- Dwarves are top-tier front-line fighters with poison resistance, darkvision, and unique subrace advantages.
- Dragonborn’s power is determined by their color subspecies, with unique breath abilities matching.
- Half-Elves offer the best of both Human and Elven traits, making them a versatile and powerful choice.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a phenomenal RPG that allows players to not only pick from a wide variety of races but also an assortment of subraces within these categories. While the game allows any race to freely pick what attributes they concentrate on, unlike Dungeons and Dragons, the races still have other advantages that may encourage players to create a character using said race.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Great Classes Mods
The classes in Baldur’s Gate 3 are great for D&D fans, but the modding community is hard at work, making them even better and offering more choices.
With this in mind, here is every race in Baldur’s Gate 3 and a rundown on what the best subclass for each of them is, ensuring that gamers have the potential to survive no matter what difficulty they choose to play on.
Updated on January 13, 2025, by Megan Smith: The arrival of 2025 means that there will be even more content for Baldur’s Gate 3 players, as many are being brought back to the game because of the new subclasses being added to every class via the next patch. Players who wish to start the game again may be interested in knowing what the best races in Baldur’s Gate 3 are, as certain races are a much better fit for certain classes than others. While every class does offer interesting dialog for the player to experience, some of the best BG3 races are those that give the player extra spells or resilience.
Duergar Can Hardly Be Charmed Or Paralyzed
Movement Speed |
7.5m |
Skills |
Subraces |
Dwarves are a small yet mighty race in Baldur’s Gate 3 that is perfect for any player looking for a race that matches a front-line fighter. This race already has a resistance to poison damage and has an advantage in saving rolls that involve poison. They also possess Darkvison and the proficiency to use battleaxes, hand axes, light hammers, and war hammers, no matter what class they decide.
These buffs are only made greater by picking one of three available subraces, with Duergar being one of the most interesting. With this race once being enslaved by Mind Flayers, players have this role-playing crutch to work off of. They also have Superior Darkvison, an advantage in saving throws to prevent themselves being charmed or Paralyzed, and magical tendencies that allow the player to enlarge themselves.
Dragonborn Have Elemental Strengths
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
Dragonborn is the race with the most subraces available, as their true power comes from what color Dragonborn they are. For example, if the player was to create a black Dragonborn, this character would have access to a Breath Ability that shoots acid damage while also being resistant to acid.
Other than this, Dragonborns have nothing else to offer. Therefore, players should consider what dragon’s breath ability would best match their chosen class when considering what color Dragonborn to create. However, it is also important to note that the subrace choice of color doesn’t mean that the player has to make their Dragonborn that color, too.
Deep Gnomes Make Great Rogues
Movement Speed |
7.5m |
Skills |
Subraces |
Another tiny race in Baldur’s Gate 3, Gnomes may find themselves ranked the lowest, but that doesn’t make them useless. The tiny Gnome is a great choice for players who want to play a magic class due to the race’s Gnome Cunning skill. This gives the player an advantage in Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saving throws.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Things To Do Before Going To Act 2
There is a lot to pack into Larian’s RPG, but some stops are definitely worth making before progressing past the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3.
Gnomes also have three subraces for players to choose from, with one of the best being the Deep Gnome. Due to these Gnomes commonly living underground, they gain Superior Darkvision instead of regular Darkvision, as well as Stone camouflage that makes them brilliant at stealth checks.
One Of The Most Resilient Races
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
None |
Half-Orcs may not have any subrace options for players to decide between, but that doesn’t make them any less powerful. Instead, this brute-like race makes for a perfect option for players that are looking for fierce fighters that work wonderfully with any melee class available in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Many of the traits and features of this race play into how intimidating they look to the average villager. Therefore, players can expect to be proficient in intimidation, while also being quite the brutal attacker when in combat.
Lightfoot Halflings Are Lucky And Sneaky
Movement Speed |
7.5m |
Skills |
Subraces |
The final short race of the three available in Baldur’s Gate 3 is also arguably one of the greatest for players to use in the CRPG. No matter what subrace of Halfling a player decides on, they both have the wonderful feature known as Lucky. This means that when a player rolls a one during an attack, ability, or saving throw, they can reroll the dice and must use that score instead.
This can be great for players who don’t want to see their playthrough be a bunch of critical failures. The subraces of the Halfling don’t add much more to the race, though players may favor the Lightfoot Halflings over the Strongheart ones due to the advantage of Stealth checks.
Zariel Tieflings Learn Searing Smite
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
Tieflings are already a Baldur’s Gate 3 race that many players have gravitated toward, purely because of how the race looks. Many players have always wanted to have horns or look like a demon, and the Tiefling is the best fit. However, other than this, the traits and features of this race encourage more to try them, too.

Baldur’s Gate 3: The Best Melee Weapons, Ranked
Looking to deal some heavy damage the old-fashioned way in Baldur’s Gate 3? These melee weapons will have your back.
Besides all three subraces having Darkvision and being resistant to fire, the Zariel Tiefling is arguably one of the best. At level 3, this powerful Tiefling unlocks the spell known as Searing Smite. This can usually only be used by Paladins and is incredibly powerful in the hands of a Tiefling. At Level 5, this Tiefling then also unlocks Branding Smite.
A Lethal Elf With Interesting Spell Choices
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
Drow are seen as the ‘evil’ elves of Baldur’s Gate 3, with many NPCs automatically viewing the player as a danger when they first meet them. However, with the subrace options of a Lolth-Sworn Drow or a Seldarin Drow, players can settle the nerves of the folks they visit depending on whether they pick the nicer option of those that no longer follow the Spider Queen Lolth.
These subrace options add nothing other than story, and therefore, all the races’ traits and features are shared between both of them. Due to living underground, these Drow have Superior Darkvision and are skilled with rapiers, short swords, and hand crossbows. On top of that, Drow also unlocks various light and dark-themed spells as they level up.
An Average But Powerful Option
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
None |
Humans may be one of the most basic races that players will commonly see the face of throughout their entire adventure in Faerun, but that doesn’t make them an awful race option to choose in Baldur’s Gate 3. In fact, their skills are so good that it may make the number of humans in this fantasy world quadruple.
Naturally, humans don’t have any subraces, giving them even more extra traits, but they already get to choose an additional skill to be proficient in, as well as being proficient in a large group of additional weaponry as well as light armor and shields, no matter what class they choose.
Impressive Skills And Great From A Role-Play Point Of View
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
None |
Githyanki is a race that players are unlikely to have used in their own Dungeons and Dragons campaign. However, after playing as one in BG3, that might change because of how powerful they are. Like Half-Orcs, this race doesn’t have any subraces for the player to choose from, though the features it has are more than enough.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Pro Tips For Character Creation
Character creation is an important part of any RPG. Here are some top tips to keep in mind when creating your character in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Due to being natural soldiers, Githyanki has a wide variety of weaponry to pick from, as well as being naturally proficient in both light and medium armor. On top of this is the race’s best skill, Astral Knowledge, which allows players after every long rest to select a group of skills to become proficient in for that day.
High Elf Gains A Cantrip To Use Whenever
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
Alongside the regular human option, is the regular elf option. The Elf race carries a lot of similar traits and features to the Drow, minus the race’s magic and Superior Dark vision. However, unlike the Drow, the two subrace options players have to pick from for Elf in BG3 have some of their own great perks, too.
Out of the two options, it’s unsurprising to see that High Elf is by far the best. This subrace allows the player to choose a Wizard cantrip for their elf to use both in and out of combat. Naturally, it uses the player’s intelligence to determine the roll, though it can be incredibly useful.
High Half-Elf Is The Best Of Both Worlds
Movement Speed |
9m |
Skills |
Subraces |
Out of all the available races in Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s of no surprise to see that the best race players should consider using to create their character is Half-Elf. This combines the best of both the Human and Elves’ features to create an incredible race for gamers to play as.
Players can even choose between the three available elf races of BG3 to be the elven half that comes with their own interesting feats. High Half-Elf is once again one of the greatest due to it allowing the player to pick a Wizard cantrip, though each elf option carries its own strengths for the player to consider.

- Released
August 3, 2023
- OpenCritic Rating