What to expect from the chapter

This article contains spoilers from the Elbaf arc of One Piece.

Key takeaways

  • Luffy can face Loki, a powerful giant, in One Piece 1131.
  • Loki may have a legendary devil fruit with potentially mystical powers.
  • Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp can face the problem in Elbaf, searching for new areas.

As the Elbaf Arc officially begins and the Straw Hat Pirates finally set foot in the Land of Giants, fans are incredibly excited. a piece Chapter 1131, which is set to further this adventure. Fans will definitely get to see exciting events from the land of giants and potentially from the rest of the world as well.

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Of course, while waiting a piece Chapter 1131 is going to be very long, this break is going to be very exciting as it will give readers time to theorize about many exciting ideas related to Elbaf, and get a good idea of ​​what Oda wants to do moving forward with the story. For now, the Elbaf arc is picking up steam, and a piece Chapter 1131 will be huge in this regard.

Loki vs. Luffy set up in One Piece 1131

Loki One Piece 1131

  • Loki was finally revealed in one piece
  • Luffy vs. Loki could happen soon

One Piece Chapter 1131 could well set up the battle between Luffy and Loki. Fans may be wondering how this is possible, but the answer to that question is pretty obvious. Now, Loki is in chains. This was revealed to fans in the previous chapter when Luffy went to his location to meet him. Luffy knows that Loki is a very powerful man, and the tingling sensation he gets from him certainly indicates that. But, at the same time, fans also know that Luffy is not completely hostile towards Loki.

He is known as the disgraced prince of Elbaf!

Although Oda sensed that they were about to become enemies, there was no feeling of enmity between them. This was especially indicated when Loki called himself the sun god and destroyer of worlds. For one reason or another, Oda had Luffy meet Loki very early in the arc, and this may have been because Luffy could free him. It's entirely possible that Luffy will undo his chains.

Luffy is a Yonko, and for him, removing Loki's chains shouldn't be too difficult. That said, Loki could probably be trapped using the Sea Prism Stone chains, since he has the Devil Fruit. For Luffy to eliminate them, he will have to try a lot, but if he succeeds, fans can see the fight between Luffy and Loki very well. a piece Chapter 1131. Now, many fans may wonder why Luffy would free Loki. Perhaps, Loki will offer Luffy something in return. Or, it's also possible that Luffy feels no hostility from Loki, and trusts himself enough to know that he can take him down if something goes wrong.

It's like Luffy wanting to free Kaku and Luchi in Egghead, because he knew he'd be able to handle them if anything happened. Something similar can happen in a piece Chapter 1131, and if Loki is truly freed from his bonds, he will unleash his Devil Fruit power and show everyone that he is not to be underestimated.

Loki's Devil Fruit is finally revealed

Loki has eaten a mythical devil's fruit

In the previous chapter a pieceOda established Loki's powerful Devil Fruit. This devil fruit is incredibly powerful, and it was also said to be a legendary one that was passed down to the royal family in Elbaf. The question of why the royal family did not eat it is still a mystery. If King Harald had eaten this Devil Fruit, he would have been strong enough to defeat Loki. The fact that Loki killed Harald to consume this Devil Fruit meant that this Devil Fruit was still safe. This implies that this devil's fruit has been preserved for some reason.

I am the sun god who will destroy this world, Loki! – Loki

Apparently, the people of Elbaf wanted this devil fruit to fall down until no one ate it. That person became Loki. Now, fans also need to note another interesting thing that was revealed earlier a piece. Devil Fruits, especially Joan, have their own personality and choose their own user.

In fact, even Logia, like Blackbeard's Yami Yami no Mi, are supposed to choose their own user. If Loki's Devil Fruit chose him, there must have been a reason, and the giants are known as Joy Boy's great allies, perhaps, it's time to meet Loki and Joy Boy and the two legendary warriors. to fight together.

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This may be why Loki ate this Devil Fruit, and as a result, fans may actually see this Devil Fruit being used soon, especially if Luffy chooses to free him from his bonds. If it happens in a piece Chapter 1131, fans will see an incredible test of strength, where Loki could see what Luffy is capable of, and vice versa. It will be extremely exciting, as fans will get to see what power Loki has up his sleeve. Whatever Elbaf's legendary Devil Fruit is, it's sure to be the biggest in the entire series, and what's even more exciting is that fans will get to see its powers. a piece Chapter 1131.

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp get between Elbaf

More trouble for the straw hat in Elbaf

Nami in elbaf a piece 1131

While Luffy and Loki may be central to the upcoming chapter, the rest of the Strawhats should also be focused on. The fans saw Luffy break away from them, and urged them to go ahead as he wanted to meet them on the other side of the bridge. This means that Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp and the chopper will continue to climb the bridge. in a piece Chapter 1131, they may run into some trouble upstairs. Considering that Sanji is with the group, they should be smart enough to avoid a lot of trouble, especially since Zoro isn't the brightest of people.

At the same time, Nami and Usopp are also very careful people, and they are sure to stay out of trouble for the most part. However, veterans should not be underestimated either. This is especially true since they are going to an even higher level in Elbaf. Currently, they are at the second level, and they plan to go to a higher level, the third level, which is the highest in the entire country. There, royalty, and perhaps even the strongest, reside, which means Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Usopp may find themselves in some trouble as well.

It will be interesting to see which way the story goes after reaching the top level and what secrets are hidden there. For now, fans have a long break ahead of themselves. Oda has decided to take a 2-week long break, which means fans will have to wait 3 weeks for the next One Piece chapter to come out.

One piece 1131 release date Gerd Goldberg One Piece 1131

A piece is available to read through Viz Media. Series fans can officially read it for free on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus app. Release date for next chapter A piece, a piece 1131, is set for November 11, 2024.

A piece-9

Toei Animation

by story
Ichiro Oda

Number of episodes

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