While it wasn't for everyone, Robbery was well received by World of Warcraft When the players debuted last year. While there was some downtime before the start of Season 2, Blizzard brought it back Robbery Some changes and some new rewards for players to get. However, this year there is a big difference. Instead of grinding Renone to get all the rewards, you now earn Plunder in games that can be used to buy rewards in the Plunderstore.
All of last year's rewards can also be purchased, and if you don't want the rewards or have already gotten everything, you can always exchange some loot for a Trader's Tender that can be used at the Trading Post.

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All Plunderstorm rewards
In Plunderstore, you will see 13 tabs. All the rewards that are part of this program are well organized so that you can buy what you want. All awards were received, except for the Polly Roger mount Robbery For retail World of Warcraft only Plunderstore can be accessed on both Robbery and in-game at retail World of Warcraft.
the name |
cost |
happy |
250 loot |
Bubbles |
500 loot |
Glamrock |
10,000 loot |
Sparklesnap |
2,000 robbery |
Parly |
2,000 robbery |
the name |
cost |
Silver Tidestalion |
1,500 loot |
Royal Seafeather |
5,000 loot |
Polly Roger |
5,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Midnight Crocolisk |
5,000 loot |
Hooktalon |
5,000 loot |
a toy
object |
cost |
Selfish warning signs |
500 loot |
A small Plumed Tricorne |
500 loot |
object |
cost |
250 traders' tender bags were looted |
10,000 loot |
Tender chests of 500 traders were looted |
2,000 robbery |
object |
cost |
Blacksteel Saber |
250 loot |
Bloody Iron Cleaver |
250 loot |
Calcified claymore |
250 loot |
Swabi's shovel |
10,000 loot |
Swabbie's Oar |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Neck-Severer |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Fine Rapier |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Silver Cutlass |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Gilded Sigil |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Stormridden Neck-Severer |
1,500 loot |
Plunderlord's Stormridden Rapier |
1,500 loot |
Plunderlord's Stormridden Cutlass |
1,500 loot |
Plunderlord's Stormridden Sigil |
1,500 loot |
object |
cost |
copper cannon |
250 loot |
Amazing multi-shot |
500 loot |
Plunderlord's Hand Cannon |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Stormridden Hand Cannon |
1,500 loot |
object |
cost |
Spun cotton shirt |
250 loot |
Quilted Breeches |
250 loot |
Swabi gloves |
250 loot |
sure footed shoes |
250 loot |
object |
cost |
Nice crimson double |
250 loot |
Handwain trousers |
250 loot |
Swindler's cutouts |
250 loot |
silent skin |
250 loot |
object |
cost |
Plunderlord's Tricorne of the Admiralty |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Tassled Spaulders |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Waistcoat |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's fancy trousers |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Pilferers |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Golden Cinch |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Cuffs |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Muckscrapers |
250 loot |
the storm
object |
cost |
Plunderlord's Stromridden Tricorne |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Stromridden Spaulders |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Stormridden Waistcoat |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's Stromridden trousers |
500 loot |
Plunderlord's Stromridden Pilferers |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Stromridden Cinch |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Stromridden Cuffs |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Stromridden Muckscrapers |
250 loot |
the head
object |
cost |
Warm woolen hat |
250 loot |
Storm captain's hat |
250 loot |
First Mate's Dashing Cap |
10,000 loot |
First Mate's Dashing Headgear |
10,000 loot |
Plunderlord's old eye patch |
2,000 robbery |
Plunderlord's old hat |
2,000 robbery |
Plunderlord's Monocle |
500 loot |
object |
cost |
Plunderlord's Tabard |
5,000 loot |
object |
cost |
Weather proof |
250 loot |
Skulker's clothes |
250 loot |
Plunderlord's Drapery |
500 loot |
Plunderlord's Stromridden Drapery |
10,000 loot |