in The Sims 4Players can join their Sims in after school activities. These activities range from sports to drama to scouting and building on various skills. They can be connected through the same method that a SIM uses to get a job through their phone. Alternatively, they can walk around after school by the lockers and interact with the people in charge of activities to learn more about and join them. Players need to choose wisely, as some of these activities are very demanding on their time and needs.

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These part-time activities are considered a career track that involves no compensation. Like a job, they include multiple levels of promotion with rewards. While each offers benefits, some offer more than others, including multiple skills development. Many also offer the benefit of setting up a SIM for success later in life when you are ready to establish your career. Players should consider these options when choosing an after school activity The Sims 4 First.
Updated by Ashely Claudino on October 19, 2024: After school activities and clubs are a great way to keep little Sims busy in The Sims 4. This article has been updated making it easier for readers to find key information about each club.
8 Computer Club
Focus: Programming skills
- schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Starting with a computer club afterschool activity is a great start for players who want to grow their sims and pursue a tech guru career path. This activity has three levels of promotion and an easy schedule; it meets Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Associated with promotion in the computer club Programming skills. In order to advance through the ranks in this activity, players will need to program their sim practice extensively between club meetings, as they are not allowed to practice during meetings.

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In order to reach the top level of the Computer Club, a Sim must reach Level 4 in Programming Skills. Additionally, there is an option to participate in a science fair, where Sims will test their programming. Players will use the SIM's phone to request fairs, which cannot interfere with other school activities. If approved, it will be held at the football field the next day at 5 pm. This activity is available The Sims 4 High School Year Pack.
7 Chess team member
Focus: Reasoning Skills
- schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
The high school year pack added four after-school activities: chess, computer, cheer, and soccer. If the last three aren't for you, you should give Chess a go, as it will help build your Sims. Reasoning skills When meeting like-minded teenagers.
Players will have to attend chess team meetings Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons between 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM. They have to work on their reasoning skills to get promoted and climb the ranks in the team.
6 drama club
Focus: Charisma skills and acting skills (teens) or creativity skills (children)
- schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Need players The Sims 4 Get the famous extension to access Drama Club afterschool activities. There are four levels to this activity, and it's great because it builds two skills while players work through the promotions. The first two promotions require construction Charisma or creativity skills. They must reach level 4 with this skill. The second skill that is important for this activity is actingWhich should be increased to level 3.
Scheduling is more time-consuming than other activities. Drama Club meets Monday through Friday from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. There will also be periodic drama performances that will be an opportunity for families to attend; However, it will be a rabbit hole text adventure where the player doesn't get to observe or interact with family members other than choosing to come along.
Focus: Fitness skills
- schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Football team member added after school activity The Sims 4 With the High School Year Expansion Pack, so it's only available for teenagers who are studying in high school.

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Sims also have to attend soccer practice every time Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM. If they reach level 4 of fitness skills they can gradually climb the activity ranks and become soccer team captains. It won't just give them shiny trophies and golden footballs, they earn them Featuring star playersWhich makes it easy for Sims to improve their fitness skills.
4 Football team player
Focus: Fitness skills and reasoning skills
- schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – 6 PM to 9 PM
Players owned by Discover University The Sims 4 The expansion pack allows their Sims to join a soccer team player afterschool activity. Depending on the SIM's alma mater, they will be able to join its sports team and represent their university in weekly tournaments.
Football comes from practice Monday to Saturday between 6 PM and 9 PM. On top of that, there are usually games on Fridays and Saturdays at 6pm as well. Players must practice kicking and juggling a soccer ball to improve their performance, and increase their fitness and reasoning skills to levels 6 and 5 respectively to reach maximum rank and get a head start on an athlete career.
3 Cheer team member
Focus: Fitness skills
- schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Players who enjoy dancing Fitness skills Definitely should consider joining their sims on the cheer team The Sims 4. Cheer team members are one of four clubs added after school activities The Sims 4 With the high school year pack. Although it focuses on one of the main skills of the game, it also adds a whole new activity: cheering. Players will be able to use cheer mats and practice cheering routines to improve their skills and performance on the team.
Players must attend cheer practice Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon between 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM. On top of that, there's also Cheerleading Team Sports Day on Friday evenings between 5 PM and 10 PM, which allows Sims to test their skills in a cheerleading competition.
2 E-sports competitor
Focus: Video game skills and charisma skills
- schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 6 PM to 10 PM
E-Sports Competitor afterschool activities are a great option for those looking to break into a high-paying career after university. Available at The Sims 4 Find a university. Sims who reach the top level of promotion in this activity can join the Tech Guru career and skip five promotion steps. They will jump at higher paying salaries and get more vacation time.

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To achieve different levels of promotion in the E-Sports Competitor afterschool activity, players must work on two different skills for their Sims: Video gaming and charisma. They must reach level 6 in the Video Gaming skill and level 4 in the Charisma skill. This activity will take up a significant amount of the Sim's time; have practice Monday through Thursday, 6 PM to 10 PM. Then on Friday and SaturdaySims can compete in events from 6pm to 10pm.
1 Scout
Focus: All skills
- schedule: Saturday, Sunday – 2 PM to 4 PM
As part of The Sims 4 Season pack, Scout afterschool activities are limited to children and teens. The schedule is very flexible, meeting on Saturdays and Sundays from 2pm to 4pm. There are five levels of promotion, and the process is very straightforward. Sims need to earn a certain number of badges to receive promotions, with the final promotion requiring all badges to be earned.
What's great about this activity is that you need to use different skills to earn each badge. Players will have the chance to build many different skills by collecting all nine badges on their Sims, advancing them significantly. Additionally, when they reach the final promotion, the award is the Scouting Merit Award feature, which Increases Sim's skill gain for life by 25%. This trait stacks with other skill benefit types.