Key takeaways
- Many characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, such as Inumaki and Panda, received surprise endings or resolutions.
- Powerful characters like Urume and Kinji Hakari had unsatisfying or unsatisfying outcomes in the final chapters.
- The divisive death of Satoru Gojo and the sudden return of Nobara Kugisaki were disappointing aspects of the manga's ending.
Sequel 6 years later, by Gege Akutami Jujutsu Kaisen The manga is finally over. It was clearly one of the biggest and most influential shonen action series of the last few years, and it will be remembered fondly for the most part. But the truth is that its ending received a mixed reception from fans and longtime readers for several controversial reasons.
One of them is the surprising number of characters who received somewhat surprising resolutions in their stories. Whether it's because their endings were disappointing or because they completely disappeared from the manga during their final arcs, the following Jujutsu Kaisen The characters are the most egregious examples of this unfortunate phenomenon.
Spoiler alert
For the entire manga.
10 Toge Inumaki
He was one of the main characters but in the end did almost nothing
- First appearance: Chapters 0-1 (Manga) Episode 5 (Anime)
Toge Inumaki Was one of Yuta's classmates and was supposed to be one of the main characters of the series. Although this was later changed when the manga shifted its focus to Itadori and his friends, Inumaki still remained an important figure in the story, mostly thanks to his unique cursed technique, Cursed Speech.
However, as the manga continued, Inumaki became less and less relevant, to the point where he almost disappeared from the story. After he lost one of his weapons during Sukuna's armory in Shibuya, he didn't really do much else, recording himself saying “don't move” on a recorder so that Yuta could use it against the King of Curses in the final battle. . After Tsukuna's defeat, Inumaki returned to his normal life.
9 the panda
He lost his father and siblings. what now
- First appearance: Chapters 0-1 (Manga) Episode 5 (Anime)
There is no denying it the panda Ma is one of the most attractive characters Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a mutated cursed corpse created by Principal Yaga who holds three different cores within his body, each of them with their own abilities. Coupled with his adorable design and charming personality, it's clear why he was one of the original main characters of the series.
Unlike Inumaki, Panda maintained an active role after the Shibuya Incident, but he certainly left a lot to be desired. Previously, his father had been executed by jujutsu higher-ups, but, aside from briefly mourning his death, Panda never really acted on this loss. On top of that, two of her cores were erased by Kashimo, and she didn't even get to show off the strength of her sister's Triceratops mode, which was disappointing for readers who waited a long time to witness this transformation. After this crushing defeat, Panda can be seen hanging around the other characters in small form, but he doesn't do much.
8 Uraume
Wait, why did they follow Sukuna in the first place?
- First appearance: Chapter 53 (Manga) Episode 21 (Anime)
Sukuna's most loyal subordinate, Uraumewere one of the most powerful incarnate mages in the series, mainly due to their cursed technique, Ice Formation, which allows them to use freezing cryokinetic powers. However, despite fulfilling an important role as Tsukuna's second in command, Urume was completely underutilized in the final chapters.
They prepared for a climactic final showdown with Kinji Hakari while the rest of the heroes battled their master. Unfortunately, as exciting as it sounds, most of this battle took place off-screen. When Urume appeared in the final chapter, accompanying Tsukuna to the afterlife, it was unsatisfying, as their backstories and motivations were never properly established.
7 Kinji Hakari
His epic final battle was not even shown
- First appearance: Chapter 153 (Manga)
Early on in the manga, Kinji Hakari Was established as the most talented and strong magician. When this suspended student later made his debut, he certainly didn't disappoint as he took part in some of the series' most heart-pounding and bizarre fights, thanks to the pachinko-themed domain expansion.
Hakari also had an important role in the final battle, as he separated Tsukuna from his subordinate, Urume. This unseen encounter was extremely disappointing, as many readers expected him to once again show off his unique powers. He couldn't even defeat them since Urume killed himself after Sukuna's death. In the last chapter, it was suddenly revealed that Hakari and Kirara would resume their studies in jujutsu tech, which felt like a rushed development.
6 Hajime Kashimo
Sukuna went from great danger to fodder
- First appearance: Chapter 158 (Manga)
Hajima Kashimo 400 years in the past there was an incarnate sorcerer who used electric cursed energy. He quickly showed how incredibly powerful he was as he defeated countless players in the cooling game, including Panda. After all, Kashima had one goal in mind: to fight Ryomen Tsukuna.
Hakari successfully convinces Kashimo to fight on his side, resulting in his immediate deployment against Tsukuna during the Shinjuku Showdown arc. He also used his most dangerous technique, the Mythical Beast Ember, but none of these were enough to defeat the King of Curses, who instantly healed him without any problems. Despite their interesting final exchange about power, the fact that Kashimo was ultimately used as bait to show Sukuna's power was quite anticlimactic.
5 Miguel Odul
Kenya's most powerful magician quietly returned to his country
- First appearance: Chapters 0-3 (Manga) Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (anime)
existence of Miguel Odul A very interesting concept was introduced Jujutsu Kaisen: Other countries have magicians who are almost as powerful as Satoru Gojo and who have also affected the societies of their respective homelands. However, this brilliant concept wasn't fully explored until the end of the manga, not to mention that not much was shown about Yuta's training in Africa.
In his last fight against Sukuna, Miguel had a chance to show off his impressive abilities, but when things got too complicated, he was sent away, later seen returning to Kenya as normal. Is that it? Miguel is a very strong wizard, so it would have been fascinating to see what kind of curses and wizards he had to deal with in his home country, and how his experiences in Japan affected him.
4 Yuki Tsukumo
The strongest female mage was unceremoniously killed
- First appearance: Chapter 50 (Manga) Episode 20 (Anime)
As the only female special grade magician and guardian of Aoi Todo, fans have been waiting Yuki Tsukumo To show his full potential for a good number of years. She finally got her chance to do so in an intense battle against Kenzaku and with her powerful techniques and bombastic personality, she had the potential to become one of the most popular characters in the series.
However, Yuki unfortunately doesn't survive her encounter with one of the main antagonists, and is suddenly killed when Kenzaku uses an anti-gravity technique out of nowhere. It was disappointing because, after years of build-up, Yuki was killed off in the blink of an eye, reducing the impact of her entire character.
3 Nobara Kugisaki
She finally reappeared when the manga had a few chapters left
- First appearance: Chapter 3 (Manga) Episode 2 (Anime)
Handling by Gege Akutami Nobara Kugisaki The character was divisive. While she was introduced as the main female character in the series and quickly proved to be a likeable friend and a strong magician, she left the story after her fatal encounter with Mahito in the Shibuya incident.
For many years, fans wondered if Nobra was actually dead or not. Eventually, she reappeared in the story in chapter 267, where she helped Itadori finish off Sukuna with her resonance technique. As epic as this moment was, the manga ended after 4 chapters, and Nobara was absent for most of its duration. She is eventually reintroduced and resumes her normal life, without a clear resolution to her story, if it can even be assumed that she had one in the first place.
2 Kenzaku
Not even one of the main antagonists had a proper send-off
- First appearance: Chapter 10 (Manga) Episode 5 (Anime)
evil wizard Kenzaku The two main characters of the series had personal conflicts: Satoru Gojo, because he possessed his best friend's body and locked him inside the prison range, and Yuji Itadori, because he had the woman who would become his mother. To create the perfect vessel for relaxation.
Despite these intense personal clashes, neither Gozo nor Itadori had the chance to fight or interact with Kenzaku before being suddenly killed by Yuta. There's no denying that his comedic final battle with Fumihiko Takaba was one of the most spectacular moments in the entire manga, but it's very unfortunate that Kenzaku wasn't shown until after his crucial defeat. Takaba later appears to be preparing a new comedy routine with a guy who resembles Geto. Is this supposed to be some form of Kenzaku?
1 Satoru Gojo
He was successfully unsealed, only to die a few chapters later
- First appearance: Chapter 0-1 (Manga) Episode 1 (Anime)
until today, Satoru Gojo Death is one of the most divisive and controversial moments of all Jujutsu Kaisen. On paper, this is an interesting idea, as he is an undeniably powerful character that his death left a huge void in jujutsu society, and Tsukuna would have taken over if not for Gozo's friends and allies.
The problem is that Gojo was sealed inside the prison area by Kenzaku and thus, was completely absent from the story for about 140 chapters. Unlike Nobara, Gozo was killed a few chapters after his reintroduction. The fight itself was exciting – one of the best of the series – but Sukuna's victory felt cheap and undeserved.
Gozo had a great influence on Itadori, who would carry on his legacy, but that was not enough for such a beloved icon. Gozo was a really entertaining and complex character, so it's a real shame that he was written out of the manga in such an unexpected way.