Should the griffons return to Wardens in Dragon Age: Velgard?

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Dragon Age: Vilguard The main storyline and secondary quests present many possible outcomes for the choices players make, and the fate of the gryphons is not a decision to be taken lightly. So, many players are asking themselves: Should griffons be nature's policemen, or should they turn to the Gray Wardens for training?


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of Davrin profane and lost The quest eventually leads Rook and his Gray Warden ally deep into Thedas in search of the lost gryphons. Here's a rundown of the possible consequences of Rook's choices during this quest and how the decision can change the ending and Devryn's abilities.

The following guide contains spoilers for Dragon Age: The End of Vielguard.

What if griffons became nature's policemen?

When finished profane and lostPlayers will be given the choice to let the griffons live in Arlathan Forest as nature's guardians. If the players choose this outcome, Davrin will get it Battlemaster Veilguard skillWhich deals 25% more damage to Assan abilities and grants Rook Precision, as well Wildwood Benefactor Legendary Armor. Armor offers the following passives:

  • Detonating Staggered Enemies deals Stagger to all enemies.
  • Stagger from Detonating is increased by 10% for each enemy hit.

These passives are great for rook builds that focus on takedowns, especially those that deal electric damage and stun pain, as it also causes stagger and synergizes well with Davrin and Assan's new skills.

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On the other hand, by choosing this outcome, at the end of the story, the gryphons will reinstate Arlathan and become wardens of the forest, helping the Vale Jumpers restore the balance destroyed by the god's rampage.

There are also other implications for achieving the true ending of this game. While choosing this option does not change the outcome of the final battle, it is less likely that all members of the Veilguard will survive the siege of Minrathous, thus, leading to one of the worst endings in the game.

What if the Gryphons return to the Gray Warden?

If players choose for the Gryphons to return to the Gray Warden, this will trigger a series of changes to the outcome of the game. First, Davrin will receive Defender Veilguard skillWhich makes Assan abilities have a 25% shorter cooldown duration, and grants Rook Deflect when used, as well Gray Benefactor Legendary ArmorWhich includes the following passives:

  • Blast damage now deals fire damage instead.
  • The explosion deals +25% more fire damage for each stack of burning on the target.

This choice helps party members who deal fire damage. Taash and Rook will benefit greatly, especially if Rook is a Spellblade Mage, as this Arcane Bomb relies heavily on Burning Affliction to scale the damage.

As the Wardens choose the griffons to care for, they contribute to the final battle, ensuring that the Gray Wardens are at their full strength when the Siege of Minrathus begins. After the war, they would reestablish Thedas with the idea of ​​breeding for battle, cleansing the world of the remaining blight. This outcome will also unlock the path to the Good Ending, with Wardens Iveka and Antoine able to retire and live happily ever after.

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October 31, 2024

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