How to get Dragon Bones fast in Blox Fruits

Update 24 brought tons of new content Block fruitsIncluding new locations and resources. The latter requires crafting new tools, although they are very difficult to find. So, here we will tell you How to get dragon bones in fast Block fruits.

Dragon bones are legendary ingredients in it Roblox Experience. They can only be obtained by completing the Volcanic event. However, it will take a long time to achieve this if you don't know some useful tricks to speed up the process.

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How to get Dragon Bone in Blox Fruits

Dragon Bones in Blox Fruits

Dragon Bones is the reward for ending a volcanic event on a prehistoric island Block fruits. The program requires a team of 3-4 players, as you have to perform many tasks at the same time. When you successfully complete a volcano attack, you will find giant bones on the ground.

To collect them, you just need to step on them. However, it is worth noting that all dragon bones are inside Block fruits Completing the raid is split between all players. Therefore, you should discuss how to share the loot with your teammates.

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How to farm dragon bone fast

Dragon Bone in Blox Fruits

The only way you can farm Dragon Bones Block fruits Related events are to be completed. Fortunately, there are ways to save a lot of time, namely, making a volcano magnet.

Prehistoric Island extends into marine hazard level 5 and 6 zones with very low probability. It can be found without magnets, but it can take hours of sailing. At the same time, if you or one of your team members has the required item, it can be found within 5 minutes of searching the island.

In addition to using Volcanic Magnet, you have to play on a private server with a team consisting of your friends. This way you can always be the first to find Prehistoric Island and Farm Dragon Bones inside quickly Block fruits. Note that after completing the event, it is better to restart the server so that Prehistoric Island spreads faster.

At the time of writing, players only need to collect 79 dragon bones to craft all items that require this material. Block fruits. However, even to accumulate such a small amount, you have to complete the volcano raid 20 times. So, use these tips to speed up the process of farming dragon bones.

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September 1, 2006


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