on the map Aloft is huge, and it won't be long before all the islands are hoping for a way to save energy. Thankfully, you're able to claim an island as your home using the sailing knowledge you discover from the sky, allowing you to travel across the island like a ship.

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Once you've got a home base, you'll not only recuperate there when running out of HP in combat, but you'll also establish a suitable home base for yourself. You can hide extra materials, raise animals, cook food, and much more.
Unlock sailing knowledge and claim an island as your own
You'll learn how to claim an island fairly quickly playing Aloft, which is great because having a home base is extremely useful, especially as you continue your exploration of the skies! When you first come out of the starting cave in Aloft, the tutorial directs you to the nearby Knowledge Stone. This will give you a recipe for one The house mothThe first piece is you need to claim the island as your home. It can be by yourself or open to a shared server with friends.
Unfortunately, you can't take the starting island as your home – unfortunately, Some islands are too large to be home islands. Don't get too down about it, though, there are nearly 500 islands for you to explore aboard the ship and at Aloft! That means there's bound to be one you're ready to call home, so finish the tutorial after learning the Home Kite recipe, build your glider, and head to some nearby islands to explore.
Once you've found an island you like, you can build and place a home kite to respawn when you run out of health, or save space in your backpack to start dropping your abundance of resources somewhere else. As soon as you Place a Home Kite on an island to claim it as your ownYou will be able to name your island and then Teleport here anytime and anywhere Whenever you need to return to base.

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There are some essential recipes for a home island trip
This kicks off the Forgotten Legacy quest, which is crucial to Aloft finding the most important pieces needed for the home island. All of these important pieces of sailing knowledge can be found here Anchors with colored orbs around them which you'll find on the islands near the starting island (and on many more as you explore the sky). Essential things you will discover on these islands are:
A recipe for a helmwhich allows you to Sail your island like a boat And clear great distances through the sky. If you have a long distance to cover, set the island in the right direction and separate from the helm – you can use the time you are traveling to your next destination for your home island.
recipe for simple tentHowever you will eventually discover the recipe for more efficient sails, because you will find that Your sails show weather and windSo be careful where and how you travel!
recipe for the hullwhich enables the boat Move left and right.
recipe for ElevatorsAllow clothes to hang from the sides of your island vertical movement As you sail.
A recipe for a Table of mapsA huge round table Shows the areas you have discovered and the islands they belong towith a color scale indicating the vitality of each island's current ecosystem.
You're always free to explore as you wish, so if you're trying to open a map or reach a specific location, be sure to consult your map table before you get to the helm to navigate the island to your destination.
You can also interact with the islands on the map table Set waypoints on islands far away. These will appear as green beacons in the sky, and as green circles on your map table.
After you discover these four recipes during the Forgotten Legacy quest, you're almost ready to travel to your home island! bus Craft and place these items on your home islandAnd you will be ready to fly it across the sky! Just keep this in mind The heavier your island, the more rudders, elevators and sails you need to put on to adjust.
Sailing gear on your home island will take damage from objects bumping into you as you sail, so keep an eye on it. Red Sail icon On your sails – You'll need to bring the materials they're made of and some extra from your hammer, and repair sails damaged by debris in the wind currents.
You can see all this information at a glance in a small box in the bottom-right corner of the screen while you're steering the island. You will see some meters in this small menu: gray black To refer to your island weightThe the orange icon next to that island liftis another column yellow And measure yourself the hull and rotatability, and finally, green To track yourself tent For durability and resistance.
Be sure to check it oftenBecause if your island is getting too heavy you will find yourself traveling more slowly. Be sure Elevator, rudder and sails are all measured above the dotted line This corresponds to the weight of your island on the chart – anything below the dotted line will not react properly, making it difficult to steer your island.
You'll gradually find better recipes for these sailing essentials as you explore new areas and find new Knowledge Stones and sailing knowledge. The most common upgrade seems to be sails, with a variety of resources that can be used to craft better sails. The better material you use in a tent, the better it will stand up to the wind over time.

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What can you do on your home island?
There are many reasons you'll want to claim the island home as long as you play Aloft! You really don't want to be gliding around a huge map in a game made up of almost 500 islands, do you? Save your energy and claim the home island, because there are many household tasks that you can do at home.
Aloft is a great reason to set up a home island soon so you can be one A central place to store your content. As you establish a home island and collect different materials, you'll gradually unlock access to different storage options to stash your extra stuff at home. This includes special storage spaces for rocks, wood, wool, leaves, cloth, rope, and many other staple materials that you'll need in good quantities as you create new recipes.
Your backpack may have four tabs, but it's still this big. Every time you visit your home island it's a good idea to drop off the extra stuff you've collected as you explore – who knows what you'll find the next time you explore, and we're sure you want to be able to. If you find something good, grab it!
Another important thing to check is the list of things to do when setting up your home island at Aloft Make the bed For your adventure and put it somewhere before you go out again. If you come back tired or injured, you can Rest on the bed to recover your HP So you enter your next battle in top shape.
Before long, you'll start to see it too Various livestock In the islands you can explore the skies at Aloft, and animal lovers will be happy to know you can. Take the animals home From the islands you discover (your home island is parked enough) to pick them up as your own. Befriending hay or pellets is necessary before the cattle will join you, but you can Raise animals on your home island For their constant flow of all-too-important ingredients.
Be sure to pick them up later, though Livestock drop manure around your island. While you can put them in a pen to keep them in a special place, be sure to pick up the poop – you'll probably need a clean living space, though Livestock manure is essential for farmingWhich you can also do on your island after you find the recipe for the compost bin and prepare some farm plots to plant the various fruit and vegetable seeds you've been collecting from wild plants.
While you'll find an abundance of unique crops on the islands you explore, planting a garden on your home island gives you constant access to the materials you need. cookingWhich you can do With a cooking plate on the bonfire Leaving a bonfire spot on any island, but your home island, is a great way to have a reliable source of cooking. The foods you can cook for yourself provide all kinds of buffs, so be sure to use and stock up before heading out and engaging in new fights.
Finally, one of the fun aspects of having a home island is being able to Perfectly decorate your favorite island. You'll unlock tons of crafting recipes like walls, stairs, platforms, fences, and all kinds of materials to build a perfect home on the island, so if you've got some time between exploring new islands, check it out. Use the build list and customize your home island.

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