Key takeaways
- Merfolk are genetic relatives of the fish-men, facing both historical oppression and slavery.
- Stronger merfolk like Hyouzou and Aladdin can hold their own in combat.
- Shirahoshi is probably the most powerful mermaid due to having ancient weapons.
Merfolk Somewhat niche, but active species a piece. They are genetic relatives of fish-men, the main difference being that fish-men's fish-like features are more prevalent on top rather than bottom. Like the fish-men, merfolk are biologically similar to humans, as the three races share a deep ancestral connection.
However, historical oppressive attitudes, as well as merfolk being highly valued slaves, mean that most of them are forced to live underwater. However, it has been shown that some merfolk are fully capable of fighting for themselves. Here are some Shown in the strongest merfolk a piece until now.
5 Hyouzou
The new fish-man pirates' officer/mercenary sword
- Debut: Chapter 607 (Manga), Episode 527 (Anime)
- species: Blue-ringed Octopus Merman
Hyouzou At one time the fish-man was considered the strongest swordsman on the island. He was specifically scouted by Arlong, but the pair's partnership failed to take off as Arlong was unwilling to pay for his services. Huzhou claims that this is because Hatchan, an octopus fish-man also skilled in swordsmanship, was part of the Arlong pirates.
Hody Jones learned from Arlong's mistake and prepared to pay Huzhou. Mormon was ambivalent about Hoddy's ideals, but he acted as an officer because he was paid to do so. He is shown to be fast enough to stop Luffy in his Gear 2 form, and can take out many enemies. Due to the blue colored Octopus, he is also able to secrete toxins. Hyouzou was ultimately no match for Zoro, a fact that was compounded after excessive energy steroid consumption quickly turned him into a frail old merman.
4 Aladdin
Sun Pirate's first mate/doctor
- Debut: Chapter 620 (manga), episode 540 (anime)
- species: Goatsbeard Brotula Merman
Aladdin Once enslaved by his former captain, Fisher Tiger, and many of his crewmates. He is currently the only named member of the Sun Pirates who was both with the crew before Tiger's death and remains with them to this day, as most of his known crewmates joined other pirate crews after the fact. When Zimbei was captain, he became second-in-command, and due to Zimbei's own departure he may now be captain.
In addition to his medical training, Aladdin is adept at fish-man karate, able to fight against the likes of Charlotte Oven, the legendary officer of the Big Mom Pirates. Like most of his kind, he is also a capable swimmer, although unlike some mermen, his body type allows him to be on land without additional help.
3 The Neptune Brothers
Princes of Ryugu Kingdom
- Debut: Chapter 609 (manga), episode 528 (anime)
- species: Shark Merman (Fukaboshi), Orphis Merman (Ryuboshi), and Opah Merman (Manboshi)
Fukaboshi One of the three sons of Neptune and Otohime, and next in line for the throne. Like his family, he is sincerely devoted to his mother's dream of a peaceful relationship with humans, even in the face of human or fish-men adversity. He is shown to be generally serious and dutiful, unlike his younger brothers. Ruboshi and ManboshiWho are a very funny couple.
All three of them are so strong, the new Fish-Man Pirates need to take energy steroids to boost their abilities. Unlike their father, the trio are still in their relative primes, with Fukaboshi in particular showing the ability to recover quickly from his injuries. That said, they were no match for the pirates once they were on steroids, relying on the Straw Hats and Jimbei to help them out even more.
2 Neptune
Ruler of Ryugu Kingdom
- Debut: Chapter 611 (Manga), Episode 530 (Anime)
- species: Coelacanth Merman
Neptune Is the husband of the late Otohime, a beloved mermaid ruler who wished for peace. Neptune worked tirelessly to keep his late wife's dreams alive, and was generally well-liked by his subjects. He is also able to communicate with whales, a relatively rare skill for mermen. He mainly uses it to communicate with his giant pet whale, Ho, who also serves as a means of transportation.
Even in his 70s, Neptune is a powerful merman, able to withstand attacks from the boat even after consuming pirate energy steroids. That said, his age has caught up with him, as far as his physical endurance goes, he can win a fight by working hard.
1 Shirahoshi
Princess of Ryugu Kingdom
- Debut: Chapter 612 (manga), episode 531 (anime)
- species: Smelt-Heighting Mermaid
Shirahoshi She is the only daughter of Neptune and Otohime. She is noted for her enormous size, being larger than her mother and older brothers by less than a year. She is very fragile, having spent most of her life inside a closed tower and being pampered by her family. Such is her delicacy that Luffy specifically called her a crybaby when the two first became acquainted. He needed her protection as he left his quarters for the first time in many years.
While she is trying to be brave enough to join her family for Lively, she is soon captured by world noble Charles, who wants to enslave her. However, thanks to the timely intervention of World Noble Donquixote Majosguard along with Sai and Leo of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, the young mermaid was saved.
Despite her current weakened state, it is a real possibility that Shirahoshi is more powerful than her relatives put together. This is due to his having an ancient weapon, Poseidon, a trait he inherited from a distant ancestor. Poseidon's main asset is the ability to control and communicate with sea kings, powerful creatures that populate every known ocean. They respond to his feelings and desires, such as his wish that Luffy be helped, even if he did not directly request their help. Beyond the fact that she can grow in physical strength if she so desires, her kin are among the most powerful merfolk in existence.