Dragon Age: The Valeguard – A Crow and a Gentleman Walkthrough

In relatively early Dragon Age: VilguardYou must choose to protect either Minrathus and the Shadow Dragons or Treviso and the Crows. This is not an easy choice, because the place you choose will suffer a lot.

This choice also affects your party members, and it determines which locations you can access. search “A Crow and a Gentleman” Available only for Dragon Age: Vilguard Players who leave Treviso in blight.

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Starting the Quest – Where to find Chance Candide

Dragon Age Velgard Treviso Antam Massacre

To start this quest, you need to choose to save Minrathous, and wait until you rejoin the Lucanis team. At some point after that, the Crow leaders will have a new quest for you when you revisit Treviso.

To find your target, Chance Candide, start by following search markers in the market. You can teleport there if you unlock the Treviso fast-travel beacons again, but if you do, you'll miss the Antam Massacre located outside the market. You don't need to see it, but Rook will comment on the bodies as you pass by.

If this is your first trip through blighted Treviso, you will find a blight obstacle in your way. The blisters you need to burst are to the right of the barrier, and through the outer part of the wooden wall you reach the barrier.

The Market Master is on the right as you enter the Market Square. She will explain that Chance killed Antam, then left for the Sunken District to the south.

How to unblock a bridge

Dragon Age Velgard Blighted Bridge

On your way south to the Sunken District, you'll likely come across a bridge with a blight barrier in the way. The other way to the district is blocked, and you need to figure out how to unblock the bridge to continue.

You've probably encountered blight stains that block pathways before, but this time, the boils are also dark. All you need to do is use Davrin's Blight Hunter ability to attack the pale blight abscess on the right side of the bridge. Doing this will light up the debris on the near and far walls around the bridge, and breaking them both will let you cross the bridge.

Blight Hunter is temporary, and if you don't hit both boils within a few seconds you'll need to use it again.

Of course, like the obstacle in the market square, there is a bridge obstacle before starting this side quest. If you've explored Treviso before, you can teleport directly to the Sunken District Beacon.

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How to beat Chance Candide

Dragon Age Velgard Blighted Chance

From the Sunken District Beacon, go southeast to the Sunken Houses. You'll see a blight pillar behind, and you may have to fight some darkspawn to get to it. Make sure you defeat them all before continuing because the additional enemies will make the fighting more difficult.

When you're ready, destroy the three marked blight boils, then attack the top of the blight column. Blighted Chance will jump out of it and attack. Chance is a level 30 enemy that is strong against necrotic damage but weak to fire. He also has an armor bar, and uses melee attacks exclusively.

Aside from chance, you can also expect to fight Horlock Spikers and Ghost Bursters that will constantly spawn. The only way to stop them is to kill Chance, so stay mobile and focus your attacks on the boss. The moment he goes down, all the lesser darkspawn in the area will disappear into place.

Once Chance has breathed his last, return to the Crows' hideout to complete this quest. Your rewards include 200 gold, 5 fade-touch crystals, and +250 crow strength.

Dragon Age the Wellguard tag page cover art

October 31, 2024

Electronic Arts

OpenCritic rating

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