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What is the max level in NieR: Automata
What increases leveling up in NieR: Automata
As you defeat enemies NieR: AutomataYou will earn XP and level up. Leveling up is one of the ways you can increase your base stats and make your characters stronger, helping you take on the stronger machines you'll encounter as you progress through the different stories.
Your level and the stats earned from your level carry over to all characters, so it's always worth leveling up as those bonuses will always apply. Here is the maximum level you can reach by grinding and the level range you want to reach when you complete all three storylines.
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What is the max level in NieR: Automata
The The maximum level you can reach NieR: Automata Level is 99. It is not necessary to reach max level to defeat the main storyline and the bosses within. Due to the level-based gameplay, over-leveling is possible, although there is also a secret boss that pushes you to reach max level so that the base stats are able to stand up against them.
At what level you have to beat the game
Players can easily be Defeat the base three stories within the range of level 50-60. There is no level-scaling, so later in the game enemies will be at a set level, the final dungeon of the game will be in the 50s. Depending on the amount of side content you complete in each playthrough, you can easily reach level 60+ in one playthrough of each story. It's also very possible to take down late game enemies at low levels with the right plug-in chips that boost your stats as well as avoiding enemy attacks while mastering the game's combat mechanics.
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What increases leveling up in NieR: Automata
While you can also increase your base stats with plug-in chips, leveling up will increase the following stats:
Max HP
Air attack damage
Ranged attack damage
You can choose to equip plug-in chips that let you see your XP bar to know you're leveling up, as well as an extra chip that lets you know how much XP you've earned for defeating an enemy. The death penalty in NieR: Automata You can hit hard if you lose all your chips, and you will Also lose your current XP on the way to the next levelYou will never lose a full level, and the amount lost is always limited, although recovering your body will return any lost XP.