Key takeaways
- Stick to the main armor set in 7DTD due to resource constraints.
- Some sets are specialized for collecting resources efficiently.
- Each armor set offers unique bonuses and equipment enhancements.
There are several weapon sets in 7 Days to Die, giving you many options on how you want to handle the zombie apocalypse. In addition to being associated with one of three major weight classes that give different armor ratings, each armor piece also grants a special bonus ability. Each armor set also has a unique bonus if you only equip pieces from that set.
While they all have their optimal use cases, the fact of the matter is that resources are time-consuming and sometimes difficult to obtain, so it's best to pick a main outfit and stick to it. If you want to know which duds are the best in Ruin, here are the best armor sets for 7 Days to Die.
10 Assembling outfits
Lumberjack, scavenger, farmer, miner
Armor class |
Prakash (Lumberjack) |
medium (peasant, fair) |
heavy (mining) |
An important exception to the 'stick to one outfit' idea is outfits made specifically for fundraising. These armor sets are great for gathering the resources associated with them but offer little in the way of combat bonuses.
Generally, they give a combination of stats that allow you to harvest longer, protect your harvesting equipment, harvest faster, give you more inventory, and increase your yield. Aside from the scavenger set, to get the most out of this type of gear, simply keep the entire set in a box near the relevant resources, change them when it's time to harvest, and then change them again when you're done.
9 the murderer
If you want a bit of Assassin's Creed in your survival-crafting experience, you can't do better than Assassin's Creed. This armor set makes stealth more effective and sneak attacks more lethal. As a medium armor set, this outfit has decent armor.
Combined with an increase in gloves to increase attack speed with agility weapons (knives, bows and handguns), this set is no slouch even when the fight is fierce. Atypical of Medium Armor, this set produces no additional noise and actually has a negative noise modifier on the boots.
8 athletic
Rule Number One: Cardio. Sometimes the Zombocalypse doesn't survive the strongest or the toughest, but the one who can continue the race the longest. That spirit is embodied by the athletic set, which gives bonuses to health and stamina, the latter of which allows you to fight (or run) for longer.
Boots also give a nice bonus to sprint speed, so you get more mileage out of your extra stamina. The cap cuts costs well for food, drinks and medicines. The first two of which will last much longer as the full set saves food and water consumption while regenerating health and stamina.
7 the enforcer
This set gives you the Agent 47 look, although you're not orchestrating a Rube Golberg-Ian zombie death in it so much as you're killing them with a high-powered pistol. The Enforcer set has an interesting array of buffs that are generally useful if not completely cohesive, giving you better bartering, more efficient fuel use, and faster sprints.
This outfit increases resistance to injuries such as broken legs, wounds, and bleeding. While it's useful in a pinch, you don't want to test it too hard since it's a light armor set. The full set bonus is nice, giving the .44 Magnum and Desert Vulture great damage and reload speed—the latter of which is the heaviest-hitting pistol in the game.
6 Ranger
This outfit is the very definition of midriff, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It is medium armor, so it gives decent but excellent protection. Gloves increase the damage of revolvers and lever-action rifles, which are mid-range weapons, while a full set increases their reload speed. Its other buffs give the outfit a jack-of-all-trades feel; Increasing your health, stamina, and bartering ability.
Good but not great, this set will allow you to properly survive zombie ruins. However, it's not in the middle in a very important way: it's the best-looking 'fit' in everything. It feels somewhere between Apocalypse Cowboy and Fallout 4's Minutemen, turning you into a fashionable dispenser of frontier justice.
5 Biker
This armor set fulfills the fantasy of a hard-fighting, bar-brawling badass biker. If you want to go for up-close scuffles while maintaining some degree of mobility, there's no better set.
In addition to having moderate armor, this set adds to your survivability by giving you more health and increased resistance to being stunned, which can be fatal if it hits you at the wrong time. The rest of the outfit boosts your close combat abilities by increasing your melee damage and reducing the stamina consumption of weapon swings.
A full set bonus will further increase your armor armor rating and reduce the fuel consumption of minibikes and motorcycles so you can keep your hog on the road for longer.
4 Commando
The commando set gives you a good mix of survivability and offensive power, the gloves alone are worth it for the impressive boost to all ranged weapons. The rest of the set is focused on moving quickly to keep you alive and get some distance from the Braineaters so you can get back to shooting.
You gain amazing resistance and faster recovery from serious injuries, as well as an increase in your sprint speed. A full set makes for faster recovery from items, healing you with ease while walking and ensuring you stay alive unless you're cornered (and have health items).
3 the attacker
The Rider set turns you into a lethal-head-trauma-dispensing slab of metal, rolling around in heavy armor as you swing your weapon and turn the undead to death. Like other heavy armor, you get a lot of armor from this set, taking a lot of damage. Claws also give you a pretty nice bonus to melee weapon damage.
The helmet is also notable because the legendary version makes you completely immune to being stunned, ensuring that you can keep swinging as long as your health and stamina hold. Clothing lets you heal faster from injuries while a full set reduces your chances of getting them to begin with.
2 preacher
In this getup, you'll be ready to kick ass for the lord. It's probably the best weight-to-value proposition in the entire game. As with light armor, this set offers no penalty to movement or stealth, but in addition to the modest armor rating provided by light armor, the piece of clothing reduces the percentage of damage you take from zombies.
This set also has the best gloves in the entire game, bar none. This is the best piece of armor in the entire game, as Tier 6 flat-out increases all your damage by 60 percent. This is for all Damage is not limited to a certain weapon class like in other sets. The set bonus is also very good, especially early on, making you completely immune to legendary quality, giving you resistance to injury and reduced chance of infection.
1 stupid
It hurts to say, but Nerd Gear is the best set when it comes to character enhancement, and it's one of the best for surviving the zombie apocalypse.
The bonus XP gain from the headgear is nice, but the most impressive outfit is the chance to gain extra skill levels from the magazines, a powerful enhancement ability unmatched by any other outfit in the game. Its other abilities are very useful, giving you safe fall, more powerful turrets, and a whole set of slower equipment drops.
So why should you stay away from this set? Simply, the dress is hideous. It's a mish-mash of apocalypse anti-chic and '80s nerd that's as ugly as it is 'fit useful. This is the epitome of an asskicking outfit. So if you don't mind looking like the biggest dork in the wasteland, then these duds might be worth it.