in Dragon Age: VilguardMany side quests are extended journeys that often end in a boss fight. One such quest focuses on a monster that preys on the desperate citizens of Minrathus, the story of which is covered in the Desperate in Duck Town side quest.

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This quest mainly involves finding the Demon of Desperation and preparing for a challenging battle. Boss fights can feel intense as you are confined to a small area while fighting the monster and its minions. In this guide, we'll walk you through finding the Demon of Desperation and completing the “Desperate in Duck Town” side quest.
How to Get Frustrated in Duck Town Side Quests
after Completing the Hidden Hoard Side quests, you will Get frustrated in Duck Town right away Side search.
The hidden hoard wraps up In a room within the CatacombsAnd you can immediately start Desperate in Duck Town from there.
Looking for a monster of despair
who Find the monster of despairStart at Fast travel point either only outside the catacombs Or in the room you use Heavy bronze key And completed A Hidden Horde side quest. this The room is behind the fast travel pointSo it is easy to reach the monster of despair from any starting point.
I left the room And the head was left up the stairs and Continue on the path. Leave the closed door you encounter; Instead, follow the path and Climb over the rubble on the right.
Take another left to find a lyrium crystal on the left, which has already summoned a bridge. Don't take this bridge. instead, Go straight from here– You'll also see a red exploding barrel along this path.
next, Take the rightAnd you will An opening position In the previously closed wall. When you enter, you will Dead bodies and blood were seen scattered on the ground. If you've been here before, Rook might even comment, “There's nothing in our way now.”
Cross the gap on the wall Approach the monster of despairwho has long been plotting a monstrous plot against the desperate citizens of Minrathaus.
The The Demon of Despair will speak for a few moments Before calling yourself into the field, along Name three other enemies Isolation, despair, and regret.
How to overcome disappointment
A monster of despair Primarily a wind-type bossBut it has one Some ranged attacks. When you are too close, it will use it Claws to perform two or three-hit combos.
If you keep your distance, this will summon a blade And start more range slashes your way Additionally, this Casts a purple orbwhich it uses Conjure AoE attacks which covers almost the entire plain. This is too Visible through red circles on the ground
While the The monster of despair is a significant threat on its own, Designated Enemy Adds challenges to the field Firing homing orbs explode on impact, Dealing with cold damage When they struck.
Sometimes, the The desperate boss's monster will disappear From the field, surrounding you in darkness. During this step, you will Lose sight of your friends and will not be able to Use your skills. Meanwhile, the Named enemies are more aggressive, Unleashing a barrage of cold-damage orbs.
who Exit the Dark PhaseFocus quickly Destroying all named enemies. Once they are defeated, the Demon of Despair will reappear on the field. With no extra enemies around, Combat is very manageable.
Fire damage is very effective Against the Demon of Despair and its minions, as it were The burning effect slowly reduces health with time. With more stacks burned, the compensation increases greatly.
If you plan to face the monster of despair with a fire weapon, be sure to charm it with one. Fire magic on the caretaker.
A friend's recommendation
Bring a friend who can Deal high damage to armor and provide treatment, Like LukanisOvercoming the monster of despair will be a great asset. his Weak and ignore abilities Great for damaging armor and stunning designated enemies in boss arenas. Additionally, the Soothing medicine is invaluable for healing During the fight.
To handle designated enemies, consider a friend Strong field control capabilities. of the nave Snow capacityFor example, freezes enemies, Cold applies, and deals constant damage in a large area – making it ideal for managing multiple enemies at once.
Disappointed in the Duck Town side quest rewards
Once you defeat the demon of despair, you will Gain 250 Shadow Dragon PowerAnd can loot the area to get the following rewards:
Necropolis Defender Shield rarity increase
Magister's End – Unique Light Armor

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