Debuting in late 2024, Dragon Ball DAIMA Akira Toriyama's latest installment Dragon Ball franchise and the last new series that the highly influential mangaka worked on before his passing earlier this year. The story takes place immediately after the Majin Buu saga Dragon Ball Z And Shenron sees Goku and his friends transform into first class following the wishes of Gomah: the new king of the Demon Realm.
related to
Dragon Ball Dema: The New Anime Timeline, Explained
Dragon Ball fans will be getting a new anime soon. Dragon Ball Daima will succeed, and this is where it fits into the franchise.
opposite Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball DAIMA will be available outside of Japan from the get-go, meaning fans of the franchise won't have to wait months to enjoy the show. Initially, only subtitled episodes will be available, although the full English dub will follow soon, so there are more options available. Dragon Ball fans. Of course, they still need to know where and when they can watch the next episode On Dragon Ball DayThat's where this guide comes into play.
When can I watch episode 2 of Dragon Ball DAIMA?
Episode 2 of Dragon Ball DAIMA will be available on Crunchyroll from October 18 at 10 a.m. PDT. For those living in other time zones, the release times for Episode 2 are as follows:
time zone |
Early access release time/date |
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) |
10:00 (October 18) |
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) |
13:00 (October 18) |
British Summer Time (BST) |
18:00 (October 18) |
Central European Summer Time (CEST) |
19:00 (October 18) |
Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) |
20:00 (October 18) |
Japan Standard Time (JST) |
02:00 (October 19) |
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) |
03:00 (October 10) |
Episode one
Dragon Ball DAIMA
will be available on Netflix from October 18th, leading many to speculate that Episode 2 will hit the streaming service from October 25th.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode Release Schedule
# |
The name of the episode |
Release date/time |
1 |
Conspiracy |
October 11 (10:00 PDT) |
2 |
Glorio |
October 18 (10:00 PDT) |
3 |
tbc |
October 25 (10:00 PDT) |
4 |
tbc |
November 1 (10:00 PDT) |
5 |
tbc |
November 8 (09:00 PST) |
6 |
tbc |
November 15 (09:00 PST) |
7 |
tbc |
November 22 (09:00 PST) |
8 |
tbc |
November 29 (09:00 PST) |
9 |
tbc |
December 6 (09:00 PST) |
10 |
tbc |
December 13 (09:00 PST) |
11 |
tbc |
December 20 (09:00 PST) |
12 |
tbc |
December 27 (09:00 PST) |
13 |
tbc |
January 3 (09:00 PST) |
14 |
tbc |
January 10 (09:00 PST) |
15 |
tbc |
January 17 (09:00 PST) |
16 |
tbc |
January 24 (09:00 PST) |
17 |
tbc |
January 31 (09:00 PST) |
18 |
tbc |
February 7 (09:00 PST) |
19 |
tbc |
February 14 (09:00 PST) |
20 |
tbc |
February 21 (09:00 PST) |
Dragon Ball DAIMA
- Release date
- October 11, 2024
- Studio
- Toei Animation
- the creator
- Akira Toriyama