Pokemon Go: Mega Bannet Raid Guide

Raids are coming again and again Pokemon Go With the inclusion of many recurring and one-off special events that take place each season. In Mega War Raid Pokemon Go These can be some of the most challenging PvE battles to face, and taking the time to create a solid strategy and strong team composition with appropriate counterpicks is the best approach to give yourself an advantage before the battle begins.

Each Mega Pokemon has its own unique strengths and weaknesses depending on its stats and type, so this is important Pokemon Go TRainers to study before entering any fights. Mega Banette is just one of many Pokemon that can appear as a special specimen in Mega Raids, providing a challenge for trainers to take on. Find out in the guide below everything you need to know to prepare for a battle against Mega Bannet, including the main weaknesses and resistances and the best counters for this Pokemon.

Updated by Grace Black on November 1, 2024: Mega Banette is back in Mega Raids as part of Pokemon GO's Max Out season. For this reason, this guide has been updated with all the latest information, tips and tricks that can help you successfully remove Mega Banet.

Mega Bane Weaknesses and Resistances in Pokemon GO

Mega Bannet in Pokemon GO

in Pokemon GoMega Bannet is a pure Ghost-type Pokemon. With this type, Mega Banet becomes stronger when facing off against Pokemon Fighting, bug, poison, and general types Thanks for resisting it. For this reason, it is best for players to avoid using such Pokémon in their team composition so as not to harm themselves.

The Mega Bannet is given a boost in power when fighting in foggy weather. Trainers may want to avoid participating in raids in these areas whenever possible to avoid increasing the difficulty of the game.

In addition to these resistances, Mega Bane also has several major weaknesses against strong moves from Pokemon or Dark and Ghost types. Coaches should use this information to select the most appropriate counters and build a team capable of eliminating the Mega Bant to secure victory.

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Best Mega Bant Counters in Pokemon GO

Mega Bannet

By determining Mega Bane's main weaknesses, players can choose the strongest Pokémon of those types, or Pokémon of other traits capable of using super effective moves, and prepare them for battle. However, to get the most out of your choices, you need to make sure that each Pokemon is equipped with a solid moveset, which will make the most of their type advantage and therefore make the battle as easy as possible to complete.

A list of suitable counters is identified below, along with the best move set for each Pokemon that can be used to defeat Mega Bane. However, if you don't have access to these specific Pokemon, you can use them as inspiration to build your own team.

Best Mega Bannet Counters


quick move

A charged move

Mega Tyranitar

to bite

Brutal swing

Mega Gengar

lick it off

shadow ball

Shadow Tyranitar

to bite

Brutal swing

Mega Houndoom


foul play

Dawn Wings Necrozma

Psycho Cut

Moongeist beam

Mega Gyarados

to bite




shadow ball



Dark Lariat


to bite

Brutal swing

mega salam

to bite

fly away

Pokemon Go Bulbasaur Tag


Phone transparent

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