Starring as Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdomwho With a playable main protagonist, the developers at Nintendo and Greyzo had to get creative with the game's combat. At the beginning of the game, Zelda has a fight echoCopies of various items and enemies encountered in Hyrule. On its own, the Echo allows for a huge range of possibilities, with practically no limit to the uses available to players. However, the gods did not stop there. About in the middle echo of wisdom, Players will have the opportunity to unlock Automatons.
Automatons is a special combat tool available in Zelda An echo of wisdom. Unlike Echoes, Automatons are mechanical objects that are developed by DempeThe Automaton Engineer. This guide will show players how to find Dampé, and how to complete his side-quests.Automaton Engineer Dampé“Joe Unlocks the Automatons The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Where to find Dampé in Echoes of Wisdom
To find Dampé, players must first complete “Still missing“The main-quest, which starts automatically upon completion Suthorn Ruins, Zabul Ruins, and Gerudo sacred place. After clearing Hyrule Castle, the rest of Hyrule will become available, and several new side-quests will unlock, including “Automaton Engineer Dampé”.
Dempe found only in the north of Hyrule FarmWhere players will find their first horse An echo of wisdom. From the farm's north gate, make your way slightly northeast into Hyrule Field. After a moment, a short cutscene will start automatically. Dampé will be seen trying to retrieve the key from a pesky crow, and the side-quest will then be launched.
Once you have control of Zelda, use your favorite Echo to take out the flying enemies. The the crow or Gone Echo works well. Once the crow is defeated, go to the item and pick it up. This will prompt Dampé to thank you, and looking at the quest description the key was special. Clock key. Dampé asks you to meet him at his house to continue the mission.
Where to find Dampe Studio at Echoes of Wisdom:
You can find Dampé's house, it is said Dump Studio On the map, on the land route west of Zabul Waters and northeast of Hyrule Castle. The location should be marked on your map with a small blue dot.
When you get to Dampé's studio, he will reward you for your earlier help Five Twisted Pumpkins. He will then inform you of his intention to create special equipment to aid you in battle, which is Automatons. To make his first creation, he needed two echoes:
- Echo 1: Tektite
- Echo 2: Mothula
Where to find Mothula and Tektite in Echoes of Wisdom
Tektite Location:
If you haven't already Tektite EchoThere is a series of small canyons near Dampé's original location that are always occupied by these jumping enemies. Go there to collect the first Echo.
Mothula Location:
The Mothula Eco found in Gerudo sacred place. If you didn't collect the Echo while traversing the dungeon, you can still go back and collect it.
How to unlock Automatons in Echoes of Wisdom
Once you have both echoes, return to Dampé Studio. Summon each Echo onto the small platform in Dampé's workshop, and he will use them to create the first Automaton: Techtite. Along with it, you'll receive the Clockwork Key, which allows Zelda to turn off her automatons for use.
The TechtiteWith all Automatons, it is summoned by holding left on the D-Pad and selecting it. Once summoned, you must hold Y to combine it with the Clockwork key. Tektite can clear large groups of enemies by projecting into the air with a large explosion. It is also capable of setting enemies on fire.
If Techtite is damagedYou will definitely need to return to Dampé Studio, for a small fee of course.
More Automatons crafting:
after you Techtite craftsand Complete “Automatic Engineer Dampé,” you'll find Dampé's journal sitting on a desk in his studio. Reading this book will unlock another quest for Dampé, titled “Abundant explosions.“This process will begin the journey Unlocking more Automatons An echo of wisdom.