Who are the Dragon Sovereigns of all nations?

The kings who once ruled Tevat are now relics of the past, yet their ideals and majestic power still cast a shadow over every nation. Before the Primordial One landed on Teyvat and reshaped the land so it was more suitable for humans, seven dragon sovereigns ruled the world. Each dragon was the source of all elemental power in Teyvat and was considered the most powerful in its respective element.

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Unfortunately, the Dragon Sovereigns lost their battle against the Primordial One and were stripped of their powers, and complete control of the element. It means theirs right No more than elementals, thus making it extremely difficult for them to revert to their original form as dragons. Part of their authority was given to the seven archons of Tevat, and it is only upon the death of an archon that dragons regain their full dragonhood. Here are all the known dragon sovereigns of Teyvat and where they are now.

Nibelung – Dragon King

Genshin Influence - Nibelung

The Nibelung was known as the King of the Seven Sovereign Dragons, who were also killed in battle with the Primordial One. The Nibelung were the first species to delve into the forbidden knowledge of the Abyss in Teyvat as he believed it was the only way to defeat the Primordial. However, that knowledge grew uncontrollably and eventually led to his death. For this reason the Heavenly Principles drive divine nails to help prevent the leakage of forbidden knowledge.

Not much is known after the Nibelung's death, but Apep mentions the possibility that the new Dragon King is reincarnated. This new dragon king doesn't necessarily have to be named Nibelung, but it would be nice to know that just because the dragon sovereign is 'dead', it doesn't mean they're gone forever. They can actually be reincarnated pure elemental formBut it also means they don't have their full dragonhood or memories of their past.

Apep – Dragon of Verdur

Genshin Impact-Apep

Apep is the dendro dragon who ruled Sumeru before the heavenly principles shaped his land. The ancient Sumeru land he ruled was once a lush rainforest, but once a divine nail fell on the region, the entire rainforest of Apep fell. Genshin effect The players see as the desert.

After the death of the Nibelung, Ape himself is confirmed to have enjoyed gaining forbidden knowledge to reverse the heavenly principles. But after receiving it from King Deshret, she became maddened by its corruption and eventually had to be purified with the help of a traveler. As Apep is one of the original seven sovereigns, he is the oldest dragon. Genshin effect. He appears as a giant serpentine dragon with the ability to create entire worlds within himself.

Neuvillette – Water Dragon

Genshin Effect - Neuvillette

The original Hydro Dragon was the Sovereign Dragon-Lord who ruled the Fontaine Nation in the Old World. After his death during the war against the Heavenly Principles, he was reborn 500 years ago. Genshin effect Neuvillette – Fontaine as Chief Justice. According to legend, the Hydro Dragon Sovereign was considered the “beating heart of the primordial ocean”, but after the Heavenly Principles stole its powers and sealed the original Hydro Archon Egeria in the deep sea, the Hydro Dragon was immediately rendered incapable. reincarnation

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For Neuvillette, things were a little different because not only was her possession of the Hydro element stolen, but because she was reincarnated as a human, she lost a part of her memories as the Sovereign Avatar. He was mainly unable to remember his divine link to the Primordial Sea and even his ability to control it. This is only after Focals separates his divinity from humanity and then executes himself to return hydro authority to Neuville. Only then was he able to absolve the Fontanians of their sins and rise to the position as the new 'Hydro Archon' or Chief Justice of Fontan.

Azhdaha – Earth (Geo) Dragon

Genshin Effect - Azdaha

As the Lord of the Geobishops mentions in Liu's History, Azdaha was once a friend of Morax, Geo Archon. He slept under Nantianmen for a long time and when he occasionally woke up, any movement would cause an earthquake on the surface above. Morax finally digs deeper to find Azdaha and finds her blind. He discovered him from the depths and then gave him a pair of eyes, because Azadaha wanted to see the world. They made a deal that Azhdaha must not harm Liu's citizens or endanger the environment, otherwise Morax would take back what he had given her and shut her down. Unfortunately, Azhdaha 'began to suffer from erosion' and soon the face of Morax and the agreement were forgotten with time.

This infuriates him because he believes Morax betrayed him, but in fact, he was the one who broke the first pact by killing a human. It is said that when Morax tried to retrieve Azdaha in the depths of the Dragon Cavern, it was extraordinarily difficult, and he needed the help of other adepts. Azdah's abilities and authority as an ancient element suggested the possibility that he might be the Dragon Sovereign of Geo – also known as the ruler of Geocurses and the Immovable Mountain.

Xiuhcoatl – Dragon of Flame (Flamelord)

Genshin Impact-Xiuhcoatl

Xiuhcoatl was once a dragon king who ruled Natlan alongside the Saurians. He was known as the nation's 'Flamelord' and was extremely hostile to anyone who came close to his realm. Natlan does not have an Archon that is a God, but a human who has attained divinity through pilgrimage, Xbalanque was the first human to kill Xiuhcoatl and rise to the position of Pyro Archon.

He lived within the main volcano in Natlan and has therefore been theorized several times as the Pyro Dragon Sovereign. One particular moment is when the NPC Pacal, chief of the Children of Echoes tribe, mentions how Xiuhcoatl's reign ended immediately the moment Xbalanque Natlan rose to power as the first Pyro Archon. Rebirth of the Pyro Dragon Sovereign has yet to be confirmed, so Genshin effect Players can expect more news in the future.

Honorable mention

Dvalin – Wind Dragon of the East

Genshin Effect-Dvalin

Also known as Stormterror, Dvalin is an Anemo elemental dragon and has been the companion of the Anemo Archon for the past 2000 years. Dvalin is said to have been born from a 'convergence of elemental energy' and despite his gigantic size he was always curious about human life. He was playing Holy Lire der Himmel in Barbatos and was immediately captivated by the kindness of Anemo Archon. From then on, they became friends and wherever Barbatos went, Dwalin followed.

Since Dwalin is said to be born from the purest of elemental forms like all other Dragon Sovereigns, it can be theorized that he is either a reincarnation or the original Anemo Dragon Sovereign. This theory leans more towards the 'reincarnation' side, as Dwalin was born into Heaven shortly before he met Barbatos, making him quite young when they became friends. Furthermore, Nahida also compares Dwalin's strength and power to Apep, a confirmed dragon sovereign. Therefore, until hard evidence, Genshin effect Players may theorize that Dvalin is actually the Anemo Dragon Sovereign.


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