Marvel Rivals Setting Tweaks Are Game-Changers for Venom and Spider-Man Men

Key takeaways

  • Spider-Man and Venom are community favorites due to their exciting ability kits. However, some find it challenging to control their web swings in the game.
  • To make Spider-Man and Venom easier to play in Marvel Rivals, players can turn off a special web-swinging feature in the settings.
  • Marvel Rivals offers 33 heroes at launch, giving fans options to fit their play styles.

Marvel Rivals Players can make Spider-Man and Venom more effective to play by turning off the automatic swing option for the former and easy swing for the latter in the game's settings. With 33 heroes in the launch, Marvel Rivals Offers fans many options to fit their playing styles. However, some heroes have become favorites in the community, with Spider-Man and Venom being considered some of the best in the game.

It's not hard to see why Spider-Man and Venom have become popular with gamers. Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes in all of Marvel, and he has an exciting ability kit as a duelist that allows him to move quickly across the map, thanks to his web-swing. On the other hand, Venom provides a huge presence on the battlefield, presenting a strong set of abilities that make him a challenging vanguard to deal with. While many players enjoy playing these Marvel Rivals Characters for their web-based moves, some have noted that their swinging abilities can be difficult to control.

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While Marvel Rivals Officially launched only in early December, players have discovered a few ways to make the game's characters more fun to play. Specifically, Venom and Spider-Man's web-swinging abilities can be made easier to control by tweaking an in-game setting. As shown by Dexerto, turning off the automatic swing option for easier swings for Spider-Man and Venom makes controlling these characters even better. To change the setting, players need to navigate to the battle section in the settings menu. From there, they can select hero options for Spider-Man and Venom, respectively, and turn off the specific web-swinging feature.

How to change the web-swinging options for Spider-Man and Venom

  1. Go to the settings menu in Marvel Rivals
  2. Choose the fight section and select hero specific options for Spider-Man or Venom
  3. Turn off automatic swing for Spider-Man, or easy swing for Venom

This change could be a big deal for players who enjoy playing as Venom or Spider-Man Marvel Rivals. With the setting off, players have more control over the direction their nets shoot before they start swinging. This setting change removes some of the randomness of the ability by preventing the computer from choosing a grappling point for the web, which can send players in unexpected directions. As a result, this can make the traversal less chaotic, potentially reducing the chance of random and unfortunate deaths.

It will be interesting to see what the future holds Marvel Rivals After its popular launch. NetEase Games has already launched Season 0: Dooms' Rise, which added a Battle Pass with various cosmetic options for the game's heroes. Also, different Marvel Rivals The leak teased the possible introduction of heroes like Blade and villains like Ultron. Apart from this, it will be interesting to see if popular characters like Spider-Man and Venom get changes in their kits in the coming days.

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