A lot of people want to be famous, and the Sims are no different! In The Sims 4, everyone has a chance to achieve stardom with the Get Famous expansion. Sims can become famous in multiple areas, such as acting, writing, painting, music, or politics. They can even simply be social media influencers and become their world’s equivalent of an Instagram or YouTube star.

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However, to truly become a recognized name and a celebrity takes quite a lot of time. Sims have to work hard to achieve stardom, and even then, they have to be careful not to lose it. Luckily, there are some tricks to make the process of gaining Fame faster and easier. Some are so obscure that many players might not realize they exist — until now.
Updated on October 13, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With the upcoming Life and Death expansion taking the systems of birth, life, death, and the afterlife to (hopefully) new heights for The Sims 4, fans of the franchise might be intrigued about just how its gameplay features can affect the rest of the title’s offerings. However, players who want to take their Sims to the next level may want to pursue Fame more strategically so their rise to the top becomes more efficient and satisfying to see. Some tips include taking the author’s route, getting the Noticeable Fame Perk, cashing in on bonuses when donating expensive items, and transforming their home into a Celebrity Home Lot.
18 Hack The Publishing Industry
Focus On The Writing Skill To Score Fame At Home
Sometimes, all it takes to achieve world-renowned status is an idea – and the Writer Career in Sims 4 lets players become extremely famous when tackled correctly. In the game, when players Publish works via the Mailbox, they can earn Royalties for their work. However, with the Get Famous expansion, publishing a Book can also earn players Fame. Interestingly enough, despite the presence of the Writer Career, players don’t necessarily need it to be a world-renowned author. All they need is the right investment in the Writing Skill.
To maximize the Skill, it’s ideal for players to get the Creative Visionary (+20% Chance to make Bestsellers) Trait and the Creative Trait (random bouts of four-hour Inspired status). Keeping the Sim’s writing room filled with decorations can boost the chances of being Inspired. To earn Fame quickly, it’s ideal for Sims to publish two to three Books at a time to get at least two Fame points. Always attending awards they’re invited or nominated to can also increase the chances of winning them.
17 Get The Noticeable Fame Perk
This Perk And Its Tree Offer Useful Bonuses
When a Sim starts their journey to become a Celebrity by getting their first star, they can spend it on a Perk that technically “dictates” how they can maximize their Fame gain. While these One-Star Celebrity Perks branch off to a host of different areas such as networking and public relations, by far the most effective Perk related to increasing Fame is Noticeable.
This Perk boosts the chance of players getting bonus Fame whenever they focus on their Skills and Careers. Its subsequent Perks also offer interesting boosts when activated. For instance, CelebuSerum gives Sims access to a delivery service that sends “potions” that may boost Emotions and boost a Skill. Meanwhile, Established Name, Career Hopper, and Easy Street dramatically boost the Simoleons they earn regardless of their work.
16 Donate Expensive Things
Giving Back Will Also Give Sims More Fame
When Sims start to get a better reputation, they’ll have the opportunity to get the Giving Back Perk. Upon acquisition, players can now use Live Mode to donate an item they own. Doing this can give them Fame in return. However, here is the kicker: the more expensive the item, the more Fame Sims earn. This opens a potential exploit to speedrun the process.
At its core, this involves building a steady source of income using another popular Fame method. This can involve, for example, Painting until such a point that players can start selling their works for more Simoleons. With a sizable amount of money in their stash, players can technically just purchase the item and Donate it for instant Fame. Any financial losses can be recouped by creating more pieces.
15 Make A Scene Outside
Gathering A Crowd Increases The Fame Earned
When one hears the word “fame,” it’s unsurprising to think of being an actor or getting cast in a blockbuster. In the Get Famous expansion, Sims can finally step into superstardom through the Actor Career, with the Acting Skill being an integral part of the process. While the general path of becoming an Actor in The Sims 4 gameplay is similar to what actors experience in real life – such as auditioning, callbacks, and even shooting scenes – there are some parts of Acting that The Sims 4 also emulates. For instance, Sims can perform in public to gain Fame and attention.

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Through the Acting Skill, Sims can technically go to any location and start performing. This can earn them Fame, the amount of which will depend on how many Sims are going to observe their performance. To make the most out of this method of gaining Fame, Sims are advised to go to public locations such as parks and bars to ensure they can maximize their presence.
14 Follow The Right Career Path
Choose The Ideal Career For The Sim’s Talents
Much like the real world, certain careers naturally lend themselves to improving a Sim’s Fame level. Thus, those seeking stardom should be sure to choose the right one. The best career for those wanting to become famous is the Actor career, as completing gigs and certain scenes will grant Fame points. Other careers such as Rocket Science and Business also have the potential for events that increase Fame.
If switching professions just for exposure feels wrong to some players, they can also simply focus on getting their sim to the highest level of their career. Random Fame opportunities will crop up from time to time for those in high-level occupations. So, whatever a Sims career is, they must work hard.
13 Win Awards
Try To Win Awards Via Acting
It may seem obvious, but winning awards is a great way to boost a Sim’s Fame points. As part of the Acting career path, players will sometimes find their Sim has done well enough to receive some kind of accolade. These accolades will involve an award ceremony that a Sim can attend so long as they are a 3-Star Celebrity.
Attending the event to accept the award in person offers the highest level of Fame point reward, so it’s a good idea to show up. Awards ceremonies happen every Sunday evening at the Studio PBP lot in Del Sol Valley. To accept the award, players will need to click on the microphone at the right time and select the ‘Accept Award’ prompt to give their speech.
12 Become A Space Explorer
Go To Sixam For More Fame
As part of the Rocket Science career, players can traverse the greater universe and even travel to Sixam, a secret alien planet unlike their own. Though this itself is rewarding for Sims who have dedicated their lives to science, it’s also a fantastic reward for those who don’t mind some extra Fame on the side. Each trip to Sixam will grant players points, as will the more general ‘Explore Space’ option.
The Rocket Science career is a great choice for those seeking to increase Fame in Sims 4 without becoming an Actor. In addition to the space travel options, players will also have the ability to use the scientific inventions that their Sims create. Using scientific inventions can also boost Fame points, but just be careful where Sims point them.
11 Get Creative
Take Advantage Of Creative Hobbies
Creativity and celebrity almost always go hand in hand, and the same can be said for The Sims 4 universe. While certain creative careers may not provide Fame themselves, the activities involved often do. Sims who sell books, paintings, and archeological signs will be granted Fame points every time they do. Sims in any career path can also do these activities, so there’s no limitation to it.
Other creative hobbies that grant an increase in Fame include playing the piano, playing the violin, singing, working the DJ booth, uploading videos or music, and performing comedy routines. Just make sure that Sims get plenty of practice beforehand, as no one likes to hear someone playing badly.
10 Romance A Celebrity
Let The Celebrity Do The Work
Sometimes it’s not what Sims know that counts, it’s who they know. And what better way to get ahead than by wooing someone already in the public eye? But it’s not as easy as simply walking up to them and having your Sim introduce themselves. Romancing a celebrity takes a good deal of luck and patience, but is a great way to become famous in Sims 4.

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Sims wanting to woo a celeb will need to pluck up the courage to talk to them. When interacting with a celebrity in the game, the ‘Attempt Introduction’ prompt should appear in the option wheel above them. This option will either result in the Sim getting ignored, brushed off, or, in rare cases, a successful interaction. From here, a relationship can be built in the same way as others, and Sims will be able to bask in their newfound glow of Fame.
The Post Spam Is Worth The Fame
Just like in real life, the best way to attract an audience’s attention and become well-known is to be active and engage with fans on social media platforms. In this case, Sims who want to become famous should take the time to post new stories on their Simstagram over and over and over again.
It may feel repetitive, but consistent content is the absolute key to success. This allows Sims to quickly build a wide audience and become famous as a result. Frequent posting leads to larger numbers of followers, which in turn leads to more Fame points granted to Sims.
8 Work On The Charisma Skill
Get More Charisma To Secure More Fame
Of course, Sims should work on skills in their area of expertise if they want to be famous as an actor, a musician, a painter, or even a social media influencer. They can use certain lot traits to boost learning speed, which will allow them to level up their artistic skills much faster. There are also cheats and plenty of mods for leveling up skills, but using them might take away a part of the enjoyment.
One of the most important skills that wannabe famous Sims should level up is Charisma. Charisma can sometimes be a bit of a forgotten skill within the game, but it’s essential for all kinds of successful interactions. If a Sim with a high level of Charisma posts a story on Simstagram, they will get more followers (and more Fame) than Sims with a lower skill level.
7 Go Out & Face The Public
Make More Public Performances
Introverted Sims might not be so happy about this step, but one way to increase Fame is to just go out, interact with the public, and show off some talent. Using the creative skills they’ve hopefully honed by now, Sims can go out into the world to perform. Those who want to be famous singers, for example, should visit open mics at clubs and bars to showcase their skills.
Much like romancing a famous Sim, players can also attend parties with other celebrities in the hopes of befriending them. Building relationships with celebrities and other influential people is a surefire way to build a Sim’s Fame levels. With successful interactions, Sims will get points for getting to know the stars.
6 Take Risks As An Actor
Try Riskier Options For Higher Fame
If a Sim is an actor, they can gain Fame faster by choosing riskier options in their scenes. During every filming event, Sims have the option to either play it safe or try out a riskier approach. Like every chance encounter in the game, each risky choice can either go well or poorly. However, successfully completing the risky option will bring Sims more Fame.
Players should only try this option if they feel confident enough and have fulfilled all the prep tasks they were supposed to do before attending the scene. Otherwise, if they fail, they won’t get any extra fame points and may even lose some work performance. Playing it safe will always produce a mildly positive performance boost, but offers none of the Fame points that taking risks does.
5 Become A Spellcaster
Get Famous For Casting Spells
An unusual way to get more Fame is to become a spellcaster! With the World of Magic expansion, once a Sim learns enough spells, they can use their magic abilities to cast spells and get Fame points for it.

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It’s a perk that many players don’t know about, even those who have played as spellcasters before. Of course, using spells also has another advantage, as it makes the Sim’s life easier or helps them deal with annoying people.
4 Start Early
Develop Acting Traits Through The Drama Club
If Sim wants to be famous, they should start working on it as early as possible. It may seem a little premature, but there are plenty of things that children can do to work toward their future careers or job. Artistic hobbies are a great way to do this and are still fun for children too. Playing the violin and drawing are great examples of hobbies that will benefit them later.
However, the best way to get Fame early on is to join the drama club. This will help Sims who go on to follow the Acting career path. Joining the drama club as a child boosts Fame and gives Sims a better chance to succeed in becoming a superstar.
3 Be Born To The Right Parents
Combine The Right Genes For The Best Celebrity
Once again just like in the real world, Sim children who are born to famous parents have a clear advantage over their average peers. In The Sims 4, if a child has famous parents, they automatically get a certain level of Fame after they’re born, and they don’t need to work for it!
From there on, it’s up to them to develop their career like any other Sim would do. Still, their starting position is better, and it makes getting Fame easier.
2 Build A Good Reputation
Secure Reputation For Higher Fame
One trick to becoming famous faster is to build a good reputation. This will not only make the Sim, more popular but bring more opportunities their way. One way to achieve a good reputation is to donate a lot of money to charity.
If the Sim doesn’t have a lot of money, they can try hosting charity events, or players can use money cheats if they don’t mind doing so. It also helps to be simply nice to other Sims — everyone likes celebrities who are kind, polite, and humble.
1 Choose The Right Traits
Build The Perfect Celebrity
Besides other benefits, personality traits can also help Sim become famous faster. Some character traits are simply better for building Fame than others. For example, being Creative helps a lot when Sim wants to be a famous writer or a painter.
It also helps to be Self-Assured, Cheerful, or Outgoing. Sims will meet a lot of people during their journey to stardom, and they need to be able to get all the attention with a smile on their faces.