How to play as Krillin in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

Goku has had many friends throughout his life in the Dragon Ball series. Among them are many powerful fighters who pushed him to his limits as well as helped him break those limits. Fans, however, will never forget the first time he transformed into a blonde-haired Super Saiyan, thanks to none other than his marshmallow-headed best friend, Krillin.

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Krillin is not the strongest character Dragon Ball: Sparking VoidBut that doesn't stop him from trying his luck against any enemy he encounters. This guide will walk you through his entire kit, including combos, skills and special moves.

Krillin overview


Move the name



Bicycle kick

Melee Button + Key Button

Deals a flurry of kicks in quick succession, dealing moderate damage.

Bicycle kick

2x Melee Button + Key Button

Deals a flurry of kicks in quick succession, dealing moderate damage.

Knock Back Blast

3x melee button + key button

Fires a delayed explosion that pushes the opponent away.

stomach punch

4x melee button + key button

A quick attack that stuns the opponent for a brief moment and prevents them from blocking follow-up attacks.

skills and special moves

Move the name




solar flare

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 skill points

A bright light that stuns and blinds the opponent for a few moments.

Afterimage strikes

Left on R2/RT + D-Pad

3 skill points

For 15 seconds, automatically dodge each melee attack from the opponent.


R2/RT + Melee button

3 gauge

Fire a beam attack that deals moderate damage and will track the opponent. Charging it increases the damage it holds for a long time.

Spread the energy wave

R2/RT + Ki button

3 gauge

Fire a rising beam before hitting an opponent instead to rain down a volley of unblockable blasts, dealing moderate damage per hit.

Chain Destructo Disk

R2/RT + perception button

Sparking mode

Fire a barrage of discs, dealing massive damage if they all connect. The last hit from the chain destructo disk is unblocked.

Recommended strategy

A screen detailing Krillin's stats in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero.

Unfortunately, Krillin's stats aren't much to look at. With his low stats, his DP cost is also very lowsitting A little three points. This would at least allow for stronger allies when building a team, even assuming he's completely useless.

Krillin has access to a very useful set of abilities that work in both offensive and defensive playstyles. There will be a solar flare Blind Opponents Leaving those who are playing hyper-aggressive Open to any of your follow-up attacks for a few seconds. Afterimage Strike is also a very effective defensive tool, capable Denying any air attack Thrown by the opponent for 15 full seconds.

Afterimage Strike should be used by default before engaging to maximize its use.

It should be used in pregnancy End of combo launch or when The opponent is trying to charge his key in the distance Charging Kamehameha increases its damage It's held up for a long time, though Unsafe if in neutral.

Spread Energy Wave, unfortunately, is Not used during combos And very well used A range poking tool.

Solar Flare can almost always be used to guarantee a fully charged Kamehameha or Spread Energy Wave, as the opponent will be unable to defend against something they can't see.

While in sparking mode, Deal a lot of damage You can do it with increased combo damage first The chain ends with a destructo disc.

It is possible to chain Kamehameha into a chain destructo disc, though you need to be quick to activate it.

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