In the ongoing war with its Call of Duty, Battlefield has an ace up its sleeve

The battlefield The franchise has taken something of a back seat in the last few years. While it has long been the biggest competitor for popular Call of Duty series, battlefield The last few entries have gone through a bit of a slump. Meanwhile, the latest entry Call of Duty suffrage, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6After a weak entry in the first-person shooter has served as a huge revival for the franchise. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

battlefield Its latest entry, 2021, could use a comparative bounce back Battlefield 2042. After a title riddled with issues at launch that has stagnated its player base, another battlefield The game will definitely have to work a little harder to win the trust of die-hard fans. Thankfully, publisher EA and developer DICE have an opportunity they can take that will make this game different. Call of Duty.

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The battlefield may go far from where Call of Duty left off

Battlefield will be a change of pace from Call of Duty, a massive war force

compared to Call of Duty suffrage, battlefield So successful has it been that it has led to many large-scale wars and battles. Call of DutyOn the other hand, those with a detective-based feel largely stuck to small-scale stories. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 A perfect example is, when it takes place during the Gulf War, it exists as a spy-action thriller that goes in many directions beyond the war.

battlefieldOn the other hand, some of the more recent games have largely stuck to more traditional war stories. of 2016 Battlefield 1 2018, while World War I took place Battlefield 5 Proceeded to World War II. With that in mind, battlefieldThe focus on large-scale battles and war stories helps it fill the void as a more traditional war shooter than Where. Call of Duty It's been late.

When using Call of Duty, Battlefield can stick to convention

For that a battlefield Sticking the campaign a little more traditionally would be a change of pace Call of Duty. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's campaign was notable for how it really changed gameplay styles and story concepts throughout its campaign. While this was one of the most exciting aspects Black Ops 6 Campaign, its existence should not mean the end of traditional war stories in first person shooters.

After all, it can be said that over the years, Call of Duty has somewhat abandoned “war theater” stories in favor of Spec Ops and undercover operations. Thus, there is room for a modern shooter that focuses on a cohesive warfighter-based story without overstaying its welcome. Can be fresh for battlefield To take this route with the upcoming campaign, especially since the franchise could use a stronger single-player campaign Battlefield 2042 was missing badly.

battlefieldThe focus on large-scale battles and war stories helps it fill the void as a more traditional war shooter than Where. Call of Duty It's been late.

Battlefield can fill a bigger void than Call of Duty

Based on conventional warfare battlefield The story can also be welcomed as many of its similar war-based contemporaries have fallen by the wayside. The Brothers in Arms The franchise hasn't gotten a new game in well over a decade, and even with a new title in development, it's hard to say when it'll be ready. Meanwhile, EA's companion war shooter Medal of Honor has been largely out of the spotlight for more than a decade, creating a new void battlefield Can fill in the title.

Between the struggles of its latest entry and that incredible bounceback Call of Duty have seen battlefield Can use it back on the form with another entry. Thankfully, EA and DICE have an angle to take that helps differentiate the new battlefield From Activision's shooter. With a greater focus on larger battles than Call of Dutyanother one battlefield The game could be the shot in the arm that EA's first-person shooter franchise desperately needs.

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