How to get Robot Hero in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Completed

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    • What level to unlock static

If you are completing Happy Homeroom classes Animal Crossing: Complete Pocket CampYou've stumbled upon a class that calls for a rare furniture item. These are special request furniture, and will not be added to your crafting inventory simply by leveling up your Camp Manager level. Special requests can be accepted when the animal reaches 10 or 15 inches Pocket camp complete. An example of a special request furniture item is the Robot Hero.

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Complete how to get stable in pocket camping

What level to unlock static

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is fully stable

Before you can receive a special request with a robot hero, you need to make an invitation stable in his camp. Static is a squirrel villager that you can unlock from anywhere Levels 20-29. During this range, you will get Two animals per level. It's not guaranteed if you'll get Static first, so it may take some leveling before it's added to your contacts.

Before you can invite Static to your campsite, you need to gain his friendship Level 5. Next, you will need to craft the following furniture:



Craft time

Modern end table


x30 steel

3 hours

Modern chair


x30 steel

2 hours

Modern bed


x15 cotton

2 hours

x15 wood

Metal guitar


x60 steel

9 hours

x3 cool essence

Silver Mike


x60 steel

9 hours

x3 cool essence

How to make a robot hero in Pocket Camp

How to level up fast

Robot hero complete animal crossing pocket camp

Once the stable is in your camp, your next step is Level him to 15. The quickest way to do this is to give him snacks like Gold Treats, but if you want to save on them, you can give him:

  • Plain chocolate bar

  • Delicious chocolate bars

  • Gourmet chocolate bars

Static's theme is “cool”, so snacks that share the same theme will give more friendship points.

If Static is at your campsite, you may be notified that he wants to talk to you. This is your chance to collect some friendship points. When talking to Static, select Red dialog option.

  • “Tell me a story!” If he asks you to choose furniture/clothes for a friend you can get up to 6 points. Other times, “Tell me a story!” This means that the animal wants to give you a gift.
  • “Change clothes!” Unlocks when Static Level 6. If the option is red, you get friendship points for choosing a new outfit. Try to stick to something that matches his theme.
  • “Eat lunch!” The fastest way to level up. Again, if you don't want to use bronze, silver, or gold treats, give them static snacks that match their theme.
  • “Need some help?” / “You can always talk to me!” Usually a request starts where you have to give Static a fruit, bug, or fish item. Choose a high quality item (ie: one with a high selling price) to get more points and bonus rewards.

Robot hero crafting materials

If the stable is level 15, then talk to him to unlock it Robot hero Furniture item for your craft inventory. will take 15 hours To finish crafting the robot hero. also need 10230 Bells And the following craft materials:

  • x2 Sparkle Stones

  • x4 cool essence

  • x150 steel

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Where to use Robot Hero

Happy homeroom

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp complete with children's playroom

Robot Hero is a 6×6 object, so it takes up little room when placed in your cabin or campsite. If you don't want to use Robot Hero as a decoration, you still have to craft it to fulfill Static's special request and use it in Happy Homeroom classes.

Robot Hero is a “Recommended Furniture” item in these categories:

  • Children's playroom

  • Gaming Expo booth

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December 3, 2024





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