The Marvel opponent player deals 0 damage to the Grandmaster


  • “NoDmgRocket” managed to reach Grandmaster in Marvel Rivals as their name implies.

  • By focusing solely on healing, they were able to climb the ranks without dealing a single point of damage.

  • On Reddit, the player explained how they were able to achieve the feat.

On its own, reaching Grandmaster in Marvel Rivalry is good, but somewhat uninteresting. But what about reaching Grandmaster without taking any damage?

Yes, you read that right.

A Marvel Rivals player aptly named “NoDmgRocket” managed to hit Grandmaster III for a total of 0 damage deals and 0 eliminations. Over 108 games and nearly 19 hours of gametime, they managed to do what some might call the impossible.

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Here's how they did it

In a post sharing their achievements on Reddit, “NoDmgRocket” explained how they were able to reach Grandmaster without any eliminations or damage to their name.

Their method? Oh, less than 3 million in treatment. That, plus 3,666 assists and over 315,000 blocks in damage and 71 wins in 108 games is how they were able to do it.

“Look? I'm helpful,” one gamer wrote in response.

Of course, it's important to note that it's not like they ever fired a weapon. The player verifies that they have dropped as many Moon Knight's Ankhs, Loki clones and Rocket Beacons as possible. For whatever reason, those don't count as damage, but they contribute to the exact number.

“If so, it's a wonder you didn't accidentally shoot someone walking by or accidentally shoot the real Loki pretending to be a clone,” one user wrote in response, as others commented on how nerve-wracking it must have been.

That said, as one user pointed out, doing the same race with anyone but Rocket would be nearly impossible. His movement, as well as his abilities, make him a perfect candidate for a “no damage” playstyle that would otherwise be impossible with other support characters who play differently despite having similar roles. Still, this is quite an achievement, and it will be interesting to see if they try and climb even higher with this style.

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