How to expand imagination into metaphor: ReFantazio

imagination 5 is one of the royal virtues that players must increase in order to interact with followers, increase their bond rank, and complete certain objectives. Metaphor: ReFantazio. Royal virtues are the main character's stats, including courage, intelligence, tolerance, eloquence, and imagination. There are certain in-game activities that players can engage in that provide a point to increase their stats — in this case Imagination.

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How to develop a royal virtue imagination

are 3 main ways to increase imagination in Metaphor: ReFantazio. Upgrading your Imagination Imperial Virtue will allow you to rank follower bonds, especially with Stroll at rank 7. Let's move on to activities that will increase the range of your imagination. Metaphor ReFantazio.

Chat with NPCs and followers

One of the easiest ways to increase or increase your fantasy stats Engaging only certain characters in the conversation. However, this method is not limited to the NPCs you find in towns.

You can talk to certain followers, and spend time with them, to earn points for fantasy status. Here is a complete list of said NPCs and followers that will grant you fantasy status after talking to them.

character type

Name of the character

character location

Random NPC

Chat Elder

On Sunlumeo Street in Grad Trad.

Chipper old lady

At night on Lower De France Street in Attabury Heights.


at Angler's Inn Square in Port Brilehaven

The nostalgic elder

At Thoroughfare Square in Martira

useless man

on Lower De France Street in Attabury Heights during the day.



Inside the Gauntlet Runner


Inside the Gauntlet Runner


Inside the Gauntlet Runner

Read books

Reading books to enhance the fantasy situation with a fairy friend in the metaphorical refantazio.

are also Some books you can read to boost your imagination stat. If you are after the bookworm trophy Metaphor: ReFantazioThere's a high chance you've already read these.

  • New World Travel Diary
  • Literacy Workbook

Both books can be found on the Gauntlet Runner's bookshelf. Although the first book is easily accessible, you need to unlock Basilio as a follower to get the second book.

Focus on completing More's Quests


More is one of the followers you recruit quickly Metaphor: ReFantazio. He has a series of quests for the protagonist to complete that will reward fantasy status points. Here is a list of all Searches from More You get to Akademeia.

  • Preface and Foreword
  • Chapter One: Examination
  • Chapter Two: Solitude
  • Chapter Three: The Drift
  • Chapter Four: Upheaval
  • Chapter Five: Solutions
  • Chapter Six: The End

In addition to quests by More, completing the “Save the Mourning Snakes” side quest on Viga Island unlocks Junah as a follower, which also increases your Imagination stat. Metaphor: ReFantazio.

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October 11, 2024

Studio Zero

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