Star Wars: The Old Republic is the longest active Star Wars game, with ongoing graphical modernization efforts.
Executive producer Keith Kane explained the need to upgrade the graphics to maintain regular updates.
Recent modernization updates focus on improving visual elements on various planets and character textures.
A new statement from the developers of the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic That's the reasoning behind the game's ongoing graphical upgrade efforts. Star Wars: The Old Republic Graphical modernization updates started in earnest a while ago and gradually delivered updates to the oldest areas of the game.
Now well into its fourteenth year of operation, Star Wars: The Old Republic Easily the longest active Star Wars Play around. Even before considering its online components, its single-player storyline easily equals the playtime of many standard-length offline titles. The game itself has also built a moderate but loyal player base, which has stuck with the game through thick and thin.

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But with the game getting there over the years, it makes sense to shed some light on the development team's plans to keep the game in good shape in the future. Executive producer Keith Kane did just that in his latest letter Star Wars: The Old Republic community, which, among other things, sheds more light on the team's ongoing efforts to “modernize” the game's graphics. Answering questions about the graphical modernization plan, Kaneg explained why such an initiative was necessary.
Star Wars: The Old Republic devs explain why the graphics are being upgraded
In the letter, Kanneg praised the “incredible work” the development team has done with the recent modernization updates. For the last two years Star Wars: The Old Republic The Hutt homeworld of Hutta, and the early game planets, Tython, Korriban, and Hoth, where the most famous Star Wars There was a land war. According to Kanneg, modernization efforts are as necessary as the need to “replace, expand, and refine” technology that enables the team to continue to provide regular updates. Kanneg also mentioned the team's plans to continue modernization efforts, expanding their effects on character and environment. Update 7.6 saw improvements to facial textures that helped them look better in different in-game lighting conditions and cutscenes.
Aside from the graphical updates, Kaneg also discussed other topics in his letter, including the latest cosmetic upgrades available to players. The game update 7.6 brought many new items based on the latest Star Wars tv series, Star Wars: The Skeleton Crew. The in-game Cartel Market sells a set of cosmetic weapons and clothing options. Skeleton crew character Jodi Naud, as well as other cast members. Players who choose to subscribe The Old Republic The event also received a free mount based on the speeder bike used by Fern and KB.
Although it has faded in popularity since its launch era Star Wars: The Old Republic Development transferred from BioWare to Broadsword Online games, the game keeps trucking along. Not even removed from “canonical” status by the Disney buyout has it been barred from recent inclusion. Star Wars Media in its chain of inspiration.