While in the main story quest for Rinascita falling waves While most of the area takes place, some of the more interesting spots are reserved for exploratory quests. One such quest is Where the Wind Returns to the Celestial Realms, and in it players will unleash a massive storm in the northeastern reaches of Rinasita.
This may be a completely optional quest, but considering how one of the nightmares echoes father Locked inside the storm-tossed ruins of the Fagaceae Peninsula, players will want to complete this quest. It's quite a long adventure, though, so grab your best resonators and strap in for the long ride.
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Wuthering Waves: Treasures in the Painting Quest Guide
Treasures in Painting is a hidden side quest in Wuthering Waves that players can find in Agla Town. Here's how to find and complete it.
Where the wind returns to the walkthrough in the celestial spheres
This exploration quest involves a ton of combat. To begin, go to the foot of the ruins south of the ledge of Last Breath, and interact with the broken Lumiscale Construct on the ground. All objectives are for this quest
Charge three steals into the marked areas.
Return to the Lumiscale Construct and defeat it.
Chase after the Lumiscale build.
Beat the Lumiscale build.
Defeat Dirge's Dragon.
Charging Steles
Altars marked by quests will have Discipline Steles Charge up slowly until you're standing in the middle of the glowing circle. If an enemy enters the glowing circle, progress will be interrupted, so try to get rid of them as quickly as possible to maximize efficiency. If you walk away from the altar's range for too long, its energy will begin to drain.
As with the third set of Stealths, you must first pull them into place before the enemies can start spawning. If you are having trouble holding broken steels, Adjust your character and camera position until the button prompt appears on stills.
Chase and defeat the Lumiscale construction
Nothing special here. Move Wingre back to the starting area, then blast the Lumiscale Construct with the strongest resonators on your team. A cutscene will trigger once its health is low enough, and you'll be prompted to follow it deeper into the ruins.
As you pursue construction, The surrounding environment will become more hostile. Watch out for falling debris and lightning, and Take out all the enemies in your way. You will eventually encounter a Lumiscale construct, and you can defeat it there once and for all.
Dragon of Dirge
This enemy is extremely deadly, and if you are not careful, It can stunlock or even one-shot your characters. Watch out for its breath and shooting star attacks, and try to stagger it as quickly as possible. This is the best way to fight the enemy Wait for its big attacks to pass and try to stun it as quickly as possible.
After the dragon is defeated, the quest will be complete. You'll then gain access to all of the Dream Patrols in the area and the rest of the Last Breath shores, including the Nightmare Tempest Mephis in the large arena at the north end of the peninsula.