Being friends with an anarchist rockerboy terrorist isn't exactly easy, especially if he's sharing the same headspace as V. Cyberpunk 2077 It is possible, but not very simple. Metamorphosis with Johnny Silverhand Cyberpunk 2077 It's inevitable, but players can make sure they and Johnny are the best calls based on the main jobs and dialogue options they select in specific missions in Phantom Liberty.
Without Phantom Liberty, players can achieve a 70% relationship with Johnny Silverhand, and with it, they can achieve a total of 85%. It is not possible to get 100% relationship with Johnny In Silverhand Cyberpunk 2077 Unless the players commit to a certain ending. However, every mission and exact dialogue that affects Johnny's relationship is listed below.
Spoilers ahead for Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty.
How to get a 70% relationship with Johnny Silverhand
For players with the base game Cyberpunk 2077Their relationship with Johnny Silverhand can increase up to 70% of the total. This changes to some key tasks starting in Act Two and depends on what players say to Johnny in important conversations within specific missions. Within each of these main missions listed below, players have a tapeworm interval in which it's one-on-one with Johnny, and the right thing to do is to grow a relationship. but, Only the dialogue in the Chippin' In mission affects the secret endingWhich is also found below:
automatic love
After investigating Evelyn Parker's whereabouts in the Clouds, Johnny and Vee will have their first serious conversation about how to work together in a common mind. This will break the ice between the two and the grant 10% Affinity:
- You don't care if I live.
- I asked you – what do you want?
- For some ideal? Or to square a grudge?
- Mikoshi – what is that, really?
- following
- Me and Mikoshi – How are we connected?
- Arasaka – How do you plan to destroy it this time?
The dialogue between Johnny and Vee is interchangeable depending on whether players completed the first broadcast or life during the war.
Life in Wartime
Panam Palmer helps V track down Kang Tao AV, who crashes and captures Arasaka's chief bioengineer, Anders Hellmann. In the conversation with the man, the relationship between Johnny and Vee grows further 5%:
- I want to talk about the biochip.
- There was a problem. You'll help me kick it.
- Silverhand formed in my head.
- You must remove the biochip from my system.
- How is that different from normal?
- Your technique works, congratulations. Now take it out.
- [Let Hellman examine biochip] ok
- I see him, talk to him.
- what do you mean
- At least Johnny didn't turn himself into a whore.
- OK, that's enough.
- Forget about Kang Tao.
After leaving the motel, players can talk to Johnny again, but this conversation does not increase their relationship percentage. However, this is an important moment between the two, so the correct dialogue options are as follows:
- Why are we talking about it?
- [Sit] Seems to know a lot about my past.
- Afraid to lose myself, stop being me.
- It has a clear goal. like i do
- Man, do you go around in circles…
- yes
- Damn straight.
- [Stand] (Wait for Johnny's speech to finish)
After V somehow deals with the Voodoo Boys, and discovers Alt Cunningham's fate, Johnny's old output, and earns another. 5% To continue their metamorphosis and their quest for Mikoshi:
- [Stand] Third trimester cramping.
- [Smoke] Prolly is not wrong.
- I don't know where I'm going.
- maybe
- When you died – how was it?
- I understand why you hate Mikoshi.
- They can change you into someone else.
- [Stand] enough let's go
Search and destroy
The final mission of Act Two involves escaping an abandoned apartment building infiltrated by Johnny and Vi Arasaka. Whether the players rescue Goro Takemura or not, Vee and Johnny will return to the Sunset Motel where a proxy for Hanako arrives. After a conversation with the proxy, Johnny's relationship grows 5%. However, after the conversation, another conversation begins with Johnny:
- [Stand] almost flat.
- [Step away] Why did you bring me here?
- [Stand] Thanks for helping.
- I'll bring you back someday.
- [Stand] I thought I would die soon.
- Why did you give it to me?
- yes
- I will do the same for you.
- Have a good idea?
- [Stand] got it
- So I say everything to evil?
- Tell me what you are planning.
- ok I will give you control.
Chippin' in
Chippin' In is only unlocked after taking the correct dialogue options above from the last tapeworm segment. The beginning of Chippin' In' is an interactive cutscene where Johnny's choices don't matter, because players will still earn. 5% Relationship bonus. However, in the actual Chippin' In mission where Johnny and V go to the oil fields, These dialogue choices are actually important to (don't worry) The Reaper Secret ending.and more 10% For relationships:
- [Sit] Expect a headstone?
- [Inscribe Johnny’s initials] Let's do something about it.
- “The guy who saved my life.”
- No, f#### that happened too.
- what do you want from me
- ok But when it comes to second chances, it's your last.
- In the beginning you were a real d###.
- When you say you let your friends down…
- Smasher biz really got him.
- Yes, I call evil.
Blistering love
Taking Rogue out on a drive-thru date to the movies and letting Johnny take control sees more. 10% In a relationship, but she can also be romanced:
- How do you envision this date going?
- I love the disease of 2077.
- Do something that won't let you lose.
- The important thing is that I came back to you.
- [Kiss] More than I expected.
Holding on
Johnny agrees to help his old samurai friend Kerry Eurodyne further deepens the relationship 10%:
- ok Want to know what to expect, though.
- [Take Pills] ok
- Do you want to bring back the samurai?
- ok let's do
A like supreme
After Kerry and Johnny agree to bring the samurai together, players must complete another side job, the second duel. Neither decision affects Johnny's relationship, and it doesn't matter if V decides to take Denny or Henry, so feel free to choose either one. Either way, with the band back together, players have a dialogue option to choose from, and then Johnny and Vee's relationship status should be solidified. 70%:
How to get an 85% relationship with Johnny Silverhand
Players can get total 85% relationship with Johnny if they have the Phantom Liberty expansion installed While Phantom Liberty acts as its own starting point for players, there are ways to increase their base affinity from the bare minimum, but Those with 70% will only see a 15% increaseThe options they choose don't matter. Some players may be 85% from the moment they start Phantom Liberty, but these special quests and these specific actions/interactions will ensure the maximum relationship percentage with Johnny:
Lucretia my refection
Reject President Myers' request to swear in the FIA: [Take coin] Yeah, no…let's skip the swearing. This will earn the players 10% Promote your relationship with Johnny.
The damned
After exiting Alex's bar, talk to Johnny at the Tree of the Lost. Dialogue options don't matter here, as players will always get one 10% Promotion, but it's better to play it safe and select the appropriate options:
- You deserve a candle too, Johnny.
- Share a bond, those two. True friends.
- Friendship and duty – not mutually exclusive.
- Valid question, you may be right…
The Killing Moon
Killing Moon is only available to players who decide to cheat on Reed during the Firestarter mission. With this mission active, players must kill Solomon Reed and put the Songbird on the ship. This will boost V's relationship with Johnny 10%.
Damaged to some extent
Only for somewhat damaged players who decided to cheat on Songbird during Firestarter's main job. To get an extra 10% With Johnny in a somewhat damaged time, players must choose the following option: [Kill So Mi] good
How to get 100% relationship with Johnny Silverhand
The only way to get a 100% relationship with Johnny Silverhand is to enter Nocturne Op55N1 and complete the Temperance ending. Whether players go for Panam, Rogue, or (Don't Fear) The Reaper's Suicide Squad, players will want to select the following options after entering Mikoshi with Alt Cunningham:
- Johnny's body. i will go
- Cross the bridge and enter cyberspace forever.
Doing so causes V to surrender his body to Johnny, leaving him to become one with Alt beyond the Blackwall, while Johnny gets a second chance at life and begins Temperance, which ends with V's body.
At the end of Temperance, Johnny's relationship will be 100% solid, as there is no V anymore, thus Relic has succeeded in creating a metamorphosis by rewriting V's mind as Johnny's. After completing the Temperance mission, players are returned to Embers before the start of Nocturne Op55N1, so it is not possible to continue the game with 100% relationship with Johnny.