Although a mountain of new features and mechanics have been added over the years, Call of Duty ZombiesAt its core, Still is a game that revolves around surviving as long as possible. Naturally, weapons play a decisive role in this process. each Call of Duty Zombies Entry has a set of weapons that the community considers the most efficient at dealing with the undead horde, and Wonder Weapons are usually at the top of that list.
From the Ray Gun and all its variants to the Origins Staff, Der Eisendrache Elemental Bow, Call of Duty There have been more than its fair share of great Wonder Weapons over the years. But it also has its fair share of frustrations. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 It has three Wonder Weapons spread across two maps and, in a rather daring move, one of these is the return of the most disappointing Wonder Weapon of all time. Thankfully, it has seen some major improvements since its 2012 debut.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 finally redeems the jet gun
The dismal history of the jet gun in Call of Duty Zombies
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2The Jet Gun is still widely considered one of, if not the worst Wonder Weapon of all time. Available only on the map TranZit – which is infamous in its own right – the jet gun takes a lot of time and effort to build, and it can't be found in a mystery box. Once forged, the jet gun itself is decently powerful, being able to pull zombies into its turbines and turn them into bloody goo.
But the jet gun has a notorious issue that has kept it at the bottom of the Wonder Weapons tier list for over a decade. As used by players Black ops 2of the jet gun, they will notice that the pointer on the left dial on the weapons sights will move forward towards the red area. Once the indicator hits red, the jet gun explodes in the player's hand, damaging them, and scattering all the pieces of armor around them.
The player must then collect all these pieces, go to the workbench, and create the jet gun again to continue using it. The time and effort required to use a jet gun is not worth its transient damage output.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's jet gun deserves the title of wonder weapon
Along with the iconic Ray Gun, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6The Liberty Falls map gives the jet gun its long-awaited second chance. Thank you, Black Ops 6Jet Gun's version is exponentially better than its 2012 predecessor. For starters, Black Ops 6The jet gun no longer explodes after use. Instead, players can now use the jet gun's primary turbine fire indefinitely, requiring only a few seconds to charge back up once it's empty.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6The jet gun also has a new, extremely powerful alternate fire mode. Players can deplete the jet gun's ammo supply for a massive burst of damage that targets all enemies in an arc in front of the player. This alternate fire mode is great for clearing large mobs quickly, although it will render the jet gun inactive for a few seconds while its ammo recharges.
Another major improvement is that Black Ops 6 Made the jet gun so it can now be packed-a-punched. Doing so will increase the weapon's damage output.