What to expect from the new playable characters in Jedi Power Bats

Star Wars: Episode I: Jedi Power Battles is getting a remaster in 2025 that will feature a large portion of new content. Except for a few bells and whistles, which the remastered holds Jedi Power Battles Will have access to an impressive 13 new playable characters.

A remaster of Jedi Power BattlesA 25-year-old action platformer released shortly after Phantom MenaceIt was announced in October last year. The remaster of this PS1 and Dreamcast classic will be handled by Aspyr, the studio behind a smorgasbord Star Wars videogame remasters. While the studio focuses on minor touch-ups that preserve the integrity of the original, 13 New is quite the addition. Game Rant learned more about these new characters in an interview with Aspire director of production Chris Bashar.

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New characters from Jedi Power Battle explained

Nine new Jedi Power Battle characters revealed so far

While 13 new characters are coming Jedi Power BattlesOnly nine people have been revealed. The known characters lined up for the title are as follows:

• Rhodian

• Flame Droid

• Gungan Guard

• Destroyer Droid

• Ishi Tib

• Rifle Droid

• Staff Tuscan Rider

• Weequay

• Rent

Apart from these characters, four others are new Jedi Power Battles Characters back up the base game roster will be unlocked from the start. Furthermore, characters previously exclusive to some platforms, such as Ki-Adi-Mundi, will be available in this definitive remaster. Bashar went into detail about how the new characters were chosen and how potential characters were evaluated:

“The new roster members were selected to bring more diversity and variety to the gameplay while staying true to Star Wars the galaxy We looked for characters that could offer unique play styles and enrich the experience for both new and returning players. Tusken Raiders is a great example of this, the Staff Tusken Raider offers combat through his staff and the Rifle Tusken shoots his enemies. Now there are more ways than just playing lightsaber.”

While it may seem like the game is limited to incorporating new characters into the base, rather than completely off-the-wall picks, there's no denying that allowing players to engage with the new mechanics would be a huge plus. The base game already includes some diversity in its cast, but characters like Flame Droids and Destroyer Droids will definitely change things up. Droidekas are probably the cutest droids ever introduced Star Wars prequel trilogy, and getting the chance to play as these deadly foes would be a huge asset Jedi Power Battles.

New playable characters will be the meat of the new Jedi Power Battle content

approach to Jedi Power Battles Aspyr is like any other Star Wars Game remasters that lightly touch the visuals and quality of life without massively overhauling the gameplay or artistic vision. New characters to unlock and play are a welcome bonus, but players shouldn't expect a lot of brand-new content. Bashar went on to confirm several things, emphasizing the preservationist philosophy of the remaster:

“The game includes 13 new playable characters, updated visuals and gameplay features like lightsaber toggles, and enhanced mechanics. While the core experience remains faithful to the original, these additions enhance and expand the game for today's audience.”

Bashar has made it clear that Aspyr is sticking to the goal of a remaster that offers enough value to re-release a certain version, nothing on the level of. dead space Remake. The many new characters on top of Espry's visual upgrades are a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

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