Lord Ragnarok's PS5 Pro update should set a new standard

release of God of War Ragnarok v. The 06.00 update introduced five major updates, with PS5 Pro enhancements taking center stage. The update added PS5 Pro Enhanced mode, allowing the Favor quality setting to run at 60 fps. A high frame rate mode was also introduced, which unlocked frame rates up to 120 fps for players with VRR-capable displays. It's an experience that may resonate more with those who regularly play on high-hertz screens.

Additionally, the PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) upscaling option was implemented, which improved image sharpness compared to temporal anti-aliasing. Now that there were many more updates, this particular update that allows gamers to experience God of War Ragnarok The double frame rate and better imagery elevates the game in a big way and should be a key takeaway from any studio looking for inspiration for PS5 Pro updates.

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How the PS5 Pro's hardware should help set a new standard

The PS5 Pro is designed to meet the growing demand for enhanced gaming performance as 4K displays, high refresh rate monitors, and VRR-enabled setups become more mainstream. While the base PS5 already excels at delivering 4K visuals and up to 60 fps in most games, the PS5 Pro's increased GPU power, improved memory bandwidth, and better thermal design allow developers to push these limits further. This is especially important as gamers expect their console experience to rival or even surpass what can be achieved on PC.

Console gamers have long been accustomed to choosing between “performance mode” for higher frame rates and “quality mode” for better visuals. The PS5 Pro offers the possibility to eliminate this trade-off and offer both without much compromise. Developers should aim to offer double frame rates as a standard feature for games optimized for Pro. Santa Monica Studio is showing that it is possible to achieve these standards with the right optimization, and the studio's work God of War Ragnarok Acts as a blueprint for others to follow.

Multiplayer games Cross-platform console players often suffer from the low-FPS problem

Higher frame rates reduce input latency, meaning actions register faster. For example, in a shooter, aiming, firing, or reacting to an enemy at 120 fps is significantly faster than at 30 or 60 fps. Console players, limited to 60 fps or less on some titles, often find themselves at a disadvantage against PC players playing at 120 fps or higher. In cross-platform games, even a split-second delay can determine the outcome of encounters. PC players running at higher fps can react faster and more accurately, giving them an edge in combat.

This is why I like games Apex Legends Offer aim-assist for those on console but that can sometimes result in either unbalanced matchmaking or even shorter ones. While this is not necessarily a problem in the title itself God of War RagnarokDevs tinkering with the existing gameplay in some games should think about using this hardware for good because of the low response time on the console. While FPS Boost is another system-level feature that has helped make this possible on Xbox, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the consoles follow suit.

The way to experience God of War Ragnarok in 120 FPS

At 120 fps, each side God of War Ragnarok Feels uplifted. Combat is more fluid, with Kratos' movements and attacks appearing seamless. For an average player, the difference might not even be noticeable standalone – they'll just feel that the game feels better to play somehow. However, it is when a console player experiences both FPS options (60 and 120) side by side that the difference becomes noticeable.

Faster reaction time, for example, increases precision, and makes it easier to dodge, parry and attack in the heat of boss battles. A higher frame rate makes camera movements smoother and transitions more natural, making exploring Nine Realms' richly detailed environments feel more immersive. That said, the experience depends on the right hardware. A VRR-capable display with a high refresh rate is essential to fully enjoy what the PS5 Pro has to offer.

It also raises an important point: As Sony and other developers push for more games with 120 fps modes, it's important to educate players on the value of investing in appropriate displays.

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