How to get an orchid plant in sims 4

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Whether gamers are looking to make ambrosia, get the Death Flower, or just have a full garden The Sims 4They will need to add an orchid plant to their in-game garden. While players will be able to get a ton of plants from seed packets The Sims 4Some can only be obtained through grafting, a more advanced gardening method.

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The Sims 4: How to Graft Plants

Growing rare plants in The Sims 4 requires players to unlock the grafting skill, but figuring out how to graft plants can be a little confusing.

Orchids are one of the plants that can be obtained this way, so it can be difficult for players to get their hands on this plant to start farming. This guide tells players everything they need to know about orchids The Sims 4So keep reading to know more.

How to get orchids in sims 4

Enter the orchid The Sims 4Players must first plant snapdragons and lilies and wait for them to mature. Once both plants are mature, they must choose one of them and choose a cutting option, which will become available after they reach gardening skill level 5. Then, they have to interact with another plant and select a graft option.

A plant needs time to grow after being grafted onto another. However, if players don't want to wait, they cheat to mature faster. To do this, enable cheats The Sims 4 And open the pie cheat menu to select the growth stage of the flowering plant.

Harvest Orchid Sims 4

Cut plants will produce snapdragons, lilies and orchids. However, it may take some time to produce the latter.

How to get an orchid plant in sims 4

It may take a few days in-game for a broken plant to produce an orchid, but once it does, players can harvest their first orchid. From then on, players should have no problem importing orchids The Sims 4.

To get orchid plants The Sims 4Harvest the orchid from the cut plant and then plant it. This will create one orchid plant that will grow only one orchid each harvest instead of three different plants at random. Orchids will produce flowers in winter and spring.

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