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Stages of development of a city
While traveling around the world Dragon Quest 3 RemakeYou will come across many villages, towns, and cities that have a great diversity of people. Large and small, optional and mandatory, there is a huge selection. However, what if you can join hands in your own village?

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Well, that's a lot of options presented to you. Someone wants to build their city, and they want your help to do it. It's a rather involved process that will see you close to the end of the game before it's complete, but it's a thoroughly enjoyable, rewarding experience.
How to start building your own city
Finding Fleshing Town
You may first hear word of this town from the docks of Portoga, where two men will talk about trying to be a single man. Build your own city on the western continent. Madness, they brand it. But for you, it should be a rallying call.
When they speak of the Western Continent, they refer Shaped like North and South AmericaAs it is in their west, real life is similar to Europe.
In order for you to begin this journey, you must first receive your ship from the King of Portoga. Gather that black pepper for him Have your own cruise shipand headed west in search of a new city.
The city, which is a solitary building at this point, is found in the northern part of the western continent. It is on a patch of land Surrounded by mountainsIsolated from the rest of the continent and accessible only by coastline.
Assigning a merchant
Enter this house to find the aforementioned old man alone. He expresses his hope of building a new city to you, but understands this Financial knowledge is required He lacks it. In this regard, he takes your help.
Supply him with the merchant To build the foundation of your house. Note that any merchant you offer him will be permanently removed from your party. Thank you, They don't need to be at a certain level. If you don't have a merchant yet, or don't want to abandon your current one, simply return to Alihan and create a new one.
Oh, and Be careful with the name you choose. This may prove to be somewhat important.
Stages of development of a city
First step
This city, if you can call it that, appears when you first find it. And like this It stays until you make a merchant offer To help the old man realize his dream of a bustling city on the coast.
Second step
After leaving the unknown city for the first time, you can go and travel to your heart's content. A prompt will appear on the screen to tell you when the city has grown In the next stage of development. This is done over time, and in stages based on the progress of the story, so rest in the Ins and advance the story until it tells you to return.
When you first come back, you'll see the merchant doing some cool stuff, now Run a shop in your town And also built a big house for the old man. What a great job! You may also remember The city now takes the name of your merchant. For us, it was called Morriganburg. Please try to name it appropriately in your games.
Merchant selection is limited in their stores, but they promise you that The city will only grow. For now, you can leave and continue your adventure.
The third step
After you've progressed enough of the story, usually Around the time you get the ultimate key From the sunken shrine, you can return to your merchant town. And it's definitely bigger now.
Fences are built, the lake has more ponds, and A new inn now exists Also. Your merchant doesn't even run a normal shop anymore, but is busy building the city instead. The choice is huge now, though.
However, your dealer is not done yet. They are new foundations laid in the middle of the city Grounds for a new cabaret clubA bit strange for such an isolated place. But of course they know better. You can now return to your adventure.
The fourth and final step
After you get the Mod Rod from ManojaOr with the same degree of story progression, you can return once again to your merchant town, which at this point is on the brink of becoming a city. The pool has now been walled off, the dirt road has been replaced with cobblestones, The Cabaret Club is completeAnd your businessman has built himself a mansion. hmm
Here's a funny one. Since the city is so rich, Inn charges you more Sleep than in the previous stage.
Take some time to look around the city. The general store now has a wider selection, while the cabaret club now plays host to famous singers. Oh, leave your merchant name on the way out Avoid the 50,000 gold bill. The prices in the city have gone up quite a bit now.
Make a quick stop at your merchant's mansion along the way, it's quite charming if we're being honest. They will be delighted at your presence, thank you for your help in realizing the city, and promise you that they are not finished yet. Make sure to loot the two chests here for one Prim's primer book and hen's teeth. Your dealer won't notice them.
Obtaining the yellow orb
At this point, the city may have reached the highest level of development, but its story is not yet over. If you've been to Lanson's shrine, you may remember two men in the cider passages with cryptic messages. That's the yellow orb Constantly changing hands, and friends you left behind may still have a role.
These may not be connected at first, but They both refer to your dealer. The yellow orb eventually ends up in their city, though it can be a bit confusing to actually get it to work. Let's get into it.
When visiting the town on its last leg, go behind the house on the lower left of the town Find a group of citizens conspiring to overthrow your merchant. They are despots, squandering the city's coffers in their own glory and vanity at the expense of others. You can't do anything at this point, but with their plans now in the wild, they have no choice but to implement them.
If the citizens aren't behind this building, make sure to visit them at night instead.
After seeing the sparks of revolution, you need to continue your adventure. There's not much you can do now but wait, so Zoom around the map a bit and sleep at inns along the way. It may take a few in-game days, but you'll eventually get a prompt to return to your merchant town.
The rebellion was successful, and Your merchant has been imprisoned. The mansion has been stormed and soldiers are now patrolling the town. There is palpable tension in the city, even though its capitalist dictator has been deposed.
Give your merchant a quick tour of the prison directly south of their mansion and they'll give you a quick rundown of the rebellion. You see, they actually do City funds were spent to buy the yellow orb From a passing salesman, and just couldn't resist. They ask you to take it off their hands, and promise to start anew with the city once they're freed. Finally.
You can walk into the cell to free your merchant if you want, however They will refuse to leaveIt would be a futile effort.
Return to the mansion and head Behind the destroyed throne to find the yellow orb In all its dazzling glory. Finally, this long saga is over, and you are free to continue your journey to defeat Baramos.

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