Reasons to play Aeldari in Warhammer 40k

Key takeaways

  • Aeldari lore is tragic, shapes the setting, and they have unique miniatures for collection and play.
  • The Aeldari are fast, deadly, and competitive on the tabletop, making them difficult to play against.
  • The Aeldari model range offers vibrant and colorful options for hobbyists, with unique color schemes and stunning miniatures.

Warhammer 40k Recent years have seen incredible growth. Several critically acclaimed video games have been released, e.g rogue merchant, Boltgunand Space Marines 2The hobby has gained many new followers. Warhammer 40k Not just a tabletop war game. Its excellent miniatures range offers a variety of factions to collect and portray, while hundreds of novels expand on an already impressive lore.

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The Aeldari, originally known as the Eldar, are one Warhammer 40kThe most prestigious factions. Aeldari is a major player 40 thousand the galaxy While their race is a shadow of its former self, their advanced technology and natural affinity for psychic powers make them a dangerous foe. With some of the most ornate miniatures in the entire range, Alder looks great on both tabletop and display shelves.

1 The Lore

A once great empire

Warhammer 40K: 7 Reasons to Play Aeldari A Swooping Hawk flies and shoots weapons

Aeldari lore is some of the most tragic and interesting Warhammer 40k. Their history shaped much of the current setting, and they continue to shape and manipulate other factions in the galaxy with ancient skills. The Aeldari are responsible for the birth of the chaos god, Slaanesh, after their galactic empire fell into corruption and excess. This event, known as The Fall, would instantly kill most of the Eldar and turn a vast region of space into a living hell known as the Eye of Terror.

Only a few Eldari factions will survive the fall. The Asuryan, or Craftworld Elder, left their civilization in continent-sized spaceships across the galaxy. The Drukhari, who were safe in the webway, were cursed by Slaanesh. They must now suffer pain and suffering to save their souls from the thirsting one. The Exodites rejected most of their species after prophesying what would happen. They inhabited ancient married worlds, living simple lives away from the dangers of their people. The Harlequins were protected by their god Segorach, the Laughing God, and now travel freely among all the Elders. In the current setting, two new factions have emerged: the free-roaming Corsairs and the Eldar's last hope, the Yannari.

2 gameplay

Fast, deadly, and competitive

Warhammer 40K: 7 Reasons to Play a Unit of Aeldari Guardian Defender Miniatures

The Eldari have long been known as a dangerous faction on the tabletop. Although this may change with several updates, faction is a difficult prospect for any player. in the game of Warhammer 40kThe Aeldari are fast and have deadly ranged attacks. They have multiple jet bikes, long-range weapons, giant war machines, and deadly leaders. Many units can teleport around the table and their current troop capacity is generally considered very strong.

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While hobbyists should only collect armies they feel are better than competitors, with the meta constantly changing, the Aeldari are always a handful to play against.

3 Model range

A stunning collection

Warhammer 40K: 7 Reasons to Play Aeldari Miniatues of Yvraine and Yncarne

The Aeldari collection offers hobbyists a range of options for their armies. With all the different factions within the race, players can create diverse and colorful armies. From the ivory colored Howling Banshee to the checked Harlequins, or the deep orange of the Fire Dragon. The Aeldari have one of the most unique and surprising ranges in the hobby.

Besides, there's never been a better time to start an alder collection. Exciting new models have been released recently, such as the long-awaited Warp Spider Phoenix Lord, Lhikhis. Older models have also been refreshed in new high-quality miniatures, and there have even been whispers of a new Corsair faction to be released soon.

4 Painting

Vibrant and colorful

Warhammer 40K: 7 Reasons to Play Aeldari A huge range of different Aeldari models

While painting the Aeldari may seem difficult with their ornate armor and elaborate patterns, they are also a great faction to hone beginner drawing skills. Painting is a big part of the hobby, with competitions growing worldwide. While some armies offer little variation in their models, for the Eldari, almost no two units look the same.

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Hobbyists never get bored of painting the Eldar army. Each unit has a unique color scheme, and the range has models for every skill level. From simple starter models like the Guardian Defenders to impressively detailed centerpieces like the Avatar of Khaine or the Yncarne.

5 Novels and video games

Warhammer 40K: 7 Reasons Why Aeldari Phoenix Lord Jain Zar Killed Orcs

While the Aeldari are not as popular as the others 40 thousand Factions, such as the Space Marines or Chaos, have long been featured in them 40 thousand Novels and video games. Fans of Factions can enjoy many of the novels written from an Elder's point of view. Some are excellent Jain Jarar: The Storm of Silence By Gav Thorpe and Rise of the Yannari series, also by Gav Thorpe.

In the video games, players can fight against the Eldari Warhammer 40,000: The Curious – Martyrand in rogue merchantThere is an Eldar companion, Yrliet. While Eldari is yet to be fully explored in others Warhammer 40k Media, their story is slowly growing. Fans should look forward to more novels and video games in the future, which will further expand on the faction.

6 the people

Warhammer 40K: 7 Reasons to Play Aeldari Miniatures of Khaine and Avatar of the Aeldari Defenders

Warhammer 40k Sharing your latest creations and games is a global hobby with legions of fans. Aeldari fans will find many sources of information and content online. From faction-specific groups on Reddit to lore channels on YouTube that detail the faction's rich history.

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Local gaming clubs are also great places to meet new people, learn the game, and access local retailers for cheap deals. While this is not unusual for Aeldari players, getting to know the community online and in local areas is a great way to learn and improve the hobby.

7 A prestigious faction

Futuristic Space Elves

Warhammer 40K: 7 reasons to play the Aeldari A harlequin solitaire at war

The Aeldari are a great faction to gather within Warhammer 40k. They are one of the few races in the setting who are not trying to conquer or destroy the entire galaxy but are simply trying to survive. They are a destructive race, for, unless stored in the Soul Stone, every Eldari soul is sucked into the warp of death and eaten by Slaanesh.

The Aeldari are iconic for the setting and are one of the more unique looking races with ornate armor and powerful weapons. Their lore is rich and has great potential for future stories. They have some of the best army figures in the game, stunning ornate miniatures, and vibrant color schemes that look great on a display shelf.


Warhammer 40K

Created by
Rick Priestley

Year of creation


Miniature war game

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