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How to beat Lost Explorer
What rewards do you get from Hauntings: Beyond?
A series of haunting quests for Myrna and Vorgoth is the perfect tour for the spooky season. Dragon Age: Vilguard. Each haunting mission sets you on a journey to track down and defeat a targeted unknown enemy, this time paying homage to The Lost Explorer in Hauntings: From Beyond.
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Fortunately, this quest is fairly easy to find and is mainly focused on testing your wits and abilities in battle. Each encounter against an undead enemy is slightly different from the last, with this iteration focusing on softening up your opponent and preparing them for burst damage.
How to beat Lost Explorer
First, go to Wings of the Lost Watcher in the Necropolis And follow your marker to a large circular room with a large pillar in the center.
Once you've entered the room far enough, you'll encounter your ghostly prey: The Lost Explorer.
It is weak to level 30 enemies Necrotic But resists damage the cold
rain of decay This is an excellent skill to use against persecution.
The Lost Explorer is Necrotic Imbued and Trapper, This means that it will try to immobilize you and your friends using its huge gratex.
Avoid getting caught in your opponent's spinning attacks and choose your spots carefully.
The Lost Explorer and Use skills that will affect the stunned stateBecause this will open your enemy up to a large portion of burst damage.
Defeating The Lost Explorer is pretty easy if you use Stagger, but can be a drawn-out affair if you don't, so be sure to prioritize neutralizing the enemy before you start throwing everything at it.
Keep away from the ax using scope attack, Then move closer to the finish This once lost explorer with your most powerful blasting skills Stuck in place by a good time stagger.
What rewards do you get from Hauntings: Beyond?
After defeating The Lost Explorer, you will instantly earn the following:
- 350 XP
- listen
- Increases bond with Emmrich
Then, go back to Myrna and Vorgoth In Necropolis to complete Hauntings: From Beyond and get An additional 400 gold.
Another ghost bites the dust, but there are still terrifying skeletons and other undead creatures waiting for you on the rest of Myrna and Vorgoth's quest line.
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Review aggregates are not a monolith. Individual sites have different groups of writers, who can sometimes disagree with (and can, screw up!) each other's scores. So, are there reviews for Dragon Age: The Wellguard that are making you feel good about choosing to grab it? Or better about the alternative? Or pushed in one direction or another? Or, perhaps, are they completely abstract to your degree of interest?