How will Elbaf change if Loki marries Charlotte Lola?

Key takeaways

  • Loki was rejected by Lola, hindering a potential alliance between the giants and the Big Mother pirates.
  • Loki's disapproval makes him want to rule Elbaf with the help of the Big Mother.
  • Loki's true love for Lola hints at a possible softer side and different path if they marry.

Loki is finally officially introduced to the story at this point a piece The most recent arc, Elbaph. The new prince of giants has already become an influential figure in the series, through words alone, generating a great deal of intrigue as to what his role in the story might be. But, despite only recently appearing in the story, the character has been mentioned for a long time.

Interestingly, Loki was the first to be mentioned a piece The story doesn't exactly line up with his most modern appearance. In his first appearance, Loki was rejected by Charlotte Lola, leading to a failed alliance between the giants and the Big Mom Pirates. Although this moment may seem small, if Loki actually marries Lola a piece, The whole world will probably face some serious consequences.

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Lola rejects Loki before the start of a piece

Freedom over marriage

As mentioned above, Loki was mentioned first a piece Whole Cake Island Arc in Chapter 858. During this chapter, it is revealed that Big Mom, who is trying to improve the relationship between everyone. a piece Race, trying to get his daughter Lola to marry Loki. However, Lola runs away to pursue her dream of becoming a pirate, leaving Loki heartbroken.

If Lola became Elbaf's princess, she could overcome her longstanding antagonism with the giants.

This moment is interesting for two reasons. First, Big Mom has a very uneasy relationship with veterans and a piece Elbaf Island. In his past, the former emperor had destroyed large parts of their city and insulted their traditions. Second, Loki is not the eldest son of a royal giant family. In fact, he is currently locked up in Elbaf's underworld, specifically restrained for murdering his father and stealing a Devil Fruit intended for Elbaf's future leader.

Loki might want an alliance

Big Mom Pirates Plus Giants

The Big Mom Pirates celebrate the arranged marriage between Sanji and Pudding.

Looking at the characters in general, it seems that the two are completely incompatible in many ways. While the new a piece While the character, Loki, seems quite evil and wild, Lola is a very kind person and a free spirit. Additionally, Loki and Lola's marriage proposal must have happened shortly before she was shut down, about 6 years before Elbaf, otherwise the event would not have improved the Big Mother Pirate's relationship with the giants.

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There is a chance that Loki a piece Not just Lola's hand in the land of the giants wedding. In fact, by allying himself with the Big Mother Pirates, the giant could have easily taken over Elbaf's kingdom instead of letting Shanks claim the territory for himself. This would make it much easier to rise to the position as king, and allow him to take the mysterious stolen Devil's Fruit without being imprisoned.

Loki was actually in love with Lola

A happy ending?

Loki and Luffy One Piece 1132

However, it seems that Elbaf Loki's prince was actually in love with Lola and was completely heartbroken by her rejection. Loki, after being rejected by Lola, actually proposed to Chiffon, Lola's twin sister. The prince rejected the offer, squashing any hope that the Vashal Kingdom and Big Mother Pirates would unite. If Loki only wanted to use his strength to marry Big Mother pirates, he wouldn't be so selective.

You want to make a deal, Luffy?

If Lola married Loki, she might have chosen a completely different path in life, choosing family over the chance to take the kingdom of Elbaf. Perhaps, instead of grabbing the family Devil Fruit, Loki would have been more appreciative of his station in life. Perhaps, with the power of the Big Mother Pirates behind him, he felt too fulfilled in his ambitions, rather than feeling the need to become more powerful.

As of now, it's impossible to say just where a piece The Elbaf arc is going to go into the future. Loki's motives, personality, and powers all remain a mystery, fueling much speculation. a piece Community. However, one thing is almost certain about his personality. Loki seemed to have a genuine love for Lola who was shattered after rejecting her. If Lola and Loki were married, Elbaf would have been a very different, and arguably better arc.


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